Monday, November 15, 2021

Doctor Who: Discussions on Natural Dominance

The dominant Doctor is back. Today is for die-hard fans only. Sorry. 

Don't be fooled, you can learn a lot by watching television.

Post birthday bash I'm still sore. From now on I have a love/hate relationship with powertools. At least that gives me time to write. You'll have to wait for that post on the Ikea dungeon because last night I watched Doctor Who and learned something important. No, not that the Tardis is actually made by Ikea, it isn't. Nor is there any relation between Ikea bleu and Tardis blue.

For a while now I haven't written scathing posts about how she's a natural domme and he is a born looser slash submissive except in real life. It's a bit like a guy who says he treats women well because he wants to get laid.

Two weeks ago series 13 of Doctor Who premiered. It consists of six episodes, which are set to form a single story across the series. Most people refer to it as "Flux" [fodder]. Last night was chapter three and it was one big mess. Don't read on if you haven't seen it. 

Sontarians, Daleks, who cares, but when the Weeping Angels show up, now that's cool. And they're scary even without taking control of the Tardis. Most of the hour show runner Chris Chibnall gave us viewers some kind of greatest hits version of Doctor Who [AKA recycling concepts dreamt up by previous show runners]. It was incomprehensible garbage. Apart from the angels, there was one other highlight yesterday: the Doctor. No, not 13 but Doctor Ruth(less). Yes, the unnamed Doctor played by Jo Martin shows up once again. And, oh boy, did she make an impression. Just like the first time I saw her I thought 'now there's a proper Timelord.'  Jo Martin's appearance as the Fugitive Timelord makes look the performance of Jody Whittaker even more bleak. Sassy, strong, dominant, authoritative and with barely contained personal gravity, Jo Martin is 100 percent Doctor, an essential, pure and undilluted Timelord. Don't take my word, read the Guardian comment section for a more vanilla opinion. Meanwhile 13 looks more and more lost by the minute. And remember these are just two actors. Both should be able to present a strong and confident Timelord. Yet where the so-called star actress fails (and no, it's not the script) the woman who has about three lines in the whole of last night's episode crushes everyone. So if you want to learn about naturally dominant women, watch Doctor Who. *

* selected scenes from selected episodes only.

No comparison. Did you know the RGB colour code for Tardis blue is 0 59 111. Clearly not a coincidence.

And before I'm off to bed, just remember: there's a difference between a natural dominant woman and a woman who deserves your devotion.

That's it for today's inspirational message. Now to the not so fun part, me worrying where Chibnall (and Whittaker's) final season may lead us. Most likely a couple of annoying origin stories. Bel and Vinder [who lives on a spaceship named 'Rose'] may be the Doctor's parents. Come on, it's three episodes since they ditched 'the fam.' And what about them Weeping Angels eh? Who cares where they come from. If only Chibnall had blinked. By the way Russel T Davies is coming back as show runner and rumour has it he's about to introduce multiple doctors at the same time. As if there aren't enough metaverses out there already?

I'll leave you with a comment from yesterday's The Guardian that made me laugh out loud:

"Vinder is River and Bel is Clara. Claire is Sally who is the Doctor. River is the Tardis. Yaz is Susan but she's using a Chameleon arch so doesn't know it yet. Di is Jenny who has become Swarm. Missy is the Doctor but isn't Claire or Sally. Swarm's missus is Bad Wolf Rose turned evil by the Valeyard, who is Dan. Dan is not the Doctor though."

"Who’s Hong Kong Phooey?"

Anyway, with time imploding on itself our universe is doomed. When is it not? Still Jody Whittaker is clearly not up to the task to save us, who ya gonna call?? The Leather Goddesses of Phobos of course! More on that later.

No ma'am, you are the Doctor.
Clearly people on Twitter are happy.

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