Monday, April 27, 2020

Namio Harakuwa, Japanese Femdom Illustrator, Passes Away at Age 72-73

namio harakuwa; kitan club; mistress; slave; femdom; bdsm; 春川ナミオ
An early drawing from the 1960s or beginning of the 1970s by Namio Harakuwa for the magazine Kitan Club. (source: Kinbaku Today)

Mr. Harakuwa (春川ナミオ) was born in 1947, shortly after the end of the Second World War in Osaka. His artist name was made up combining the name of film actress Harukawa Masumi with an anagram of the name Naomi. A Fool's Love (痴人の愛) is a 1924-1925 novel by Japanese author Jun'ichirō Tanizaki (谷崎 潤一郎) with Naomi as its sadistic heroine. [1] [2]

Friday, April 24, 2020

OWK V - DNA Mismatch: Glorious but Doomed (Wronged, part III)

All hail[ed] the queen!

In the end, the OWK attracted only a few. Affluent men and women who share queen Patricia I harsh and often misandric vision of femdom. Dreaming big on the Dark Side won't keep the light on in Vanillastan once bills start piling up and the castle collapsing.

Mistress Denetra, black ultimatrix (image:

Continued from: OWK IV - Wrong Location (Too) (part II)

You and I, dear reader, are truly special. The two of us belong to an elite group that understands women are born to be worshiped. Sadly we are nothing but a drop in an indifferent ocean.

Some years ago I did a rough estimate of the number of people into BDSM by using the percentage of people that use Facebook and multiply that by how many subscribers Fetlife had at the time. It's tiny, closer to one percent of one percent (0.01%) than to one percent (1%). That was in 2013, back when Fetlife had zero entrance barriers and didn't try to steal your phone number.

Thursday, April 23, 2020

Latex as Art and Subversive Daywear

My journey into the world of latex continues with something less formal and even more fun. Part one: here.

Nurse Noah will see you now. (image: paper magazine)

As the world's 11th most rebellious slave it's my solemn duty to show the world the benefits of latex. It's the kind of behavior mistress expects of me. Also I'm on a quest to pervert the Dark Side from within. Highly successful I may add.

In other news: Today's vanilla perversion is an article in The Guardian. "NHS urged to avoid PPE gloves made in 'slave-like' conditions." We all know the answer to that, so let's focus on latex instead. It's a material you can do so much more with than just make black skin-tight catsuits. I for one love bright, happy colours, and it feels to me that's what latex is made for.

The image used to illustrate this article show Noah Cyrus as a latex nurse. Not only fitting but I also like the contrast. Sarcasm is still alive I guess. As to who Mrs. Cyrus is, no idea. That's not important, it's the outfit that counts.

Wednesday, April 22, 2020

OWK IV - Wrong Location (Too) (part II)

Location, location, location! [4]

Nope, nobody hijacked my URL, if you love what you do, better do it right. So where do you start? Location obviously.

queen hibiki; mistress hibiki; japan; femdom; dominatrix; bdsm;
Queen Hibiki (almost wrote mistress). By now you kinda get where this is going. All images in this series are dommes who have visited the OWK. [3] But there's more... Nighty night everyone. (image:

Continued from OWK III - What Went Wrong? (part I)

Yesterday, I wrote one reason the original OWK didn't make it, was the fact the owners didn't run it as a business. [2] It's far from the only reason. Equally important in why the OWK was born with flawed DNA is the location. Černá is situated in the heart of the modern-day Czech republic, meaning cold winters and hot summers. Imagine you buy a house to rent out only to discover that because of the weather you can only collect six months a year. You forgot it is freezing cold during the winter. That's gonna be a drain on your finances.

Tuesday, April 21, 2020

OWK III - What Went Wrong? (part I)

The short answer: it's all about the business & location, location, location, combined with too much of an extreme ideology.Very expensive fun also.

The question "what went wrong" can be misleading. In the case of the OWK, I don't think so however. What does it take for the world's pre-eminent - and perhaps only ever - full-time femdom society to close it's doors?

Mistress being mistress in the OWK

Continued from part II: A day in the life.

Money makes the world go round
Some men balk at the prices pro-dommes charge. They conveniently forget pro-dommes have to pay bills too. Break it down and I'm actually surprised they don't charge more. Think about it, apart from the daily cost of living, tribute should include pension payments, liability and health insurance, vacation pay and compensation for loss of privacy, just to name a few.

And that is before you take into account most successful pro-dommes invest time and energy in their sessions, meaning they prepare for sessions, putting considerable energy in them and because of that don't do 40 hours of sessions a week.

Sunday, April 19, 2020

"Kiss The Other Sheik"

No dungeon to clean and watched everything on Netflix? Here's a suggestion.

The movie poster is probably more fun than the movie itself.

As you know Dutch was bitten by a radio-active submissive spider at the tender age of 11. As a result I have enhanced sensibility to all things femdom in the vanilla world. That gift comes at a price though, I'm afraid of fear.

Some time ago I saw this little set of animated gifs and my superior submissive spider senses began to tingle. Probably some movie I thought. But what is "Kiss the other sheik" all about and is it worth seeing? After all, it's flagged as questionable for children.

Saturday, April 18, 2020

OWK II - A Day in the Life

Even though the grandest experiment in femdom didn't last long, most of those who have visited the OWK, got hooked for life.

Continued from part I: OWK - Rise of an Unique Femdom Project.

goddess sonya; pro-domme; femdom; dominatrix; bdsm; ethnic kink
Goddess Sonya of Ethnic Kink (image: sex with Timaree)

The OWK, located near the Czech city of Černá, was Disneyland for femdom aficionados. During its short run from 1996 to 2008, it made an life-long impression on those who actually stayed there. To this day, both actual and wannabe visitors mourn its demise

So, what was it like? Surprisingly, stories about visits to the OWK are hard to find. When it comes to images and clips, it is the opposite. Whoever was in charge of marketing for the OWK did a superb job. A decade after the world's finest femdom fantasy shut down, its imagery continues to rule the internet. Therein also lies the problem. Those who look from a distance at the OWK see something that probably never was.

Friday, April 17, 2020

OWK I - Rise of an Unique Femdom Project

After running teasers and spoilers for six months - being kind here - let's cut to the chase.

goddess amazon; femdom; bdsm; residenz avalon; berlin; owk; pro-domme;dominatrix; mistress.
Goddess Amazon, here pictured at Residenz Avalon in Berlin [couldn't resist] visited the OWK in better days.

Ever since Game of Thrones decided not to go out with a spectacular bang, HBO is frantically searching for a replacement. One of the ideas being floated, is a show called "Confederate" about a post-Civil War society where slavery is legal. Floating that idea causes the inevitable backlash.

In the year 1580 the Ming dynasty is ruling China for 212 years. It will take another 64 years for the Middle Kingdom's emperor to lose its heavenly mandate. In that same year, the Battle of Omosu took place in neighbouring Japan. Recent archaeological evidence confirms wide female involvement: DNA tests on 105 bodies revealed that 35 of them were female. Closer to home, also that year, construction for a castle near the Czech city of Černá began.

Thursday, April 16, 2020

Professional Dominatrices Are The Best

The best, just not exclusively.

Ties are optional, showers and respect are not. (image: artist unknown)

At times Dutch can be a bit naive. Perhaps I take things for granted or maybe "I don't look further than my nose long is" [3], but I never realized just how terrible some people behave when it comes to voicing negative opinions about professional dominatrices.

When it comes to men, it kinda feels like they're trying to score brownie points with lifestyle mistresses by repeating the mantra of how they will never visit a professional dominatrix over and over again. Apart from the fact that many professional dominatrices are also lifestyle dommes, I don't believe them. For one, the 20 to one domme deficit makes that highly unlikely. On top of that, men are men. In the meantime they pretend to preach the gospel of female supremacy. In a world where things no longer add up 1+1=11 makes more and more sense. Then again, to me it always has.

Wednesday, April 15, 2020

Japanese Mistress Bible

And yes another blog recommendation, but only if you can ready Japanese. [Working on it, working on it. I'll start any moment now.] [1] [2]
kitagawa pro; japanese femdom; mistress whipping slave; plain clothes; nature; bdsm
Raw power. Can I be your Forest Gump, my queen? Please? (Image: Kitagawa Pro, found on Buchi)

Back in early 2017 Ron mailed me about Yapoo's Market and queen Naomi Asano and her vision on femdom and BDSM. Included was a link to a Japanese blog about the historiography of Japanese femdom video work in the past 20 or 30 years.

The scans on the blog are from old "Mistress Bible" magazines as far as I can understand. But I can't read the Japanese Interview of our Femdom Amaterasu Naomi Asano, nor feed a translation program with the Japanese script, Ron concludes.

Tuesday, April 14, 2020

Harry Is A Hero

Never mistake the slave for the man.

"Tossed aside because it would distract the press from writing about the bond prince Andrew and registered sex offender Jeffrey Epstein share?" See how easy it is?

Blogging about some guy that should have listened to his wife was only partly in jest. All women want their husbands to be tall, successful and wealthy, so both spouses share the blame for their fiasco. When it matters, try harder and never quit.

Forever out of luck can mean many things. What if you are born in a golden cage yet nobody cares? All eyes on big bro, dude will one day ascend to grannie's throne. If dad were a commoner, he'd be retired long ago. Not if daddy is named Prince Charles and first in line. After which comes his first-born, whose single purpose in life is to entertain the masses that look up to twue royalty. Said person’s uncle excluded obviously.

Monday, April 13, 2020

Latex - the Finest in Femine Fashion

rubber tree being tapped for latex
No you pervert, this tree is not being milked, it's a rubber tree being tapped for latex. Vegan, yes. Environmental friendly latex wardrobe? That's not today's topic.

As the world's 11th most rebellious slave it's my solemn duty to show the world the benefits of latex. Why? Because it makes you feel like a superwoman. It's also the kind of behavior mistress expects of me. To make the Dark Side a happier, brighter and more consensual evil place.

Rule number one - don't worry it's also the only rule - latex looks good on everyone. No need to go on a diet before you slip into something more breathtaking.


Sunday, April 12, 2020

Piece of Cake

Sometimes, the true measure of a man's love is in how much he fears to fail the woman curled up in his arms.

About that bed again. (Your fault Miss Jackson. would you mind giving us some space please?)

Addams Family; Morticia Addams aiming her whip; femdom; happy couple; BDSM
We tried. So did Morticia Addams. Turns out, she's the very opposite of evil. Sometimes, no matter how hard you try, you don't get what you want. [2] [3].

AKA a beginner's guide on how to melt a man's mind. Nothing to with sex, not even that femdom sexy stuff. [not that the latter exists.]

Dutch moved some years ago and wanted a new bed. Texted her some photos. Immediate reply, after which I had an instant stroke. No, not, nay and not this one, swiftly followed by "Our bed" Unless you want to fry a man's brains, never ever refer to "our" [whatever]. No whips, chains, pain or leather pajamas [that last one still cool though] and especially not our [sleeping] bed. Raw honesty, straight from the heart. For the rest of our lives, every single night, that comments promises she wants to fall asleep in my arms. And yes, I want it more. Never knew a one-way ticket to heaven was that affordable. And all it takes is handing over a couple of notes to make it "our bed." Too easy, AKA sold. Delivery in about three months. The devil is always in the details.

Saturday, April 11, 2020

Latex Makes You Feel Like a Superwoman

Just ask the guy to the right.

kim kardashian; pink latex dress; Atsuko Kudo;
Kim Kardashian in 2015, wearing a Atsuko Kudo latex dress while being pregnant. Kanye cannot keeps his eyes off of his wife. It's wry the image had to be cropped. (image: MTV)

Most of the time, the BBC is more miss than hit. They surely failed when they asked Jody Whittaker to play the first female Timelord and not Janet Jackson. It certainly would've been an upgrade for the show with the first Timegoddess ever. Luckily the editorial staff of their website does a better job scouting news.

Agreed, the title is very much a BBC bore, but "From fetish to fashion: The rise of latex" makes for an interesting read. Like my own title much better. New York-based latex designer The Baroness: “...natural rubber latex is completely vegan and sustainable”. Apart from the fact of course that you have to make trees cry in order to produce latex and that latex is a luxury item in a world where even Marie Condo cannot convince the average person that they already have enough clothes to last them a lifetime. 

Friday, April 10, 2020

Personal Gravity

There is no difference between the Vanilla and the Dark. Men fall in love only to surrender and obey. Happiness on planet Earth is easy. As long as you avoid dishonesty.

Leonard Beaumont, Sunbathers, Linocut, personal gravity, love, relationships, trust, intimacy, submission, art
Leonard Beaumont, Sunbathers, Linocut

Incredible things happen to real people. Trust me, I'm very real. Also male, opinionated and lover of all things Dark [1]. On top of that I'm something of a rebel. Not the easiest [femdom] life choice, but a joyful and honest one. Not that I'm 24/7 happy. And no, chastity won't help.

The other day I joked: "Remember you dude, you are there husband of..." Despite the fact he's my best friend, I couldn't resist. He doesn't like it, but he understands. That's me. If I'm not poking fun at you, I don't care. Seriously.

Thursday, April 09, 2020

Miss Jackson's "Discipline Selection"

You won't find this on Tik Tok kids. Feel free to try it at home.

janet jackson; 2008 hawaii; concert; would you mind; discipline; discipline selection; rockwitchu tour;
Ms. Janet Jackson in the “ Building “

What's more fun than playing cat and mouse games? Perhaps that's why I didn't name Monday's post "Janet Jackson Ties Up Man Live on Stage" You don't have to read what I write. I do, you don't.

Apart from being tied up in Miss Jackson's bondage chair, the only other way to be doomed for life is for her to say "That's the one. That's going to be our bed." I'm living proof [in a bed that's way too big just for me.] [1]

The look on Miss Jackson's face is what makes this part of the show so fascinating, not what's happening on stage. And yes, star quality, strength of character and being in control also matter, but the key is hidden in her expression.

Wednesday, April 08, 2020

Women in White

Yesterday, Miss Janet reminded me of something else I love besides dimples. Women wearing white. [1] And hey OWK, today no snarky comments about how well you guys manage your global business empire. Cool, right? [2] mrs. kim; fetish; latex; rubber; latex gloves; latex blouse; latex pants; white
Mrs Kim of Rubberstel in white latex from head to toe (image:, image is cropped)

Dutch believes it's important to follow one's heart, even when you're not in love. That includes being honest about your likes and dislikes. My friends would say I'm crazy for being into femdom, but it's part of who I am, so I give into it. Without telling them of course.

A couple of years ago I wrote about the essence of femdom: Wonderful Goddess in red. Sadly, I was so spellbound by her image, I forgot to bookmark. That's why I used a stock image for the article header and an image of mistress Ava Zhang in a green dress to accompany the text. It made for a nice contrast.

Tuesday, April 07, 2020

"Would You Mind?"

"My first name ain't baby, it's Janet – Miss Jackson if you're nasty" [1]
"No Ma'am, it would be my pleasure" [2]

Sharp, focused and powerful. Her eyes, the expression on her face. Now that's what I call personal gravity. Janet Jackson performing live in San Francisco during her Unbreakable Tour in 2015 (image credits not available)

If Grace Jones is the original femdom icon, Janet Jackson is her favourite apprentice, the one who takes it to a whole new level. After writing about armpits yesterday and face time with mistress on Thursday, a Janet Jackson song came to mind. Remember, I don't plan what I write next. It just happens.

"Baby, would you mind kissing me
All over my body
You missed a spot - there
Baby, would you mind tasting me
It's making me all juicy
Feeling your lips on mine"

Monday, April 06, 2020

When Humiliation Fails

Sometimes it's for the best

female visitor at London's Club Pedestal femdom event
Eyes to die for at London's Club Pedestal. (image: Club Pedestal)

I often marvel at just how happy the women at London's Club Pedestal are. And by extension, their slaves. It comes pretty close to Nirvana for a night.

The wonderful lady in the picture is clearly having fun No idea who she is and the reason I noticed her are not her armpits, but they made me think of something odd. According to the femdom police it must humiliating for a slave to clean mistress' armpits with their tongue. Not that anyone takes them serious. According to their rule book dominant women are not allowed to enjoy vanilla sex either. Silly bunch.

Never tried it - no not the vanilla sex - but I for one don't consider it humiliating, a little odd perhaps. Depending on who your mistress is, it's possible you actually enjoy it. So don't make the mistake thinking a submissive act by definition equals humiliation, you'll be disappointed.

As for the lovely lady, it's the aura of happiness that caught my eye, but what makes me weak in the knees are her eyes. Mesmerizing. All the more reason to visit Pedestal soon. Nope. Never have and never will. Can't explain, sorry. But it will always be a joy to see so many happy, dominant women gathering, spreading the beauty of femdom. Please carry on.

Sunday, April 05, 2020

History of BDSM's Link Round-Up Shows It's a Big, Big World Indeed

mistress mir, history of bdsm, link round-up, femdom, dominatrix
Mistress Mir, in what I hope, is an appropriate choice, writing about the History of BDSM blog.

If you end up on this blog because you miss Tumblr, leave now. To everybody else it won't come as a surprise that I enjoy the History of BDSM's monthly link round-up. Excellent format, something old and something new and some stuff beaten black and blue. For some reason the news moves slower once it crosses over to the Dark Side, so it makes sense as well.

The reading list for March 2020 doesn't disappoint either. As usual, I don't like the selection at first glance. I'm wrong.

Saturday, April 04, 2020

Discovering Your Inner Domme

[By accident]

Prank fail when the team from Salty Mermaid shot a reverse hoodie clip.

Friday, April 03, 2020

Calling All Goddesses

nu-west leda, woman in leather spanking man over the knee
"I told you not to call Ghostbusters."

Some women believe there is not a single man on this planet who likes freckles. We're all entitled to our opinions, but prejudice doesn't equal fact, right OWK? More often than not, the two of them are at logger heads.

In a recent post, femdom blogger Paltego marvels at the technical skills filling out an on-line session form. Good idea or bad? Yes and no. Of course it's efficient, but are on-line session forms also the most effective?

Thursday, April 02, 2020

Face Time With Mistress

femdom is sexy.

"Houston, we definitely don't have problem. Wait for Apollo 13, not kidding you. Camera and mic of, please. #11 out."

Sometimes silly guys have all the luck.

Last night my Love and mistress suddenly says we need more face time. Being the super-smart guy I think I know I am for sure, I was perplexed.

"But my One True Love ['n' mistress], webcams are sold out."

Snappy retort: "you're clearly not as smart as you believe you are."

"But, but, but..."
"But you are sitting on the couch next to me!"
"How, what?"

Moments later I find myself on the floor, face up, eager for what comes next. Lucky me, she never disappoints. In fact, the circumstances lead me to believe mistress is looking forward to this as much as I am, only longer.

Why do mistresses have all the [foreplay] fun? So unfair. Don't worry, no regrets, I'm in a happy place and it'll only get better, scout's honour. I'm gonna make this a shared experience [1]. Let's hope my devotion pleases mistress. Dutch signing of, eagerly because I have better things to do.


[1] Inner voice to self: "If I play my cards right, I end up on the floor tomorrow night and the night after that. And. And. And. Yay!"

Wednesday, April 01, 2020

A Domme Is Not An Evil Overlord

Obviously "Overlord" is the vanilla equivalent of the Other World Kingdom (OWK). For those ladies and gentlemen that are pure of heart, please ignore.

What comes next is a long story. Did Dutch learn anything? I vaguely remember rule 33 dealing with formal occassions. And something about hot leather outfits, cool! Enter mistress Saint Lawrence [first on the left] - supreme sadist with a heart - and friends.

Clearly I was onto something when I wrote about the new 007 née James Bond. And no, Gillian Anderson doesn't get the part. Literally lost in translation is the fun of the baddie torturing Mr. License to Kill, allowing him to escape before serious harm disables him. Very soon that license will be transferred to a woman and nobody who's into femdom understands the point of making a female slave suffering for her master. There goes the franchise.

Can't remember how I stumbled upon it, but some people do have a lot of free time on their hands. Not one, but two people simultaneously started compiling a list of major pitfalls to be avoided if you want to live happy ever after as an evil overlord. And because I crave to serve, I humbly translate 11 of the best for those mistresses we all worships and obey. Nothing else we can do, once we fall under the spell of our Infallible Overlady. Or is there?

From The Archives

  • Summer's Over Happy autumn everyone Now that's what I call a lazy…
  • Dog Walks Woman Everybody knows femdom is serious business. After all for us this real. Kink is so serious in fact that there…
  • Rick and Morty Hate Femdom "I thought the whole point of having a dog was to feel superior."       - Lawnmower, Rick & Morty…