Friday, September 18, 2015

Grace Jones: "I'll Never Write My Memoirs"

“Hiding, secrets, and not being able to be yourself is one of the worst things ever for a person. It gives you low self-esteem. You never get to reach that peak in your life. You should always be able to be yourself, and be proud of yourself.”

Grace Jones skyscrapers
Bad design I know, two images so close together, but this portrait from The New York Times is just amazing.

Never? Guess what? They were published today.
Four months ago, on her birthday, I argued Grace Jones is the original femdom icon. By then the world was awaiting her memoirs. For a long time Grace Jones maintained she would never write them, but she changed her mind. Haven't read them yet and it probably is gonna take some time before I do but here are some reviews.

grace jones, i'll never write my memoirs, book cover
Dazed: Grace Jones - Wilder Than Ever
At 67, pop’s most outrageous innovator is in her prime. As she unleashes her explosive memoir, the performer lifts the lid on a lifetime of sex, drugs and drag queens.

"In her memoir, she speaks with equal passion about her love of music and her love of sex, using similar language to describe the two. Which of the two does she prefer? For the first time this evening, she looks genuinely aghast. Not because of the question (Grace Jones is no prude), but because of the choice.
There is no way you can separate music or sex!” she shrieks.
You want to put on some good music when you’re having sex."

The New York Times: The Power of Grace Jones
The style icon and provocateur, who says, “I’m 5,000 years old,” discusses her memoir and today’s pop stars. She’s not impressed.

"“Do you think we can take the Champagne to the pool, or are they going to have some corporate law about it?” She grabbed it anyway and headed for the door.

“Well, let’s see. Let them try and stop me.”

Sunday Express
"I was surprised to read that as well as being able to smack a chat show host around the head, Grace Jones likes doing jigsaw puzzles."

NY Daily News
'I’d rather be a memory of something fantastic': Grace Jones reveals her wild times in new memoir.

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