Lure of the modern-day Sirens
Miley Cyrus is singing on the radio. These days she has a low, husky voice that sounds very sexy. It makes me wonder, is there such a thing as a voice fetish?
Miley Cyrus in concert (image: NME)
Remember how I argued Grace Jones [2] is the original femdom icon? Back in the 1980s, on one of her appearances on the Joan Rivers talkshow, she lets it slip that she has many clones. No doubt, a generation later, they've multiplied. Miley Cyrus is not one of them and I mean that as a compliment to both of them.
Miley's latest song Midnight Sky is on heavy rotation on my local radio station. The track is OK, but nothing special. What grabs my attention is Miley Cyrus' voice, over and over again.