Thursday, December 23, 2021

And What Is Your Biggest Kink Regret?

A dream forever out of reach. 

What man in his right mind can resist these two smiling dommes? 

After hearing the gospel of 'things can only get better', this Sunday, in an attempt to head off the fifth wave, [1] the Netherlands went into full lock down again. Just like last year, shortly before Christmas. Clearly somebody hates Christmas more than I do, which I don't, it's the Grinch whom I despise from the bottom of my heart.

Apart from getting sick or dying, Covid-19 has wreaked havoc on almost anything and anyone these past two years. Over here in Holland, the government closed down primary schools to force parents to work from home. UNICEF wasn't happy - nor were the parents - but what can they do? Secondary schools also closed down and many students haven't been in a class room for over a year. Sports clubs have gone under, same with choirs and other clubs. The elderly have have literally died from loneliness. Everybody you ask rattles of more victims of Covid-19 without hesitation and every time you're surprised just how wide and deep the impact is. The only 'winners' so to speak seem to be supermarkets. People are literally stuffing themselves.

At least staying at home allows me some more time for other stuff, like online surfing. The other day I read an interesting question. What is your biggest regret when it comes to kink? Most people wrote about the missed opportunity of never being able to visit the OWK, but why would you wanna go to a sub-par place where everybody - including visiting dommes - has to submit to one woman's [2] limited view on what femdom is and is not?

Others wrote about not being more adventurous but that's a double edged sword, kinky risks can easily translate into real world danger. Basically I don't do regrets but if I did, I'd limit myself to a shorter time period, say, like for instance the past year. Don't know why Berlin's Studio Avalon closed down earlier this year but not visiting there is probably my biggest regret for 2021. [3] The place always had this magical vibe, but what really drew me is the domina team. It always felt rather unique. Still curious about all of them. A couple of names stand out, like two true leather goddesses [more on the Leather Goddesses of Phobos tomorrow, finally] Herrin Mercedes and Lady Pascal in today's mast head image. Clearly I'm not nearly as masochistic as I should be because it brings me no joy never to be able to experience what I desire. And you? What's your regret?


[1] And no, once we reach the inevitable 11th wave I won't celebrate. D'oh. Covid-19 doesn't make me smile, 11 does.

[2] Or the men and women behind queen Patricia who came up with the money.

[3] My biggest regret for 2020 is not winning the lottery. As usual, I forgot to buy tickets but otherwise I would have applied for a month-long session at Avalon. If only.

Saturday, December 18, 2021

How To Make It on OnlyFans

'A horny stranger threatening to lick someone’s underarms, but it might be one of the most charming TV moments of 2021'

Alex Sim-Wise preparing a foot fetish shoot.

Remember OnlyFans? Of course you do. It's the content platform that tried to ban porn, which is about 90 percent of its output, earlier this year only to reverse itself a couple of days later. Initially it blamed payment processors but an Axios article suggests porn made it impossible for Only Fans to attract outside investors who are wary of reputation risk or are sometimes outright banned from investing in adult entertainment. Of course with only 10 percent of your business left, there is little that will excite investors.

Even more fascinating than it's financial angle is OnlyFans' content. In a review for The Guardian Joel Golby hits exactly the right note by alternating between being non-judgemental and surpise of what kind of fetishes sell on Only Fans. The best thing however about the documentary is that it show adult content creators as ordinary folks going through their lives. We're all human after all. (Hey, it's almost Christmas.) 


[1] The Watcher review: How to Make It on OnlyFans: the foot porn scene alone is Bafta-worthy 

[2] How to Make It on OnlyFans is on UK's Channel 4.

Thursday, December 02, 2021

'Bought & Sold'

Sexual Slavery in Today's Europe

'Bought & Sold' (image The Guardian)

Ghislaine Maxwell is currently standing trial for sex trafficking. Jeffrey Epstein committed suicide in order not to. December 02 is the International Day for the Abolition of Slavery. This year I want to discuss a story from 2015 about a British girl on holiday in Greece. As a 14-year-old, Megan Stephens fell in love. But her boyfriend turned out to be a pimp who trafficked her for six years.

Friday, November 26, 2021

Last Minute Black Friday Gift Suggestion

No Comment

[You can quote me on that]

Mike Watson: 75 sizzling hot, PRACTICAL and WORKABLE FEMDOM Compilation (Vol #1 - Vol #3): Attract femdom to you like MOTHS to a flame with the help of these tips ... (Paperback)


Wednesday, November 24, 2021

Piss-Poor Judgment

Singer Sophia Urista showers fan with love

[As in pees on him during concert]

'The show must go on.'

At first I found it hard to believe the event actually happened when I read about it on mistress Scarlett's blog. During a concert earlier this month in Florida Sophia Urista, frontwoman for cover band Brass Against needed to use the bathroom. Claiming she couldn't make it to the bathroom, she decided to make a show out of it instead. A male fan was 'dragged' onto the stage and she peed all over him, live in front of the audience.

Sunday, November 21, 2021

Let Love Rule

Take it from the devil you know

Equality is the only way. And not because nobody wants to be the better half in a loving relationship.

Lesley-Ann Brandt as the demon Mazikeen in the TV show Lucifer

Everybody says they understand, but who really does? Time for some more telly. Ask me why I write about Doctor Who and I'll say it's a highly eductional show. Otherwise no comment. [1] My readers confess en masse they never grasped the true power of television untill they started reading this blog. Best relationship tool ever. TV that is. Like we say in Dutch: look further than your nose long is, AKA think! 

Friday, November 19, 2021

Finally Getting To Know Mistress T

It's a start

Please pay attention to mistress T's seriously fluffy (and very silly) bunny slippers.

Heard a lot about mistress T. Some good, some bad. Happens when you're famous and successful. For while I've been wanting to write about mistress T. The star of many fetish videos, mostly her own productions, but also guest appearances on sites like The English Mansion, has a large and loyal following, if such a thing exists. I'm not one of them [1] One day I stumbled upon her blog. Probably not my cup of tea - age has nothing to do with it - but something has changed after reading her website. Now I think 'wow, she's kinda interesting.'

Wednesday, November 17, 2021

Working Nine To Five

Are dommes made or born?

hand-powered powerful tools

Still on slave hiatus after my birthday bash. Oh my, how I hate power tools - more exactly people who don't know how to use them properly. How can it be that mistress had more fun on my birthday than I? Not fair!

Confined to desk work for some days to come, I'm day dreaming. When I saw this image it made me wonder: are dommes made or born. Yes I know the whole nature versus nurture debate is boring stuff but still.

Not exactly sure what's going on in this image. Other options are that this is a picture taken during the Second World War, where women were allowed to join the war effort by working in the factories. That doesn't quit explain why she is inspecting cricket bats. Pretty useless tools to win a war. Besides, you can win the (cricket) game but loose the war. Or perhaps the lady won a prize contest. First prize a life time supply of multi-purpose wooden implements. Doesn't make much sense either.  I can't make sense of it, if you can let me know.

The image stands out because of her body language but even more so her eyes. If only I had paid more attention to my Love's happy eyes when she smiled and told me she was getting me power tools indeed for my birthday I'd still be able to walk and not have to wonder about the true intentions of the girl in the picture. 

Isn't it romantic?

Monday, November 15, 2021

Doctor Who: Discussions on Natural Dominance

The dominant Doctor is back. Today is for die-hard fans only. Sorry. 

Don't be fooled, you can learn a lot by watching television.

Post birthday bash I'm still sore. From now on I have a love/hate relationship with powertools. At least that gives me time to write. You'll have to wait for that post on the Ikea dungeon because last night I watched Doctor Who and learned something important. No, not that the Tardis is actually made by Ikea, it isn't. Nor is there any relation between Ikea bleu and Tardis blue.

Thursday, November 11, 2021

Power Tools: The Birthday Gift That Keeps On Giving

Be careful what you wish for...

Just like last year and the years before, today, November 11, is my birthday. Yes, your favourite DIY slave is celebrating he's getting older. A while back my Love and mistress asked me what I wanted for my birthday. With Covid-19 getting in the way of doing some serious travel I asked for power tools. OK, and peace on earth but frankly who needs that when you have so many awesome power tools?

Thursday, November 04, 2021

It's Hard Being a Gimp

Not being a native English speaker made me look up the word gimp. To my surprise it's from the 1994 Quentin Tarantino movie 'Pulp Fiction'. Gimp is a mute character dressed head to toe in a leather bondage suit. He's probably a hitchhiker or something who has been locked up in somebody's basement for several years. There is a lot in the movie that doesn't make sense. The 'get the gimp' scene could've easily been omitted. It's not relevant in any way.

These days everybody knows what a gimp is. Still I was surprised to see it as the topic of a 30 second film on the theme of vertigo. It's hilarious and reminded me of a post by pro-domme Miss Margot about when the wife came home early. 'I had the guy tied to his bed and I’d just attached two long zippers of clothespins to his chest, when I heard the very distinctive sound of a deadbolt pulling back from a lock. I froze and my ears perked up.'

No time to get the toys out of sight but at least Miss Margot was able to hide under the bed, which is infinitely better than standing on a ridge in full bondage gear. Just watch. 

From The Archives

  • What a Woman AKA the great divide between what inspires you and how the alphabet crushes any hope of explaining. …
  • The Goop's Guide to Father’s Day No! Not again. Gwyneth Paltrow wants to sells your kid sex toys for Father's Day. …
  • Personal Gravity There is no difference between the Vanilla and the Dark. Men fall in love only to surrender and obey. Happiness on…