Wednesday, September 12, 2018

Too Much Information

There is limited acceptance at best of people who enjoy BDSM and that will probably never change. All the more reason to be vigilant about your privacy, especially if you write a high profile book.

slave, bondage, femdom, gimp, bondage bag
Chilling after a long day at the office, just don't tell anyone.

There is a new book out on Donald Trump. Yes, another one. Surprisingly it got less attention than other recent Trump bashings. In "Everything Trump Touches Dies" former GOP strategist Rick Wilson shares his unfiltered opinion about the people that work for the 45th President of the United States thinly disguised as an analysis of everything that's wrong.

Don't worry, this blog is not about politics, it's about kink. Reading the book I found myself wondering just how much information we divulge by accident.

"It must be the broad masochistic streak among lobbyists that keeps legions of dominatrices in business in Washington, DC." [p. 38]

As a slave myself, I couldn't help but to notice it. I chalked it up to the author trying to be funny. As I turned the page, Wilson continues how:

"They [the lobbyists] were “topping from the bottom” with Trump, but he didn’t understand how they played him and still doesn’t." [p. 39]

That made me think. "Topping from the bottom" isn't widely used outside the BDSM community. Could it be that the author shared his personal preferences by accident or is it his experience as fixer for politicians in distress? It reminded me of a real life "work accident" that happened years earlier, one of voluntarily oversharing.

Not a fan of Fetlife, I hardly ever use it. It's been at least two years since I last logged on. The only groups that are of some interest to me are two or three local ones in Dutch. One time, intrigued about someone, I clicked his profile. Believe it or not, I was staring at a nude pic of the guy sitting right in front of me at the office.

It's hard to explain just how weird it is. Not uncomfortable, just very strange, as if you're entering the Upside Down. The guy was completely naked, locked in a stockade, talking about his relationship and his daughter. Given the circumstances,  perhaps Fetlife is not the best place to talk about your daughter.

The next day I saw him again at the office. So weird given your newly discovered intimate details about a person. He never found out I viewed his Fetlife profile, why would I, but it could easily have ended differently. My motto is "have fun", but we all know stories about people loosing their job or custody over their children because they love BDSM. On top of that, never underestimate the cruelty of crowds.

Years earlier as a student I had a summer job at a large company. Don't know why, but the manager of the archive used the office to hide his porn magazines. One night some of the guys found out and tore out the pages plastering them all over the walls of the archive.

In an ideal world nobody cares what you do in your spare time, but in the real world privacy is priceless. It doesn't hurt to remember that.



The book had a few other 'kind of kinky' comments that made me smile.

"The social conservatives didn’t get a ban on abortion, gay marriage, or Fifty Shades of Grey." [p. 248]

“Of course, Mrs. Kush—”
“Shhh. Jared only calls me that when he’s in the punishment box. Call me Ivanka. . . .”
[p. 91]

"Trump verbally soils himself in public with an embarrassing statement, lunatic theory, early morning golden-toilet tweet, or throwaway line he thinks will make him look good on the next round of cable news coverage." [p. 52] 
Guess that one was to be expected after stories about golden showers in Moscow hotels popped up.

Overall the book isn't worth your time, no matter your opinion on President Trump. What I will remember from the book is this:

"the immigration fight is racial animus barely disguised as a policy question on who can and cannot come to America." [p. 440]

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