Friday, December 31, 2021

[Leather] Goddesses Update

Less leather, more female deity!

mistress belladonna knight
Mistress Belladonna Knight (image: black

On the third day of Christmas (to be invented shortly) women start returning their unwanted gifts while men wait for the battery packs of their newly acquired power tools to be fully charged.

Quite a few readers were upset by the suggestive click-bait that was my article on the Leather Goddesses of Phobos on Christmas Eve. Don't blame me, blame the 1980s. Or if you think those days were cool, blame the alphabet. Just remember: it wasn't me. As for the person who asked me where Phobos is, seriously? Read the fine print and get your priorities straight.

Wednesday, December 29, 2021

The Most Rev Desmond Tutu

Yes OWK, rainbows are all about happiness. Learn from the best. 

Archbishop Emeritus Desmond Tutu of South Africa passes away on Boxing Day.


Driving home from Christmas, I'm thinking of Dad. He's getting real old and his health is failing. He has not much time left. Next year we probably celebrate Christmas without him. Makes me sad. I've learned so much from him. How love is about what you do, not what you say the importance of keeping your promises and standing up for what you think is right, just to name a few.

Friday, December 24, 2021

Leather Goddesses of Phobos

Teenage boys and their feeble minds 

Any relationship to Yapoo's Empire of One Thousand Suns is purely coincidental. [Or so they want us to believe.] 

Where's all that leather that you promised me Doc.?

OK, Christmas Eve. I've kept you waiting long enough. And no, you cannot fold a leather goddess under your Christmas tree. That's blasphemy squared. So what am I talking about?

In 1986 Infocom released a computer game called Leather Goddesses of Phobos. Sex sells, leather too and goddesses even more. Trust me on that last one. Wonderful Goddesses are the best! Happy Christmas! So what's the game about?

'The year is 1936, and suddenly the protagonist is abducted by the Leather Goddesses for the final testing in the plan which will enslave every man and woman on earth. These Leather Goddesses of Phobos are just finishing up their plans for the invasion of Earth. If the hero fails to escape and save humanity, the Leather Goddesses will turn the Earth into their pleasure dome.'

Clearly it cannot be Christmas everyday but why did that not happen? Bummer. Despite that Leather Goddesses of Phobos is hot, hot hot. Hot I say. How hot? Just look at the screen print below. 

Don't be disappointed. Remember how hot literacy was in the 1980s?

It's a bit like the Doctor (Who?) boasting how a library full of books is the best weapon in the world. Whatever Doc, where are my Leather Goddesses Overlords? The alphabet is not sexy, useful but overrated at best. I'd love to say happy christmas everybody but I'm still waiting to be enslaved by them Wonderful Goddesses aka Martian Creatures. [11] 

Again: where's the leather?

Disappointed? Don't be. Read my [Leather] Goddesses New Years Eve update.


[1] Speaking of the Doctor. Thanks to the first female Timelord [2] ever, I finally figured out the true meaning of the Tardis. As usual: more on that later. I just had to do that. And no, the Tardis is still not being made by Ikea.

[2] As seen on TV, Technically Doctor Ruth comes before Jody - Wacko Timetrash - Whittaker.

[11] Those Wonderful Goddesses are not Martian Creatures to be exact, you say? Because Phobos is a moon orbiting the red planet. Do I look like a rocket scientist? Who cares. Don't you have anything better to do, liking harassing the Grinch with all that mumbo jumbo?

Thursday, December 23, 2021

And What Is Your Biggest Kink Regret?

A dream forever out of reach. 

What man in his right mind can resist these two smiling dommes? 

After hearing the gospel of 'things can only get better', this Sunday, in an attempt to head off the fifth wave, [1] the Netherlands went into full lock down again. Just like last year, shortly before Christmas. Clearly somebody hates Christmas more than I do, which I don't, it's the Grinch whom I despise from the bottom of my heart.

Apart from getting sick or dying, Covid-19 has wreaked havoc on almost anything and anyone these past two years. Over here in Holland, the government closed down primary schools to force parents to work from home. UNICEF wasn't happy - nor were the parents - but what can they do? Secondary schools also closed down and many students haven't been in a class room for over a year. Sports clubs have gone under, same with choirs and other clubs. The elderly have have literally died from loneliness. Everybody you ask rattles of more victims of Covid-19 without hesitation and every time you're surprised just how wide and deep the impact is. The only 'winners' so to speak seem to be supermarkets. People are literally stuffing themselves.

At least staying at home allows me some more time for other stuff, like online surfing. The other day I read an interesting question. What is your biggest regret when it comes to kink? Most people wrote about the missed opportunity of never being able to visit the OWK, but why would you wanna go to a sub-par place where everybody - including visiting dommes - has to submit to one woman's [2] limited view on what femdom is and is not?

Others wrote about not being more adventurous but that's a double edged sword, kinky risks can easily translate into real world danger. Basically I don't do regrets but if I did, I'd limit myself to a shorter time period, say, like for instance the past year. Don't know why Berlin's Studio Avalon closed down earlier this year but not visiting there is probably my biggest regret for 2021. [3] The place always had this magical vibe, but what really drew me is the domina team. It always felt rather unique. Still curious about all of them. A couple of names stand out, like two true leather goddesses [more on the Leather Goddesses of Phobos tomorrow, finally] Herrin Mercedes and Lady Pascal in today's mast head image. Clearly I'm not nearly as masochistic as I should be because it brings me no joy never to be able to experience what I desire. And you? What's your regret?


[1] And no, once we reach the inevitable 11th wave I won't celebrate. D'oh. Covid-19 doesn't make me smile, 11 does.

[2] Or the men and women behind queen Patricia who came up with the money.

[3] My biggest regret for 2020 is not winning the lottery. As usual, I forgot to buy tickets but otherwise I would have applied for a month-long session at Avalon. If only.

Saturday, December 18, 2021

How To Make It on OnlyFans

'A horny stranger threatening to lick someone’s underarms, but it might be one of the most charming TV moments of 2021'

Alex Sim-Wise preparing a foot fetish shoot.

Remember OnlyFans? Of course you do. It's the content platform that tried to ban porn, which is about 90 percent of its output, earlier this year only to reverse itself a couple of days later. Initially it blamed payment processors but an Axios article suggests porn made it impossible for Only Fans to attract outside investors who are wary of reputation risk or are sometimes outright banned from investing in adult entertainment. Of course with only 10 percent of your business left, there is little that will excite investors.

Even more fascinating than it's financial angle is OnlyFans' content. In a review for The Guardian Joel Golby hits exactly the right note by alternating between being non-judgemental and surpise of what kind of fetishes sell on Only Fans. The best thing however about the documentary is that it show adult content creators as ordinary folks going through their lives. We're all human after all. (Hey, it's almost Christmas.) 


[1] The Watcher review: How to Make It on OnlyFans: the foot porn scene alone is Bafta-worthy 

[2] How to Make It on OnlyFans is on UK's Channel 4.

Thursday, December 02, 2021

'Bought & Sold'

Sexual Slavery in Today's Europe

'Bought & Sold' (image The Guardian)

Ghislaine Maxwell is currently standing trial for sex trafficking. Jeffrey Epstein committed suicide in order not to. December 02 is the International Day for the Abolition of Slavery. This year I want to discuss a story from 2015 about a British girl on holiday in Greece. As a 14-year-old, Megan Stephens fell in love. But her boyfriend turned out to be a pimp who trafficked her for six years.

Friday, November 26, 2021

Last Minute Black Friday Gift Suggestion

No Comment

[You can quote me on that]

Mike Watson: 75 sizzling hot, PRACTICAL and WORKABLE FEMDOM Compilation (Vol #1 - Vol #3): Attract femdom to you like MOTHS to a flame with the help of these tips ... (Paperback)


Wednesday, November 24, 2021

Piss-Poor Judgment

Singer Sophia Urista showers fan with love

[As in pees on him during concert]

'The show must go on.'

At first I found it hard to believe the event actually happened when I read about it on mistress Scarlett's blog. During a concert earlier this month in Florida Sophia Urista, frontwoman for cover band Brass Against needed to use the bathroom. Claiming she couldn't make it to the bathroom, she decided to make a show out of it instead. A male fan was 'dragged' onto the stage and she peed all over him, live in front of the audience.

Sunday, November 21, 2021

Let Love Rule

Take it from the devil you know

Equality is the only way. And not because nobody wants to be the better half in a loving relationship.

Lesley-Ann Brandt as the demon Mazikeen in the TV show Lucifer

Everybody says they understand, but who really does? Time for some more telly. Ask me why I write about Doctor Who and I'll say it's a highly eductional show. Otherwise no comment. [1] My readers confess en masse they never grasped the true power of television untill they started reading this blog. Best relationship tool ever. TV that is. Like we say in Dutch: look further than your nose long is, AKA think! 

Friday, November 19, 2021

Finally Getting To Know Mistress T

It's a start

Please pay attention to mistress T's seriously fluffy (and very silly) bunny slippers.

Heard a lot about mistress T. Some good, some bad. Happens when you're famous and successful. For while I've been wanting to write about mistress T. The star of many fetish videos, mostly her own productions, but also guest appearances on sites like The English Mansion, has a large and loyal following, if such a thing exists. I'm not one of them [1] One day I stumbled upon her blog. Probably not my cup of tea - age has nothing to do with it - but something has changed after reading her website. Now I think 'wow, she's kinda interesting.'

Wednesday, November 17, 2021

Working Nine To Five

Are dommes made or born?

hand-powered powerful tools

Still on slave hiatus after my birthday bash. Oh my, how I hate power tools - more exactly people who don't know how to use them properly. How can it be that mistress had more fun on my birthday than I? Not fair!

Confined to desk work for some days to come, I'm day dreaming. When I saw this image it made me wonder: are dommes made or born. Yes I know the whole nature versus nurture debate is boring stuff but still.

Not exactly sure what's going on in this image. Other options are that this is a picture taken during the Second World War, where women were allowed to join the war effort by working in the factories. That doesn't quit explain why she is inspecting cricket bats. Pretty useless tools to win a war. Besides, you can win the (cricket) game but loose the war. Or perhaps the lady won a prize contest. First prize a life time supply of multi-purpose wooden implements. Doesn't make much sense either.  I can't make sense of it, if you can let me know.

The image stands out because of her body language but even more so her eyes. If only I had paid more attention to my Love's happy eyes when she smiled and told me she was getting me power tools indeed for my birthday I'd still be able to walk and not have to wonder about the true intentions of the girl in the picture. 

Isn't it romantic?

Monday, November 15, 2021

Doctor Who: Discussions on Natural Dominance

The dominant Doctor is back. Today is for die-hard fans only. Sorry. 

Don't be fooled, you can learn a lot by watching television.

Post birthday bash I'm still sore. From now on I have a love/hate relationship with powertools. At least that gives me time to write. You'll have to wait for that post on the Ikea dungeon because last night I watched Doctor Who and learned something important. No, not that the Tardis is actually made by Ikea, it isn't. Nor is there any relation between Ikea bleu and Tardis blue.

Thursday, November 11, 2021

Power Tools: The Birthday Gift That Keeps On Giving

Be careful what you wish for...

Just like last year and the years before, today, November 11, is my birthday. Yes, your favourite DIY slave is celebrating he's getting older. A while back my Love and mistress asked me what I wanted for my birthday. With Covid-19 getting in the way of doing some serious travel I asked for power tools. OK, and peace on earth but frankly who needs that when you have so many awesome power tools?

Thursday, November 04, 2021

It's Hard Being a Gimp

Not being a native English speaker made me look up the word gimp. To my surprise it's from the 1994 Quentin Tarantino movie 'Pulp Fiction'. Gimp is a mute character dressed head to toe in a leather bondage suit. He's probably a hitchhiker or something who has been locked up in somebody's basement for several years. There is a lot in the movie that doesn't make sense. The 'get the gimp' scene could've easily been omitted. It's not relevant in any way.

These days everybody knows what a gimp is. Still I was surprised to see it as the topic of a 30 second film on the theme of vertigo. It's hilarious and reminded me of a post by pro-domme Miss Margot about when the wife came home early. 'I had the guy tied to his bed and I’d just attached two long zippers of clothespins to his chest, when I heard the very distinctive sound of a deadbolt pulling back from a lock. I froze and my ears perked up.'

No time to get the toys out of sight but at least Miss Margot was able to hide under the bed, which is infinitely better than standing on a ridge in full bondage gear. Just watch. 

Sunday, October 24, 2021


On Reddit somebody asked what do you like best about BDSM. Cool question if you ignore the fact that femdom is part of me, so let's park the answer for some other time. Despite the fact that I was born this way - and knew from an early age I was - Dutch didn't grow up to be the ultimate slave. Rather the opposite, the qualities that make me fun to be with in vanilla life, such as being a little rebellious and an assertive personality, are not things you brag about once you cross over to the Dark Side. Being impatient isn't the best quality a slave can have either.

Lucky for me then all those bad slave habits work very well for me during day time. Make no mistake, I love my kink, I need it. But sometimes it's hard. Kink works best when you play with someone compatible. For me that usually means a woman who approaches my inner rebel with the light touch. And yes the light touch only relates to my inner rebel.

Not being deeply submissive by nature can make it an overwhelming experience when it does happen. Imagine yourself sitting at your mistress feet experiencing a sudden rush of joy when you realise where you are: looking up to her, grateful to be loved by her and to be her slave. It doesn't happen often - or at least not nearly often enough - but when it does, it's beautiful. Gratitude is the most glorious gift your Love and mistress can give you.

There are other images to illustrate how I feel, but none more so than this. Femdom can be a thing of beauty.

Thursday, October 21, 2021

'Not Dressing Men'

Of course not. Why would you?

Objectify us instead! And if we ask nicely? Please, please?

Gorgeous woman, lucky object.

Suitsupply is a mid-end men's tailoring brand. They sell a lot of suits to students and young men entering the work force. Their success is based on a single strategy: objectification of women. Happens all the time, it's just that Suitsupply is doing it rather successfully. Four years ago the company decides to branch out into business suits for women. Blogger Ciara Hall has a very good explanation of how the average fashion campaign works.

Monday, October 18, 2021

Things Femdom Doesn't Teach You About Doctors

A real world tale about your favourite handyman-slave.

'Doctor, you have a dangerous smile I find hard to resist. But why that big needle?'

Everybody knows Dutch is the best handyman there is. Mostly when no-one else is around. Nobody was. The bloody trail from the guest room to the kitchen sink is living proof. Don't worry, I didn't die. Instead I called an old friend, who is a doctor and lives five, six, seven time zone's ahead of me. After waking her up, she says: "go see your GP and let me go back to sleep."

Friday, October 15, 2021

Theresa Berkley Had A Horse

And a whip, but no actual horses were hurt yielding it [rather ferociously].

Flagellation. An 18th Century engraving presented to the Royal Society in hopes they could explain the appeal. (image: Dirty Sexy History)

Writing about Downsizing the Femdom Show turns out to be my entrance to Alice in Wonderland. 'How about guests appreciating your bold choice of having two, not just one, Berkley horses in your dining room?' And down the rabbit hole we go.

It happened long before the arrival of mobile phones and the internet. Don't remember which book it was, but in one of them the wife finds her business card in his wallet. His narrow escape? It says she breeds horses. Perhaps it was the Happy Hooker, a well-know New York madam in the 1960's and 1970's who went on Dutch television some years ago accompanied by her slave girl of whom the interviewer - rather surprisingly - accepted that 'she' didn't speak. Horses, Berkley Horse, tongue in cheek? To me that sounds just like her.

Sunday, August 29, 2021

Femdom Fashion Crime - Ultimate Edition

Absolutely disgusting 

This image is so offensive I had to pixilate parts of it.

No animals were hurt conducting this crime, nor does it include leather. Doesn't mean it's not bad. On top of that, there is something else that worries me. Whose fault is it? Is it mistress', being the arbiter of all things or slaveboy for bringing shame on his mistress.

From one slave to another, the correct order to undress yourself in front of mistress is shoes, socks, upper body, lower body. [1] [2] Below a map of the do's and don'ts. It's that easy.

Smile? Check? Lifting him higher? Check. Quel horror below the waist. Never.


[1] Chastity devices not included, wherever applicable.

[2] No OWK, wrong again. Put a sock in it. To worship women means all women.

[3] Please forgive me for not spending more time to find a better [more horrible] illustration today. 

Tuesday, August 24, 2021

Downsizing The Femdom Show

Forever forced to skinny-dip, denied the jump in the pool.

Lady Britt in full swing, her lovely hands guiding the lucky slave towards him claiming the inevitable spoils of his 'reward'. After his first reward that is.

Everybody remembers the summer of 2020. Me, because of what I didn't write about The Truman Show, a 1998 movie about a man whose life is secretly tracked on camera. Truman lives in a bubble but manages to escape in the end. But what if his character is both submissive and lives in a reality occupied by dominant women, one which he doesn't want to leave?

Last year Femdom Resource wrote a series on public play. Paltego concludes with some remarks about consent. It's good to read the comments to his various posts.

So what didn't I write? It's about my longing to submerge in a world where femdom is the natural order of things, rather than dipping one toe in the swimming pool, holding your breath.

Wouldn't it be nice for visitors to admire the collection of canes hanging from the living room wall? How about guests appreciating your bold choice of having two, not just one, Berkley horses in your dining room?

In my dreams I always buy two adjacent houses, connected by an underground tunnel. Both are decorated the same, except for one thing. Yes, the Dark Side's cupboard has only half the number of dinner plates. Luckily that's being offset by an equal number of dog bowls. And that's just the beginning

Monday, August 23, 2021

Consent Is Never Annoying

Consent is a moment in time, one that is fleeting at best. Saying no is forever. [3] 

Consensual non-consensual is real because we choose so. Non-consensual never is. Nor is it a choice.

Powerful image from the Burning Man festival: two grown-ups with their backs to each other, while their inner child connect. Sadly, today is about the opposite.

Welcome to Dutch' average Saturday morning, reading the papers. War to the left. Election fraud to the right. Stuff happening in Timbuktu staring right back at you. When is it not? Something going on at the Hogwarts School of Magic. Different realm. Next up a story about our kids doomed before they reach the age of 11. Finally there's the latest invention to save mankind. Why would we? Don't ask. And yes, it's going to be expensive, courtesy of grateful tax-payers. And no that's not the sort of non-consensual consensual I'm writing about. Whatever the news, I no longer care.

Sunday, August 22, 2021

The Price You Pay For Femdom

They're saving up for their very own Berkely horse [read on] Meanwhile this is just as effective.

In the end, slaves are no different from vanilla guys. We all love women. All women. All the time. It's just the details that vary. The other day I spoke to my 80+ neighbour. Dad always pushed her and her little sis, two years her junior, to explore the world. I strongly believe it's something all dads should do. Back than it was pretty special.

Dutch is an average guy. Apart from monster trucks and fire engines there's not much to talk about with other men. Except for football [soccer] of course. But that's basically it. Somehow my conversations with women hardly ever include car mechanics or foul play.

There was this one time I met a lovely women who was an engineer. Together we discussed the science of skyscrapers. Almost that is. She explained a couple of supercool things about their design challenges, the ones they never talk about on Discovery Channel. Like the fact that very tall buildings have several empty floors to counterbalance forceful winds. After which we moved the discussion to the bedroom. Let's be honest, not everything in life is about femdom or skyscrapers. [1]

I kind of miss her. Not because she's the ideal women to design the perfect dungeon but because she is a lot of fun, smart and curious about a lot of things. And yes, happy memories. It's the price one pays for kink. You can ring up an old girlfriend to ask her for advice on refitting your roof with solar panels. Asking her to calculate the approximate pressure under which a Berkley horse breaks under the combined pressure of whips and screams of a bound and gagged slave? Not exactly. Guess we didn't get to know each other that well.


[1] If femdom is a derivate of love and lust, what do sky scrapers stand for. Definitely not women against chastity, although my engineering friend would certainly oppose it. 'What a waste of good, clean fun for two' I can almost hear her say. You can trust her, she's not only an engineer but also a lot of fun. [2]

[2] As I'm writing this, I think of her and smile.

[3] The only mistress that I know of who is also an engineer is Ella Kross, And no, we've never met.

Friday, August 20, 2021

Only Fans: Are 'Our' Banks the New Taliban?

Religious-financial complex strikes again

Platform to ban porn under pressure from payment processors.

Theocracy is the best? You could've fooled me.

So the Taliban are horrible monsters? Yes. Let's assume for a moment they're deeply religious instead of deeply flawed. Would that change the outcome of how women are being treated in Afghanistan? No. Born and raised in the Christian tradition, Dutch has seen the many ways the Bible has been 'interpreted' to suit the needs of those who interpret the holy book. Why would it be any different for the Qu'ran? Even if the Taliban were as pious as they pretend to be, women would still be banned from Afghan society.

Wednesday, August 18, 2021

Modern Day Slavery Makes a Comeback In Afghanistan

Horriffic but no surprises 

Apparently bombing your enemy back to the Stone Age does exactly that. Mission accomplished. Who would've guessed?

"It was one of those great moments in history that never actually happened: According to one legend, Enrico Caruso was in San Francisco during the earthquake of 1906, staying at the Palace Hotel. As people panicked and chaos ensued in the aftermath, the great tenor appeared — some said on the balcony of his hotel room, which didn’t exist — and sang an aria to calm the masses." 

“ When people show you who they are, believe them the first time”
- Maya Angelou
Never believe the hype. 115 Years later, other side of the globe. No singer, song or whatever that can calm the women of Afghanistan who are about to face the horrors of tomorrow. Make no mistake, the Taliban does not believe in God. Anyone who has ever joined them for that purpose, long left. They're pure evil.

Sunday, August 08, 2021

Femdom Is Dangerous

Bliss instead, anyone?

'She smiled and I knew I was in trouble'

Nothing crueler than a slave being denied her happiness.

It's a crazy world, isn't it? Hard to believe but there are women who think the average male prefers sex above talking about 'the relationship', which is true for me. Don't laugh guys, most of us believe, the only thing a woman needs in this world is a high resolution image of your private parts. Sorry, reading that insane post on No Fap (try chastity!) about evil femdommes that only care about men's penises - the more the better? - left me reeling.

It's hard to explain the attraction of boobies [2] (even more that of women [1] in general). What I usually say is this: 'there's this awesome shoe store to the left and an ugly baby to the right, where do you go? The answer of course is Mr. Six Pack. He comes out of nowhere, takes the baby into his arms, makes some soothing sounds and 'it' [f/m] stops crying.

If you really believe 'femdommes' are driven solely by the conquest of male penises, you're insane. And no, you're not making a point by pointing out that those male device are not very useful when it comes to making babies. Grow up! Not everything in life is about babies.

On the other hand, I get the attraction but like they say, if you want to walk on the wild side, try falling in love. If you've never been there, it's best described as can't live without the whole package. I'm wasting time here. Today's theme is evil femdommes hunting for your [big, big] carrot and how to cure you from happiness and who you are. I always thought an image is 1100 words, but it's not. They only substitute a measly 1.000. It makes my job of explaining why femdom is so dangerous that you best stay far away from it, even harder. How 'bout 11 images to show you the true horrors of femdom instead? Femdom is a bloodsport, it hurts like hell and next time it'll be worse. You probably know that already, so I'll let you in on a little secret. The worst part about femdom are the women. Not because they are women, never, of course not, they are what makes suffering worthwhile. It's because they're happy when you scream. Nothing is more dangerous than a dominant woman smiling,

In order to help those who are struggling with their femdom addiction, below are 11 horrible images of happy women, smiling as their canes, paddles rain down and other goodies make men miserable. Who would've thought, femdom porn to cure femdom addiction? It really is a crazy world, isn't it? Better fasten your seatbelts, here we go. Let's find a cure.

'Before we begin...'
Double trouble - and it's worth it.
Some guys have all the luck.
Lin Lee in action.
A very happy Hunteress. Why not?
Not her first rodeo.
Miss Suzanna Maxwell showing of.
German sadist Sara - die Sadistin - Stahl is loving it.
A casual affair
Go girl! [His fault for wearing yellow without asking.]

And? Did it work?

Seriously, if you struggle with your feelings about femdom don't read 'the origin of femdom' on No Fap, it's baloney. Go to a local support group of seek out professional help. Whatever you do, don't self-medicate by reading silly stuf. 


[1] On the other hand, what's there to explain about heaven?

 [2] Best excuse for looking at her breasts? "I worship women and boobies are part of my worship ritual. Don't blame me, I [insert your male name her] feel humbled and blessed in accepting this gift, she, Gaia, the Wise Goddess, has bestowed upon all men. [3] [5]

[3] If you really gonna try this at home, don't.[4]

[4] Ouch, you say? You should've run for cover sooner. Next time, try honesty, for instance that you like it a little wilder. 

[5] Men, mankind, English is such a difficult language. And because all slaves are stupid, especially Dutch who doesn't speak English, you cannot blame us for whatever Neil Armstrong, commander of Apollo 11 [11] haha, did or did not say.

[11] [5] has nothing to do with my love of Doctor Who.

Friday, August 06, 2021

No Fap Fool Believes Femdommes Are After Men's Private Parts

Welcome to the Hotel California

Relax Mr. Fapstronaut, it's just a pretty girl with a cane.

Let's say I believe that femdom is dangerous, what's next. Certainly not getting a new grip on life by studying the No Fap website. Don't worry, today's not the day for jokes about chastity devices, even though they may be the answer for some.

In 'the origin of female domination​' Zenaf, a fapstronaut, whatever that is, shares some devious thoughts with his audience ' as it may help you to break the delusion.'

It's opening salvo is nothing short of impressive: 'There are many reasons why men can be drawn to dominant women, but the underlying force is the same: It's a drive to return to mother nature, to the Uroboros, back to the womb, back when the burden of responsibility didn't exist yet and we were in tune with nature.'

If you're serious about responsibility, the first rule of fight club is that you don't write garbage like that. Alas, the written diarhea continues. 'To understand Femdom you need to understand the archetype of the Devouring Mother.'

Sadly, according to the author, 'archetypes are a bit too complex to explain in full detail' so basically you have to trust him when he says: 'ou can see it as a pattern of behavior that is constantly being embodied by people cross-culturally since the beginning of time.' Whatever. The writer continues by explaining how both sexes having two archetypes, one positive and one negative. Yin and Yang I say. The opposite of the benevolent Mum is the devouring mother and they are to blame for all things femdommy.

It's tough to condens all that nonsense into it's bare essence but it goes something like this: in Biblical times men were lazy. That was long ago. They were forced to act that way because it made them dependent on the women in the centuries before what we now call the Common Era. All of that was dreamt up by Gaia. Yes, Mother Earth is both a conscious living being and a woman. 'The role of the masculine at this stage was merely the role of fruit.' Not in real life of course, but according to some lunatic who escaped from the asylum in order to teach psychology for idiots at OWK university. Our rollercoaster ride continues:

'They were the seed that grow and live to serve the great mother only to be sacrificed to her as soon as they're ripe. Hence the name the devouring mother.' Another pressure point reveals itself later in the same paragraph. 'In many cultures they worshiped female deities first.' Excellent choice, but who am I. Even though mistress says I'm never wrong. Remember: she's always right.

I cannot quote everything but the remainder goes something like this: the sun and the moon seperate. Musculine males wrestles themselves from the influence of Mother Nature and everything turns to hell. Harmony is lost and with our planet in dire need of dragon slayers, masculine males respond to the call to arms. Of course in their crusader world, dragon is short for devouring mother. Next, the self-appointed hero frees the virgin (the benevolent feminine). The End.

Not quite. In 2021 devouring mothers are still among us. 'The professional representation of the devouring mother so to speak, is the modern day dominatrix.' And that's why you shouldn't take hydroxychloroquine as cure for Covid. Or any other illness for that matter. 'You can tell by the language and the intent that they use to get you to do one thing and one thing only: Give up your sense of self and return the leadership to her. In other words, become a fruit again.'

Hmm, becoming her slave and accepting everything that flows from it, doesn't mean I erase myself. Surrendering to who I am feels more like lifting me higher. It brings me joy, fulfillment and makes me happy. Perhaps hard to understand for the outside world, but it does. Why else would I crawl, suffer and beg? And when it feels like the sun is about to set, I'm free to leave anytime. It's a little thing called 'voluntarily'. It's also the one and only thing she'll ever demand of me. To never ever give up the freedom to forsake the freedom to walk away.

Coach Crap continues his argument. 'I've watched many femdom hypnosis videos (why else would I write this thread :p)' Perhaps because you just escaped Arkham Asylum? That would be my bet. No offence, which, honestly, I think is impossible at this point.

'When you go further into the femdom "training" and you pay attention to it, you can clearly recognize their emphasis on your cock!'

Ok, don't tell this to anyone, my other dommes might get jealous but I have exactly 1111 mistresses I serve. It's a hard life, not by choice but by destiny. I send pics of my private parts out all the time and it's like honey to the femdom bees. Didn't expect that. The only reason I don't surrender to  11.11.11 mistresses at the same time is that my internet connection is a bit slow. Huge. Uploads and so on. Being the perfect slave, how can I deprive any woman of the joy of seeing my private parts in ultra-hyper mega-super full HD. Let's be honest, sending out images of my gorgeous carrot that are smaller than 11Gb is exceptionally cruel to the ladies. I live to serve. Wouldn't dream of it.

Finally the insane author gets to the hardcore part, the truth in his eyes. 'Because that's all you are to them. A cock. A fruit. Your personality is meaningless. Your will is meaningless. You're here to serve and here to die for her.'

Even I need a couple of minutes to proces. And the answer? Don't. This guy loves bondage as much as I do. The difference between us is that for me it's fun and he needs it to keep him safe from harm. Himself and others. Same thing with gags. I need them not to shoot my mouth of, he needs a silencer to make the world a better place.

It's incels all over. No man, by the time he is 18 or 21, is still involuntarily a virgin unless he's never learned how to use a toothbrush or the benefits of soap if you want to talk to an actual girl.

On a final note: whatever you do, don't read the comments. Why? Because of things like this: 'a man that completes all developmental stages from childhood to adulthood will not feel attraction towards femdom.'

OK, you got me. But only because I feel like a kid in a candy story ever since I found out there are women who love femdom just as much as I do. Even cooler, you cannot tell by looking at them. It's heaven on earth. 

Seriously, if you struggle with your feelings about femdom don't read 'the origin of femdom' on No Fap, it's baloney. Go to a local support group of seek out professional help. Whatever you do, don't self-medicate by reading silly stuf.  


[1] Dear Mr. Fapstronaut, I've written before about fruit and femdom, see my post on Forbidden Fruits and the one about the Food Dominatrix. In case you're afraid of triggers, don't look at this image. I also explain why men surrender. But just between you and me Mr. No Fap, you know what makes women -vanilla or Dark Side - really dangerous? Personal Gravity. Don't say I didn't warn you.

Thursday, August 05, 2021

Femdom Is Evil Says No Fap

Read on if you want to learn why Dutch is not fit to be an agony aunt.

Pure bliss: real people, real femdom, deep smiles and superb happiness, how can that be wrong? (Don't look at her boobies for the answer.)

Forget everything I ever wrote, especially yesterday's post about cruel canes that care. I'm such a fool. Femdom is not beautiful. It has nothing to do with women, love or sex. It's worse than not going to church. And the only thing worse than that is going to the wrong church.

I'm so glad I stumbled upon No Fap [NoFap®], a comprehensive community-based porn recovery website that offers tools to connect with a supportive community of individuals determined to quit porn use and free themselves from compulsive sexual behaviors. Don't believe the hype.

A life spent serving the woman you love is a life well spent.
- Dutch

Ahum, the day I entered puberty, looking at the girl in class that morning, I knew I was in heaven - sorry, I mean destined to live a life full of compulsive sexual behaviour. Because that's what sex is. Boy likes girl, girl likes boy, they hold hands and 60 years later they still laugh about that awkward first kiss. All the kinky stuff that happened in between only made them happier and more connected. They're both in wheelchairs now and with Covid on the rise again, their great grandkids have to wait to take them out for a stroll until the young ones have had their shots too.

As the nurse wheels him to the bathroom, he says:

'Don't go anywhere my Love and mistress, I'll be right back.'

'I'll be waiting'

The couple bursts into laughter. Not because neither of them has the strength left to move their wheel chair but because of the memories of the past. Without that compulsive sexual behavior, there wouldn't been any kids, grandchildren or great grandchildren. The young nurse smiles. She knows and loves the naughty couple as she calls them. Herself a bit of a consensual sadist, she helps grandpa so gently, he once asked whether she's truly an angel. She wouldn't dream of causing him any discomfort. Not the same experience her slave has. Oh, the stories I can tell about nurses.

Seriously, if you struggle with your feelings about femdom don't read 'the origin of femdom' on No Fap, it's baloney. Go to a local support group of seek out professional help. Whatever you do, don't self-medicate by reading silly stuf.

Wednesday, August 04, 2021

Cruel Canes that Care

How Women Really Enslave Men. It's kindness, don't tell anyone 

Caned by six dommes (image: lady Valeska)

The essence of femdom is not slavery. Or BDSM. It's women. I was reminded of that the other day doing 'research' for an article. One of those illegal video websites - which once again I only visit solely for research purposes - had this awesome video of six dommes in a caning competition, organised by lady Valeska. Four slaves are lined up and the game is called last man standing.

Mistress is loving it. (image lady Valeska)

The ladies have so much fun, it's a joy to watch - even for research purposes. From the approving nods if a slave is twitching when the cane hits him hard to the little excited noises when the slaves start to tremble. One by one the boys drop like flies and the game heats up. The ladies can hardly wait to get their turn. Finally it's down to the last two slaves. Six dommes, two slaves means there's hardly a moment to recover for the poor lads. Now the women get really excited and then suddenly: game over. One of the slaves can't take it anymore and is about to drop to his knees. The two dommes closest to him, rush over for support. I didn't see that coming and it once again showed me the beauty of femdom. Cruel, sadistic and dominant, yes. But also caring and the ability to change gears instantly. Sadists with a heart but also very feminine. No man can resist, so why isn't everybody into femdom?

As for the clip, it's gone from the tubes. I couldn't find 'Whipping Target Practice' on C4S or IWC. Feel free to send me the link to one of the stores and I'll update this post.


As for the slave that lost, in the end he's the real winner, not the last guy standing, how cruel is that?

Tuesday, August 03, 2021

Alpha Female

Dominant females are everywhere! 

She's the boss now.

The macaque monkeys at a nature reserve on the Japanese island of Kyushu have a new leader. The previous one just got ousted. It happens all the time, kind of a macaque thing. Alpha male Sanchu has been leader of ‘troop B’ for five years.

Yakei's ascent to power started when she beat up her own mother [3] in order to become the alpha female. Two months later she challenged and roughed up 31-year old Sanchu and now the nine-year old female macaque is the boss.

And what's the grand prize for being the boss lady? Walking around with her tail up [2]. First in line for free peanuts (humans can read pinot noir instead) and "climbing trees and shaking them, which is an expression of power and a very rare behaviour in females." Sounds a lot better than having a man worshipping you by sucking your toes. 

Read the full article in The Guardian


[1] sounds very Japanese, 'troop B', don't you agree?

[2] Try walking with your tail up as a male. Or a slave. No further comment.

[3] Probably not the kind of succession planning queen Patricia had in mind when she dreamt of handing the keys to the OWK's castle to her daughter.

Saturday, July 31, 2021

Free Catheter As a Thank-You?

promise to be cruel Please? 

Independent advice is either very expensive or completely free. Nothing in between.

Gorgeous eyes. Dr. Mia, urologist, an associate of Nurse Gypsy & Friends.

The other day I was helping a friend, sorting out her finances. She wants to buy a house. Guess I did a good job. As I was heading out door, she rather unexpectedly, offered me a free catheter. Odd choice of words and I immediately felt the need to cross my legs. Mostly invisible. Took me a few seconds to bounce back, before I could usher the usual silly comments about her sweet offer. We both had a laugh. And no, I didn't tell her I'd love to try such a useless, invasive procedure, as long as she promised to enjoy it too. It includes her marveling at my pain, humiliation and everything else generally associated with men feeling miserable in the hands of capable, caring but oh so cruel nurses. She'll never know.

Thursday, July 29, 2021

Time Machine

Holland. Springtime. Time machine. Sort of. 

Today is not about Doctor Who. Or? Of course not sleepyhead. Don't you know the Doctor is never without a companion?

# relationship goals

One morning, a couple of weeks ago I wake up a few minutes before my alarm goes of. The daunting task of getting up and facing the weather, which looks more like late autumn makes me go for option B. Five more minutes.

Alone in the big bed, I gaze at 'her' pillow and suddenly realize how much I miss her. Not exactly a news flash, more like on of those moments of weakness where you allow crushing honesty to trample your soul. The noise outside tells me it's a cold May morning. Figures, a couple of days earlier the night temperature dipped below zero.

From The Archives

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  • So You're Saying I Just Cry and Boobies Appear? Sign me up! Anyone wants to know what happened in the prequel? …
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