Friday, March 31, 2023

Lady Daria's Warsaw Prison 2.0 Is Open

All of a sudden the sun starts to shine

Mistress Lady Daria at her Warsaw Prison Femdom Dungeon Poland
Lovely smug smile. Lady Daria at her original Warsaw prison

Lovely to see lady Daria of the Warsaw prison again. Even if it was only in yesterday's image. Probably not by accident. We never met in person. But it did make me wonder how Warsaw Prison 2.0 is progressing. Good news, according to lady Daria's Twitter account Warsaw Prison 2.0 is up and running.

Thursday, March 30, 2023

Das Zuchthaus III: Prison Application Pending

Excuses, excuses, excuses. Or not?

Previously on Das Zuchthaus: Why is Dutch not in some long forgotten German prison, hauling screams of despair. Privacy perhaps? With das Zuchthaus' latest mailing also came an application form.

Das Zuchthaus in Germany for a special BDSM, femdom & prison play experience with mistress Frau Aufseherin and visitor lady Daria from the Warsaw Prison in neighbouring Poland.
Diabolical Dream Team: Frau Aufseherin with lady Daria imprisoning the prisoner.

One thing I've always admired pro-dommes for - apart from their hot outfits and infinite toy bags of course - is superior people skills. Think about it. Random stranger walks into your dungeon. A lifetime of dreams and desires all pent up, and he is pinning his hopes on you. What can go wrong. It's easy to bash them but make no mistake, successful pro-dommes pose excellent people skills, honed over many years, putting us all to shame.

Tuesday, March 28, 2023

Das Zuchthaus II: Why Am I Not In Prison?

Good question, yes. A wise one?

Das Zuchthaus in Germany for a special BDSM, femdom & prison play experience with mistress Frau Aufseherin
Always glad to see women wearing leather but this feels rather intimidating.

So let's recap last time. Google - not Beyonce - rules the world. Dutch is afraid to fail. And there are lots of empty prisons becking for me like the sirens of ancient Greece. Why not go and surrender?

Must be horrible to be a prisoner in das Zuchthaus. Such beautiful sounds of despair, lucky volunteers. Almost as if the Addams family has moved to Germany. The other day I got their newsletter slash invitation to the dance. Dutch is one of those guys who cannot dance, not that it stops me. But dancing in the dungeon, all chained up?

Saturday, March 25, 2023

Das Zuchthaus I: Voluntary Imprisonment

Up to a point, just wait till the door slams shut

[Previously on Das Zuchthaus...]

Das Zuchthaus in Germany for a special BDSM, femdom & prison play experience with mistress Frau Aufseherin
Frau Aufseherin presiding over das Zuchthaus

For some reason I'm into history all of a sudden. Not mocking you but my favourite genre on Netflix is documentaries. If you wanna sum up the history of the world in 11 words characters, it goes something like this. Dinosaurs die, long antebellum after which Google - our new overlord - rises.

As almighty overlords come, Google is pretty evil. Why else would it censor alternative forms of happiness. Because Googlecorp stubbornly refuses to understand that happiness comes in unexpected ways you say? Hmmm.

Sunday, March 19, 2023

Holding Hands

Cute & Cruel

Kindness, not pain,  will break any man. The really addictive part is just how playful she does it.

'Sweety is in pain. Let me hold his nipple tight to let him know I'm here for him and will support him all the way. Now let's pump it up.'

Was writing a post for some vanilla blog. Music in the background. All of a sudden Seal singin' "I'll be there.

"This   "
is our fork in the road"

Tuesday, March 14, 2023

Take a Bow

Hardcore happiness at the end of the rainbow

Immersive beauty

You've seen them too. Your first reaction was: "what a bunch of weirdos." But secretly you envy them. How the couple connects, how they click and how their love is beyond compare.

Clearly there's a secret ingredient that makes relationships work. Let's hope scientists - or Gordon Ramsey - never discover the recipe behind it. Let alone Disney and Hallmark. 

Wednesday, March 08, 2023

Time to Cancel International Women's Day?

Just a gorgeous image of a woman and a man. I'm so jealous.

It's international women's day, whatever that means. Also an excellent opportunity to brush up your credentials as a superior slave, one who cares about da cauze.

A couple of days ago I bumped into a tweet by a domme trying to explain why she didn't respond to or turned down slaves. Dick pics made a lot of sense. His Fetlife profile wasn't filled out a lot less. Anyone still using that? Also the slave's social media didn't show the correct amount of awareness regarding women's issues. And he had no opinion regarding women of colour. Note: Dutch is white, Caucasian if you prefer. Maybe the applicant just loves women or has other things on his mind. 

Tuesday, March 07, 2023

Invisible Beauty of Femdom

Some say what else is new. Doesn't matter. Dutch is still recovering from the news that Google now censors adult content in order to harvest even more personal data. How's that for an invisible paywall? Meanwhile chatbot ChatGPT is running amok. Getting angry at users who claim the year is 2023 is the least of the AI's problems. 

Saturday, March 04, 2023

Secret Celebrity Femdom Crush

Latin Beauties in High Heels redefined

Jennifer Lopez in a scene from Hustlers.

Apart from the article about the mass torture centres the Russian agressor built in the Ukrainian town of Kherson, I read another article that inspires me to write. And it's much more fun. At least $100.000 worth of Magic the Gathering playing cards are found in a landfill.

Thursday, March 02, 2023

War in Ukraine: Kherson Mass Torture Centres Planned by Russian State

Another gruesome reminder just how inhumane the Russian invasion is and why we must provide limitless support for Ukraine until the very end.

"For us this is real."

"Consensual non-consensual"

"No limits"

"I am a female supremacist, male supremacist, white supremacist, Russian supremacist, unicorn supremacist."

Scene from The Great, a satirical TV show about Catherine the Great of Russia.

The beauty of femdom is that you can do really weird stuff, things that are impossible to explain to the outside world, in relative safety. It's because we're all people first rather than mistress or slave. Sadly our beautiful playground proves an excellent hiding spot for psychopaths too. It's why honesty is so important.

From The Archives

  • (I Just) Died in Your Arms Gimp dreaming of turning the tables on his Love and goddess. For Love and for good. A while back I wrote about time…
  • Dutch Police Discovers Underworld Torture Chamberthe difference between reality and "for us this is real" No limits? As in non-consensual non-consensual?…
  • Black FridayReal [sic] men know goddesses come in all shapes, sizes and colours. Even better, there's one waiting for each and…