Tuesday, March 28, 2023

Das Zuchthaus II: Why Am I Not In Prison?

Good question, yes. A wise one?

Das Zuchthaus in Germany for a special BDSM, femdom & prison play experience with mistress Frau Aufseherin
Always glad to see women wearing leather but this feels rather intimidating.

So let's recap last time. Google - not Beyonce - rules the world. Dutch is afraid to fail. And there are lots of empty prisons becking for me like the sirens of ancient Greece. Why not go and surrender?

Must be horrible to be a prisoner in das Zuchthaus. Such beautiful sounds of despair, lucky volunteers. Almost as if the Addams family has moved to Germany. The other day I got their newsletter slash invitation to the dance. Dutch is one of those guys who cannot dance, not that it stops me. But dancing in the dungeon, all chained up?

Imagine yourself naked in shackles in an old abandoned prison somewhere in Germany. She can see you but you cannot see her. After Frau Aufseherin is finished inspecting the prisoner, her hands make a gesture. Cold water is poured onto the prisoner. His screams are of a delicious horrible nature. Mostly because the long wait is finally over but also because of the shock. Cold, cold, cold. My name is nobody or is it that nobody hears my screams? And that's just the beginning. What more does one need to fill out the application form and get in line to suffer?

Privacy perhaps? Two things really ticked my boxes. First there is that page in the visit-Germany holiday brochure where it says that the goal of each and every visit to prison is a satisfying experience for both. And not because they want repeat customers, that's a shoe-inn. Most likely because these are evil women, hell-bent on corrupting submissive men to the max. Not sure if an old prison equals heaven, but most likely you can watch at the stars some of the time, so it must be.

The other thing that lures me is 'no way out'. You're in prison, shackles perhaps. Feel free to voice your opinion but nobody cares. Same thing for objections. And worst of all you've signed up voluntary, personal growth and so on. Like any journey or holiday, you always get exactly what you want, it's just not how you imagined you would.

As her slave, why should mistress care about what I think or how I feel. Compatibility before we start, after that all one can do is pray. Now imagine it's a horrible experience, so horrible in fact you cannot wait to sign up for the next event. Which brings me to my final question for today. Why am I not in prison?

Das Zuchthaus in Germany for a special BDSM, femdom & prison play experience with mistress Frau Aufseherin
Frau Aufseherin in full view: even more intimidating.

Face the music

For now the Top 40 of 1989 code of honour continues to rule my musical options. Looking at the year's track list, there's an abundance of options. Leave Me Alone by Michael Jackson anyone? No. Didn't think so. The Rolling Stones singing about Mixed Emotions? Not on my short list either. Same goes for Poison. That's Alice Cooper. Let's settle for Queen's The Invisible [Wo]Man. After all nobody hears you scream behind closed doors.

Queen - The Invisible Man [click to listen]


Read in today's The Guardian that Russian soldiers say commanders used ‘barrier troops’ to stop them retreating. Barrier troops or anti-retreat forces are military units positioned behind frontline forces to maintain discipline and prevent soldiers from fleeing. The use of blocking units likely attests to the low quality, low morale and indiscipline of Russian forces.

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