A dream forever out of reach.
What man in his right mind can resist these two smiling dommes? |
After hearing the gospel of 'things can only get better', this Sunday, in an attempt to head off the fifth wave, [1] the Netherlands went into full lock down again. Just like last year, shortly before Christmas. Clearly somebody hates Christmas more than I do, which I don't, it's the Grinch whom I despise from the bottom of my heart.
Apart from getting sick or dying, Covid-19 has wreaked havoc on almost anything and anyone these past two years. Over here in Holland, the government closed down primary schools to force parents to work from home. UNICEF wasn't happy - nor were the parents - but what can they do? Secondary schools also closed down and many students haven't been in a class room for over a year. Sports clubs have gone under, same with choirs and other clubs. The elderly have have literally died from loneliness. Everybody you ask rattles of more victims of Covid-19 without hesitation and every time you're surprised just how wide and deep the impact is. The only 'winners' so to speak seem to be supermarkets. People are literally stuffing themselves.
At least staying at home allows me some more time for other stuff, like online surfing. The other day I read an interesting question. What is your biggest regret when it comes to kink? Most people wrote about the missed opportunity of never being able to visit the OWK, but why would you wanna go to a sub-par place where everybody - including visiting dommes - has to submit to one woman's [2] limited view on what femdom is and is not?
Others wrote about not being more adventurous but that's a double edged sword, kinky risks can easily translate into real world danger. Basically I don't do regrets but if I did, I'd limit myself to a shorter time period, say, like for instance the past year. Don't know why Berlin's Studio Avalon closed down earlier this year but not visiting there is probably my biggest regret for 2021. [3] The place always had this magical vibe, but what really drew me is the domina team. It always felt rather unique. Still curious about all of them. A couple of names stand out, like two true leather goddesses [more on the Leather Goddesses of Phobos tomorrow, finally] Herrin Mercedes and Lady Pascal in today's mast head image. Clearly I'm not nearly as masochistic as I should be because it brings me no joy never to be able to experience what I desire. And you? What's your regret?
[1] And no, once we reach the inevitable 11th wave I won't celebrate. D'oh.
Covid-19 doesn't make me smile, 11 does.
[2] Or the men and women behind queen Patricia who came up with the money.
[3] My biggest regret for 2020 is not winning the lottery. As usual, I forgot to buy tickets but otherwise I would have applied for a month-long session at Avalon. If only.