About Me

"Half of what I say is meaningless,
but I say it so that the other half may reach you."

— Kahlil Gibran: Sand and Foam (1926)

The 11

11? Individual digits of a phenomenally important date, added up. I wrote a long post about it. You can skip the first half, where I poke fun of slave names. Then again, perhaps you shouldn't.

The Man

Of course I am Dutch. I am also male and no I don't have boyish looks or anything. I am a man. Think I have earned the right to be called a man by now. I love to travel, totally addicted to music. Everybody is, I know, but I have it worse. I enjoy DIY. Even though I hide it well, I am a part-time geek, who is also a voracious reader and although not an IT guy, loves tech.

What do women think of me: Who knows? Or perhaps the same thing men do.
What do men think of me: What does she see in him?

You really should ask others but good habits include being persistent, curious, independent, don't take things too seriously - unless I have to, lots of energy and above all kind to stuffed animals.

Bad habits: Restless, easily bored, find it difficult to relax, demanding, prone to overthink.

Guilty pleasure: isn't being into kink enough? OK, just one. I'm somewhat rebellious.

The Slave

As far as my kink goes, I am definitely not lifestyle, Fetlife calls it "bedroom only", but that isn't apt either. If the lifestyle is 100 percent kinky then I am at 40 percent. Happy childhood - no reason for my kink other than born this way. Late to the party, started exploring around 2010. Why? Not sure, best answer because life was always very good so I never got around to it.

The Blog

Dutch is intrigued by BDSM, the role reversal, enjoying stuff that shouldn't make sense. Part of my writing deals with that fascination. One time, reading about a slave, wondering whether he was allowed to leave his mistress, it made wonder about the difference between in-character versus out of character and the discrepancy between the star qualities some people claim to have and how they stack up in the real world.

This blog also contains a number of personal posts, some items discussing what's in the news. Finally, I also write occasionally about femdom stuff I enjoy or am interested in.

The Woman

What attracts me in women: kindness; compassion; give, not just take; intelligence (not to be confused with education); fun and honesty. But also somebody who impresses me in some way; a positive outlook on life and strength of character. And she has to be wild, preferably combined with a little wickedness.

What type of woman I'm attracted to? No clue whatsoever, but I can't resist women with a smile.

What attracts me in a mistress: the woman plus a little bit of compatibility in kink.



"There are no little events with the heart. It magnifies everything; it places in the same scales the fall of an empire of fourteen years and the dropping of a woman's glove, and almost always the glove weighs more than the empire."

— Honore de Balzac

Last update: February 2022.

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