Wednesday, December 26, 2018

Noor Inayat Khan: The Unbreakable Spy Princess

For once Dutch bows his head to true female supremacy.

Noor Inayat Khan - Unbreakable Spy Princess; World War II
Pay attention please, this is what elite truly looks like.
Or as Sherlock says: "that woman." (Image BBC)

Continuing from yesterday, today the story of an unflinching heroine who bought herself a one way ticket to Nazi hell. Let's get ready to rumble: the Enchantress of Number vs. The Spy Princess. If you think this is an episode of The Voice Knock-Out, sorry.

The Bank of England is deciding which scientist to put on the new £50 note. Why does it have to be a scientist? Only the Bank of Brexit's Canadian boss can tell you. All in favour of scientist Ada Lovelace, my mind was made up until I read about Noor Inayat Khan.

Tuesday, December 25, 2018

The Enchantress of Number: Ada Lovelace

Christmas 2018 promises to be uneventful. Now that's why I call a proper present from Santa. When my angel-shaped Christmas ornament fell to pieces, I had a brief Snape moment. “After all this time?” “Always.” I'd rather talk about two women who deserve to grace Britain's new £50 note. Happy Christmas everyone.

Ada Lovelace timetraveling, calculating the number pi. Sorry, Doctor Who still doesn't exist. Just like Christmas it's what you make of it. (Image 1843 Magazine)

Me so Mistress Supreme bla bla bla. Don't make me laugh. It's a bit like referring to yourself as a stable genius. If people call you "The Enchantress of Number", you've got my instant attention. Now that's what I call a honorary title, so who is she?

When the Bank of England decided to put a scientist on the new £50 note, I knew it had to be Ada Lovelace. Meanwhile, the words "Bank of England" suddenly made me wonder why they call it Brexit. Successful scientists inevitably claim to stand on the shoulders of giants, but what if you an original one? Mrs. Lovelace is exactly that. Her accomplishments can easily be compared to for instance Eratosthenes, a Greek scholar of the third century BCE, who very accurately calculated the circumference of the earth. (He was of by a mere 0.16%, feel free to do a little jaw dropping.)

Tuesday, December 18, 2018

Banks are the World's Most Succesful Findoms

Nobody wants big, bad banks to police our sex lives.

Irony rules. In a first for me I wrote Your rather than your. It's an accurate reflection of how I feel in the fight of beautiful BDSM vs bad, bad bankers. (Image: Tumblr/unknown, edited)

My previous post on Fetlife was a bit harsh, I agree. Still, Fetlife has little to offer because of its static nature. Just like the moon waxes and wanes, so do our desires, but you cannot run an adult community solely on people who post just that fact over and over again. On top of it, there are major privacy concerns handing out your phone number to an adult entertainment company.

Basic Fetlife is free, but bills still have to be paid. Therein lies one major problem. You can say what you like about former President Obama, but the moniker No Drama Obama was spot on. Unfortunately no drama is not always a good thing. There was exactly zero drama when it came to bankers being held responsible for the credit crisis that started in 2008. The exact number of them going to jail is zero. Drama or no drama, history will repeat itself. Soon, I guess.

Monday, December 17, 2018

Woman Offered as Sex Slave on Kinky Website - Without Her Consent

japanese dominatrix clad in leather, mistress, sex slave, femdom, bdsm, kink
"Hello, we come all the way from Japan.
Is this the address for the [volunteer] male sex slave?" You wish! (credits: unknown)

Apart from Fetlife there are some local kink websites. Two of them over here in Holland are and In all fairness, I never heard of them.

In 2013 a woman discovered that somebody created a profile of her, including name address, age and occupation on the website Kinkytijd (kinky time). The profile also included a picture of her. She had no clue who was responsible and emailed the website, requesting that her profile was removed. She also asked for the IP address of the person who created the fake profile. Kinkytijd removed her profile, but refused to hand over the IP address. The couple hired a lawyer to no effect. Meanwhile another profile was created and random strangers kept on showing up at her door.

The victim contacted Peter R. de Vries, a well-known Dutch crime reporter, who finally discovered the identity of her stalker. It turned out to be her brother-in-law who claimed he was hearing voices in his head. He couldn't explained what drove him to do this.

What struck me most is that it took almost five years for this nightmare to end. It also must have been an absolute horror for the woman to have random strangers show up at her door, looking for a sex slave. Perhaps not exactly 'random' strangers, everyone in their right mind knows that nobody publishes their home address on dating websites, kinky or otherwise. People have moved for less.

Thursday, December 13, 2018

Fetlife is Dead

And so are you, if you give them your phone number.

mistress with black frock, holding a cane in the stables.
Regrets come in all shapes and sizes. This might not be one of them. What a domme!

Never cared much for Fetlife. Last login was when Mr. Obama was President of the United States. I exactly have one connection, some lonely [dominant] lady who bombards random strangers with friend requests. Don't know why. It also makes her feed terribly uninteresting. "Lady Bomber is now friends with someone."As a smart slave myself , I saw that one coming.

Wednesday, December 12, 2018

"I also love the disdain her adult daughter shows me."

Consent is boring, especially if you're horny. Really? Grown-up stuff is for grown-ups. By design. Some people believe they are free to choose.

"So Gross" To each his own (Image Credits: Unknown)

Life's all about memories. And lunch. And sushi in Holland. Personally I prefer a burger, extra cheese please. One particular devastating Sunday lunch, I remember how slaveboy, a dad himself, got over-excited and started dreaming out loud about mistress teaming up with her daughter as soon as the little girl was of age. Him being the happy recipient of their future inter-generational double dominance of course.

In her most predictable moment ever - I have great taste, or, more likely, I'm the luckiest fellow on earth - Mom casually remarked how her daughter makes her own choices. It's not what she said, it's how she said it. Like asking for a napkin. Phenomenal and beyond.

Wednesday, December 05, 2018

Rubber Beauty Masks ca. 1921

women wearing rubber beauty masks ca 1921
Those were the days.

In our series “blog about stuff you found Tumblr before it’s gone”, Dutch’ first ever quiz. Be smart and don’t bother. Just scroll down for the answer.

Here is your question. Is the image above:

a)    a screenshot from the next Quentin Tarentino movie? (The answer is no because the director prefers women’s feet.)


b)    an advertisement for 1920’s women’s facial masks? (That’s what it says on Tumblr. Personally I think it is a dream come true and the Secret Society of Sadistic Secretaries does exist after all.)

Now for the anwer:

If you chose a), please go back to school and learn how to read properly (alternatively, stop looking at her feet).

On the other hand, if you choose b), congratulations. It’s an 1921 image of rubber beauty masks, worn to remove wrinkles and blemishes.

Yes, I know, hard to believe. Good old days, bla bla. Still it’s odd, no matter how often you look at it.

Tuesday, December 04, 2018

End of an Era. Tumblr to Ban Porn

Citing Apple's aversion to pornography, Tumblr from December 17 on, will delete all porn. Not only will that probably be the end of the photo sharing service, it also show just how influential tech and finance companies are.

on december 17, our community guidelines will change and adult content will no longer be allowed on tumblr, 11dutch on tumblr
I try to keep it tasteful. At least some of the time.

Google safe search is laughable. When it comes to adult images, it has none. A few years back Google also wanted to close down the adult section of Blogger. That would have meant bye bye 11Dutch.

Most people know what the glass ceiling is, but have you ever heard of the glass cliff? Basically it's where a woman is appointed CEO of a distressed company, one that is beyond salvation. In 2012 Marissa Mayer left Google to become CEO of Yahoo, a company of which nobody understood why it was still out there. About a year later Mayer acquired Tumblr for 1.1 billion, hoping it might turn around the parent company. It was considered a flagship acquisition, Mayer was later heavily critised for it. Four years on, Tumblr is part of a package of Yahoo core internet businesses that is being sold to Verizon. By then the micro blogging site is already in terminal decline.

Sunday, December 02, 2018

Fight Against Slavery Group Advertises for Unpaid Internship

Basically such a headline tells you everything that is wrong with the modern world. I'm  wondering if "Fight Against Slavery Group Advertises for Unpaid Internship" was a publicity stunt. If it was, they clearly didn't follow up on it. Why else would you look for an unpaid internship rather than search for a volunteer?

Today, December 02, is International Day for the Abolition of Slavery. Last year I discussed "My family's Slave", a story written by Alex Tizón about Mrs. Pulido, his family's house slave. During the year I bookmark articles and on December second I weave them together. This year a selection of stories dealing with modern day slavery in various forms, such as forced marriage and forced labour. Moms are the world's natural goddesses. In one particular depressing read however a mother betrays her daughter by marrying him off to a far flung relative in Pakistan.

Writer's block is not really my thing. Despite that, it is sad to see just how easy - technically that is - it was to write this post.

Friday, November 30, 2018

Tied Rocks

tied rocks by Shizu Okino, bondage, art, japan
Beauty comes to us in intricate ways

Bondage can be art. Karen Okino Butzbach and her mother Shizu Okino create 'tied rocks', using traditional Japanese knotting techniques. Mother and daughter explain on their website how:

"We use traditional Japanese basket making techniques to transform rocks into art – art that invites quiet contemplation, peace and serenity.

We use rattan or cane to wrap and tie the rocks with ornamental knots used in Japanese ikebana basketry. The stones are individually selected for shape, color and pattern. The knots are selected to complement the size and shape of the stone. The result is a fanciful, decorative piece that, we believe, projects a sense of peacefulness and tranquility."

Their creations are sold at the Asian Art Museum in San Francisco and several gift shops in the San Francisco Bay Area and Los Angeles. If you live in the area and wonder what to buy for the mistress who has it all, why not a tied rock?

Just one thing. I'm itching to turn them over and see how the backs are done, aren't you?

Wednesday, November 14, 2018

Men Who Are Afraid of Dominant Women

Ask yourself, what are you really looking for in a dominant woman?

femdom, pro-domme, lady pascal
From before I threw out my bucket list, German pro-domme lady Pascal. Because she has that enigmatic quality. Her smile doesn't hurt either.

One thing that has always surprised me is just how young the average pro-domme is. Despite the fact that too many life stylers in 'our community' rage against pro-dommes - while demanding 'tribute' before that first, initial contact - the dislike is disgusting. Never understood.

Monday, November 12, 2018

Modern Clickbait Classics: Female Police Officer Stuffs Her Panties in His Face

Come for the clickbait, stay for the crap journalism.

Galia Grainger, Slim Reaper, Extreme Diet Hotel, dominatrix, Bianca Gascoigne
Come on, it's a story about clickbait. What'd you expect? (Image Daily Mail)

The other day somebody sent me a link to an article about a female cop who stuffed her panties in the face of a fellow male officer. No doubt a dream come true for many, but to me it sounds boring. A quality clickbait newspaper such as Britain's Daily Mail can do better I thought. Below are 11 random 2018 Mail Online stories dealing with kink, femdom, fetish and BDSM one way or another. Not 100 percent accidental of course, I ingored the worst of the worst. Please excuse me for not reading each and every story.

Thursday, November 08, 2018

"Mistress, I Love Everything About Your Outfit and Toys"

mistress alina,, smile, boots, whip, femdom, dominatrix, mistress, spanking bench
Mistress Alina's smile is definitely 10/10. Very impressive, even, if you, like me, live in a 11/10 smileverse. (Image: Tumblr)

Life is all about the three I's: me, myself and I. Not even Steven Jobs could change that. The other day I ran into a post on Tumblr with this caption:

"Mistress, I love everything about you - your charming and dangerous smile, your beautiful and oh so stinging whip, your boots that I long to kiss, and the very nice bench where you will beat me black and blue"

The guy who wrote it never realised what he just said. It's kind of silly and made me laugh out loud. I'm all for women born with a smile on their face, so yes, I'll give him that. Mistress Alina's smile is clearly intoxicating. Unfortunately our boy is getting a little over-excited when he ponders just how "dangerous" her smile is. Next you know it is all about whips, boots 'n' benches and "me". So funny.

Sunday, November 04, 2018

Mistress Sidonia's Champagne Gag

Gags and mistress' champagne go surprisingly well together in a deliciously devious and highly creative English Mansion video clip.

mistress sidonia; english mansion; situation vacant; gag; champagne; alexandra snow
Happy mistress, happy slave. Femdom at its finest at the crossroads of creativity and wickedness.

It's always risky to confess your love of gags, even if you need them purely for practical reasons. People immediately begin whispering just how suspicious it is, Dutch writing posts featuring images of gagged female submissives, even when it's appropriate writing an article on quack science and women wearing gags. Gags also look better on female submissives. And no I'm no closet male dom, it's just that we men are the uglier sex, which also means we are the lucky ones.

Saturday, October 20, 2018

Gagging On It. Scientists Who Love Female Submissives

The sweet smell of submission, euh science.

snowwhite bondage
"Rescue yourself" [from the evil scientist.]" Don't wait for Prince Charming to [remove your gag and] kiss you", Keira Knightly says.

Yes, it's science time again. From the producers, ahum researchers, who brought you the instant classic "Empathy in female submissive BDSM practitioners", comes a new study. This one is so impressive it's open access. Just read that title:

"Embodiment and Humiliation Moderation of Neural Responses to Others' Suffering in Female Submissive BDSM Practitioners"

Don't fall for my sarcasm, open access means no grown-up science journal is interested. Makes sense because experts in the field basically think it's crap. They phrased it slightly different, but that's how they explain it to you and me.

Monday, October 15, 2018

Food Dominatrix

Crème brûlée will never be the same again.

Is there a difference between torturing lost souls and inflicting pain on the fruits of nature? Not if you are a fooddomme who also loves femdom.

food dominatrix; bdsm; kitchen; mockumentary; comedy central
She looks so mean. Almost as if she cares and tries to warn millenials about the dangers of advocados.

Domme by day, foodie by night and finally coming out on Comedy Central. Where else? D'oh! If you enjoy torturing men, why not extend the fun to the kitchen and make your vegetables suffer before you boil them alive. Unless you prefer to stir-fry them of course that is. Don't worry, vegetables don't have legs - and if they did - your inner sadist would have chopped their limpings off long before you sentenced the tiny little helpless vegetarians to such an excruciating death. By the way, don't forget the hot sauce, it adds that little extra bit of umpf.

Friday, October 12, 2018

Magic Butt Plugs: Quack Medicine

dr. young's rectal dilators; quack medicine

After years of being fascinated with Dr. Young's advertisement, I finally decided to look it up. Quite a feat for an ad that is over a hundred years old. Guess I'm not the only one, it has it's own Wikipedia page.

Sunday, October 07, 2018

Doctor Who: Voluntary Enslavement is the Best. Free the Ood!

In order to celebrate the arrival of the Thirteenth Doctor on television tonight, the BBC calls it series eleven [i] of Doctor Who a few notes on the Ood, an alien race that is submissive, or so it seems.

The really exciting news is that Luther returns later this year. "It's good to be back in London, back in the coat," Idris Elba tweeted in January. As an added bonus Alice will be there too! Let’s be honest we needed a bit of good news after the way BBC’s “prestige” drama Bodyguard bombed. [ii]  Yep watching terrible television is what happens when you have too much time on your hands because you don’t have to clean the dungeon with a toothbrush.

Friday, October 05, 2018

What's on a Man's Mind

Yes, you were thinking the same thing I was, when you just saw this image. We're both wrong. The image belongs to an article discussing buying a new kitchen. I found it in today's (Dutch) newspaper. No need to run it through Google translate, same old, same old. She decides. Took him a while to realise. Odd choice for an image though.

Monday, October 01, 2018

Reduced Empathy – Scientists Looking for Glory

In today’s fake news: [i] researchers in China ‘discover’ female subs, but not necessarily male ones, suffer from reduced empathy. The research looks flawed at best. Now imagine you are a submissive woman, getting a divorce. The story of the perils researching the BDSM community, motivated solely by “scientists’” quest for glory and fame.

Lady Samantha, German pro-domme with a degree in psychology.

Femdom Resource [ii] dug up an interesting piece of research. Unfortunately the result of all that science is not so benign. It's outcome was popularized for the masses (people like you and me) in Psypost's attempt to clickbait its readers. That's where doubtful science turned nasty. No other way to explain how the first bullet point from the Science Direct abstract:

"Involving in BDSM relationships and practices did not necessarily result in weaken empathy abilities."

magically turns into this headline:

"Female submissives have reduced empathy to others’ suffering, study on BDSM finds"

Saturday, September 22, 2018

Ghomeshi and Kavanaugh: Bread and Circusses

A few days ago Jian Ghomeshi wrote an essay for The New York Review of Books called Reflections from a Hashtag. The backlash makes little sense, especially compared to the accusations against judge Kavanaugh.

"Don't speak"

In 2014 Mr. Ghomeshi, a Canadian radio host, was accused of having rough, at times non-consensual sex with several women. CBC, his employer, subsequently fired him. At his 2016 trial he was acquitted. A second one was cancelled after he reached an agreement with a fourth accuser. There was no admission of guilt.

I found out about the story because Quartz, a business publication, defended his right to have non-traditional sex. Based on the article, I agreed. Once more details surfaced, it no longer was about having an alternative sexual preference, but whether or not Mr. Ghomeshi abused these women. All in all, 19 came forward.

Sunday, September 16, 2018

The Bride Who Makes FindomZillas Look Good

Don't you feel being charged to attend a wedding is like being cheated? Love is priceless, so why put a price on friendship?

"How sweet it is to be loved by you"

Dutch here. Dear all, I'm happy to announce mistress and I are going to get married. We've been together from the age of 14. To be honest, it was long overdue. We saved up about EUR 15.000 for our wedding, so that's kind of OK. However after consulting a leading psychic we learned that having a destination wedding is necessary for our cosmic energy rays or whatever to align properly. Celestial nonsense and so on. It's why we choose the beautiful island of Aruba for the ceremony. Unfortunately it also comes with a sticker price of EUR 60.000. Because of that every guest has to pay up. The price is EUR 1.500 or else no entry to our wedding. Please note your contribution does not include transport and accommodation while on the island. Please send your cheques ASAP.

Wednesday, September 12, 2018

Too Much Information

There is limited acceptance at best of people who enjoy BDSM and that will probably never change. All the more reason to be vigilant about your privacy, especially if you write a high profile book.

slave, bondage, femdom, gimp, bondage bag
Chilling after a long day at the office, just don't tell anyone.

There is a new book out on Donald Trump. Yes, another one. Surprisingly it got less attention than other recent Trump bashings. In "Everything Trump Touches Dies" former GOP strategist Rick Wilson shares his unfiltered opinion about the people that work for the 45th President of the United States thinly disguised as an analysis of everything that's wrong.

Don't worry, this blog is not about politics, it's about kink. Reading the book I found myself wondering just how much information we divulge by accident.

"It must be the broad masochistic streak among lobbyists that keeps legions of dominatrices in business in Washington, DC." [p. 38]

Tuesday, August 21, 2018

Mistress Dometria of the Brighton Dungeon Passes Away

Over the years certain dommes, even if you have never met them, become kinkster household names. Brighton-based mistress Dometria is one of them. She passed away two weeks ago on August 03.

I remember how for several years a certain domme on one of the boards tried to temper my rebellious nature by threatening me with mistress Dometria. How did she know? Simply, I confessed to being scared of her, the good kind of fear. "Behave Dutch or I'll ask Mistress Dometria to pay you a visit!"

Now that I think back of it, it puts a smile on my face. She would have been too much to handle for me. What attracted me in her is her brazen, undiluted kink pedigree, which feels increasingly rare these days.

Mistress Dometria is considered a hardcore mistresses, the kind of what you see is what you get. She did advertise herself like that on her Brighton Dungeon website. "I am Mistress Dometria – I am the world’s harshest, most hardcore, BDSM Dominatrix!"

Apart from BDSM, Koulla Kakoulli's other passions included body building. In her early fifties she still enjoyed competitions. She leaves behind five children. They have set up a crowd funding campaign raising money for her funeral.

Sunday, July 15, 2018

Humiliation is Coming Home

The 2018 football worldcup in Russia is the biggest stage on this planet there is. Loose despite the odds, just how desperate do you want to be humiliated?

bdsm, femdom, kink, pain, girl, slave, football, soccer, goal
Goal! (Image: unknown)

The 2018 football world cup is one full of surprises. Friends are familiair with my theory how the German team only stops fighting five minutes after the game has ended. Then again, I also predicted Brazil to win the cup, both in 2014 on their home turf, and in Russia this year.

Thursday, July 05, 2018

Serious, Safe Kink - of Gurkha's and Special Forces

Imagine a world where you're safe from harm, but not from pain or anything else that comes with being a slave. It also happens in the real world and is called special forces selection.

domme, bdsm, femdom, SAS, Gurkha, cane, kink
Just bite your tongue, soldier.

The other day I read a comment about a guy looking for a sadistic but sane mistress. Don't we all? Doesn't mean he's wrong. The kink world is rife with imposters. They are mostly men, Dexter anyone? Unfortunately there are also a lot of undesirable female elements in the BDSM community. Nobody notices - or speaks out - because we live in a 20 to one world.

Sunday, July 01, 2018

Beauty of Bondage, Visualized

bondage, art, rené de sans, kitty mooschief, caritia, bishop, photography,
Forget about the red dress, that's just my thing. The moment you see this image you just think: awesome. It's beautiful, spacious without distractions. Effortless harmony, as in together in distance. It even has different shades of white in the background. My posts are usually rather long. Not this time. Neither art, nor beauty or happiness should be dissected. Let's leave that to Hallmark and Disney.
The photographer is "René de Sans: From their official Twitter account: "I am a Berlin based artist, photographer & filmmaker. My work's prominent focus is on the diverse facets of kink, sexuality and human expression."

Ropes are by Kitty Mooschief, who tweets under the name Caritia. Her website is here.

The model is Bishop, his Facebook here.

Friday, June 29, 2018

Toy Story in Black & White

A selection of harmless images, displaying BDSM toys, all very tasteful. :)

femdom, bdsm, kink, mistress, toys, pain, slave, submissive, leather glove, hand, paddle

Toys, toys, toys, they are mistress' privilige and a slave's preference, so choose wisely. I've confessed before how I am a gearhead when it comes to kink. Some think that is wrong, but hey, it's been a while since I last teased the femdom police, so here we go. A 'tasteful' selection of 11 black and white images of kinky toys. After all, there are no shades of grey once you enter the Dark Side, just cookies.

Wednesday, June 13, 2018

Of Queens, Art & Irony - Why Are We Afraid of Sex?

In this second half of my short series discussing queen Elizabeth making a former sex worker a dame, I wonder why is the West is so petrified of sex. Most likely answer? Religion.

mistress chiaki, japan,queen elizabeth,  the queen made a New Zealand former sex worker a dame in her birthday honours, International Sex Workers Day, June 02
Mirror, mirror on the wall, why is there so much hate?
"Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that.
Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that."

- Martin Luther King, Jr.
 (image: mistress Chiaki)

Some days my typewriter is more willing than others. For quite some time I've wanted to write about the similarities between pro-dommes who stand out and geishas, traditional Japanese female entertainers, but my keyboard says no. Geishas are also called geikos (芸妓), which translates specifically as "Woman of Art."

Monday, June 11, 2018

Noblesse Oblige: Queen Makes Former Sex Worker a Dame

It's no coincidence the British queen makes a New Zealand sex worker a dame, 48 hours after International Sex Workers Day.

Netflix, The Crown, prince Philip swears allegiance to queen Elizabeth, 1953,  the queen made a New Zealand former sex worker a dame in her birthday honours, International Sex Workers Day, June 02
No mixed signals: prince Philip the first one to bow to his queen at queen Elizabeth's 1953 coronation.Don't worry, unlike in the Netflix show, Philip knew what he signed up for. (image: Netflix' The Crown)

A few days ago Paltego wrote about "International Sex Workers Day" which is held on June 2nd. At least once a month I joke about how there are too many "Because of This or That" Days" and how we should look at the calender to find that last free spot available and christen it in honour of the one day where you don't have to remember anything.

Wednesday, May 23, 2018

Sex, Facebook and the Inevitable Extinction of Humanity

If you can't fix it, legislate it!

In Britain a new law that makes age verification mandatory before you can watch porn online, has been delayed. What people really should be talking about is the law itself. It's dangerous.

Don't know who this lady is, but I'm happy she caught my attention. This anonymous image also symbolizes the many unknown talking heads in Parliament. The difference is, with her, I want to know who she is and learn a bit more about her. When it comes to them I ask myself: who do you think you are? What do you think you are doing?

More rules can solve any problem (theoretically) and keep politicians at work (for sure) because their legislation introduces many more additional issues than it can ever hope to solve. But that is not their problem, is it? "Just doing the job you elected me to do Ma'am/Sir."

Oh chill, the United Kingdom will lead the way once again. Their laws against extreme porn have been working their magic for several years now. The time has come for the next step. Unfortunately there are some delays regarding the introduction of mandatory age checks for men - sorry, everyone - visiting pornographic websites. But don't worry, the government knows what's best for you. Some things never change. Trust your overlords.

Wednesday, May 16, 2018

No More Birthday Spankings

A primary school in Texas ends "traditional", fun birthday spankings for pupils after complaints from parents.

(Spanking) school's in session. (artist unknown)

Clearly I went to the wrong school, just like you, dear reader of this blog. Not that my time in school was unpleasant. Quite the opposite, in secondary school I connected with my inner kink through my first sadistic girlfriend. It's a true story.

Friday, May 11, 2018

Ice Road Truckers - Kink Style

domme, slave, skiing, Snezhny, AquaShow Red Bull Jump & Freeze, femdom, fun, daria dunchenko, snow,

Part of why I love kink is because I crave crazy more than most. Easily bored and so on. Recently quite a few dommes showed of their water-boarding skills, highly irresponsible but very trending at the time.

Thursday, April 26, 2018

"Slave to my Wife/Goddess"

I wrote about the capitalization debate before but when I saw this blog's byline, I wondered what mattered most.

"Slave to my Goddess/Wife", somehow that doesn't sound right. For starters you need to change the title into a proper sentence:
"I Am Slave To My Goddess/Wife"

Most news articles will edit the header to look something like this:
"I am a slave to my goddess and wife."

Sunday, April 01, 2018

Fool’s Gold - a Findomme's Life Story

A dying findomme - worth 666 million - refuses to leave her easily earned fortune to her only son, a heavy findom addict. Explaining the difference between serving women and your own desires, she points out several worthier causes for her estate.

"La la la, girls just wanna have fun"

As I explained a couple of years ago, we Dutch are notoriously cheap. Not by choice, but if we aren't frugal, the government takes away our passports. It made me the ideal candidate to conduct an interview with Mrs. Florijn, Floor for friends.

Floor is the world's richest and most successful findomme ever. Mrs. Florijn is struggling with her health. Her [other people's] money can buy her any medical treatment there is, no matter how expensive. Unfortunately for her, there is no cure and the doctors have given her a few weeks at most. In our interview we discuss findom in general, including tools of the trade. We also focus on the findom hierarchy, in the form of a little know thing called the findom pyramid.

Wednesday, March 14, 2018

Thursday, March 08, 2018

Free to Live the Life You Want

Privacy, freedom to choose and femdom

Unlike queen Patricia of the Other World Kingdom, not all women are allowed to enjoy the femdom life from the shadows.

mistress baton, pink catsuit, twitter, miffy
Not the pink catsuit that caught my eye but Nijntje [Miffy]. (Image mistress Baton)

In retrospect what impressed me most, is how queen Patricia, ruler of that femdom fairy tale, called the Other World Kingdom [OWK], understood privacy 2.0, before anyone else. Twenty years ago the OWK, just like the internet, was in its infancy. Much of the OWK's initial success was due to being an early adaptor of the online world.

To this day, you are haunted by the many, many images of dommes being showcased at the OWK, mostly on a pattern of ageless, rotating recycling. The one person that [doesn't] stand out is queen Patricia, probably because even then she understood, unlike most of us, the upcoming assault on our privacy, the connected world would turn out to be.

Sunday, February 25, 2018

Ex-domme Drains Female Vanilla Students

In part two of my critique of The New York Times article about former dominatrix Mrs. Urbaniak and her Academy, "let's follow the money." Not exactly Watergate, but scandalous nevertheless.

What do they teach kids today anyway?
Crop in hand, latex-clad teacher Mrs. Urbianak at Yale university
(Image: Kasia Urbaniak)

Many years in the corporate world have taught me one thing. Most external advisors don't know what they're talking about. Why? It's not their area of expertise. To make up for that, they try and sell you hot air. I rather take lessons from history instead. Remember the one about that Greek city infiltrated by a wooden horse? Look no further, the dominatrix-enemy is within. There are many life lessons a former pro-domme can teach you. Instead Mrs. Urbaniak opts for cold hard cash at any price. Findom for female suckeresses. Guess that's progress or equality of sorts. Unfortunately those who attend class, will suffer. Uncontrollable inner-domme, anyone?

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