Harsh adult education ahead
Suddenly personal growth seems overrated.
[Image: Punishment Club] |
Continued from And how was your summer?
Wrong question, why not tell me about your outlook for autumn instead. Naked in the dungeon, rather unexpectedly, mistress even cut off my underwear I'm thoroughly confused. So confused in fact, it shows between my legs. Absolutely nothing. Still I'm happy to be here. I look up and stare into her face. Dutch is in the habit of saying things out loud. Not this time. I think. "Anything for you." "Always." "Forever." It may sound like the mumblings of a schoolboy but it's actually me. I'm happy, floating on a happy vibe. She's there, I'm here. All that matters is that we're together. Our summer was pretty brilliant and because of it I'm feeling closer to her than ever. Of course there were a couple of instances where my love and mistress didn't hold back that still haunt me. But when I wake up the next morning with her wrapped around me, the un is shining, curtains closed or not. Happy, happy, happy and yet here I am. On my knees in our dungeon with this little voice inside my head.