Saturday, July 09, 2022

Who Doesn't Like Ice Cream?

[Don't answer that]

It's gonna be a cruel, cruel summer.

Can I have a smile instead? [image: Sadic Sadie on Twitter.]

Classic scene from the tv show 'Two and a half men'. Despite being warned by his 10-year old nephew, uncle Charlie asks the children of a potential 'love interest' "who loves ice cream?" Trust me, it was funny.

Less funny these days is grocery shopping. Too many choices. Do you want this flavour or that one? And that's just the tomato sauce. Eleven more items to go. Next up is ice cream with infinitely more variations - except for one.

Previously I wrote about the mesmerizing Sadic Sadie and her hypnotizing smile. And how she reminded me of summer. We all know summer equals sun and ice cream. And that chastity all summer long is no fun. But perhaps it's the safer option. In one of her tweets Sadic Sadie is feeding her slave an ice cream of his own making.

"@SadicSadie: He had to save up his own cum for more than a month.. and made a popsicle out of it.. " 

Just remember: happiness doesn't equal her and him smiling at the same time.

Happy it's not me. Some guys have all the luck I guess. Going out for dinner later tonight.  Not sure if she likes ice cream but she likes me. And I like her. Still not ordering ice cream for desert. We men are slaves because we understand. Pain and humiliation equal servitude. We also need to check regularly if we're still serving our purpose. Please take off his blindfold mistress and shower him with your smile. How else can he tell he's doing a good job


And you were thinking of 'Cruel Summer' as today's song? Not a chance. It's Agnes instead. 'Release me 'cause I'm not able to...' 'I'm not in control.' Much more fitting. Not that he's better of without her. Check the lyrics if you don't get it.

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