Save some hiccups, technological progress mostly has ups.
Oldest surviving image of mistress and slave, ca 11.000 BCE, predating the Flintstones by 1111 years (plus or minus 34 years). Not sure about her choice of toys. Troglodyte goofball looks happy though. |
More often than not I've cursed the internet when it comes to femdom. Yes, I was happy to discover there were others like me. That was before the rise of the online findommes. [1] And if that isn't bad enough, how about the regular articles in women's magazines on how to feel powerful if you're down and out? Be a domme for a day and make all your problems wash away. Not. Attention for BDSM has not only lead to Fifty Shades but also increased attention on television. Sadly, all we're good for is being portrayed as freaks - #never normal - loosers or those cast away by mother nature herself. I beg to differ but rather spend my energy on something else.
The internet is not all bad. More than anything else it has shown me just how glorious and beautiful femdom can be in it's natural habitat: real women and real men accepting their destiny and acting upon it. Suddenly it felt like there could be a dominant woman lurking around every corner. Don't get me wrong, it's not a sexual thing - I'll save that for later. It's the mere fact there are many of us, people like you and me who live both happily in Vanilla Land but also cross over to the Dark Side frequently.
Knowing such women are just around the corner, real and much closer than I could've ever imagined is is perhaps the best thing that ever happened to me. All thanks the internet. And yes, despite being a guy who is totally in love with women in hot leather pants, my main objective has - and always will be - meeting dominant women with an honest interest in femdom. And the internet shows me, they're all around. It's like heaven on earth.
The true beauty of real, dominant women is that they order you to crawl in front of them not to please you but because it's what they want. Wanna worship their boots? Same thing. Only if it pleases her. Now that's powerful. In the end there is no point in serving a woman who only tries to please you. To serve is to please, otherwise there's no point. Compatibility might be an issue though.
[1] Note that I don't blame findommes per se, it's just the sheer volume. These days even mining bitcoin using a hand-cracked generator makes you more money. Plus I have to replace the batteries in my bullshit detector almost daily. Expensive and exhausting.
Only one track I can think of: Troglodyte by the Jimmy Castor Bunch. Even if you've never heard it "What we're gonna do right here is go back, way back, back into time" is one of the most legendary samples of all time.
Jimmy Castor Bunch - Trogladite (click to listen) |
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