Thursday, March 31, 2022

OWK: Das Omen - Eleven Schools of Magic

We're all doomed

Miss Jackson before she became headmistress at Hogwarts.

Yesterday on the OWK, part IX: Beggars Can't Be Choosers

The first sign of something scary building up, showed on my radar a couple of years ago. There's no mystery in why I take an interest in [what's left of] the OWK, but why would a slave care about the world of Magic Creatures? [1] After all, the world of Hogwarts and Harry Potter is sealed of from mere muggles like you and me.

True, but even the tightest seal is just that. It also can accidentally leak. Ask any of the Wise Goddesses of the wizarding world about the limits of magic and they will tell you there is an infinite number of them, almost all of which are invisible to even the Magical Community itself.

Wednesday, March 30, 2022

OWK IX: Beggars Can't Be Choosers

King of my castle anyone?

'My home is my castle, besides who needs a king when you can have a slave crawling on all fours instead?'

If you think French cleats are hot - finally figured out what they are? - autarky is even hotter. And not just because the OWK has at long last decided to dream big. 

Continued from OWK VIII - Sublime Ladies are the 'Product'

Why ask people for donations to repair the castle tower and as soon as repairs are finished announce you're looking for another place. Honestly that makes no sense at all. Or does it?

A while back I dug a little deeper into the history of the OWK and ran into two interesting articles. Because I don't speak Czech - Google does - everything is translated by our digital overlord. Apologies in advance, I've only corrected the most obvious errors. [2]

Tuesday, March 29, 2022

Never Normal

Let's Be Careful Out There

Don't gamble away your once chance for happiness.

"Do you like oranges or are you just happy to see me?" Scene for The Sinner

Earlier this week I overheard some people talking.

"They thought he went missing but he was visiting his mistress. Now that he is retired, he does that every month as soon as he gets his pension. After a while he re-appears."

"You're kidding me, he used to be such a decent fellow, civil servant and so on, always the perfect gentleman."

"You know what, ever since he retired, he started wearing weird outfits, black latex and stuff. And you know what else?"

"Please stop, I really don't wanna hear it."

Saturday, March 26, 2022

Birthplace of Masochism Under Fire

Non-consensual That includes missiles, rockets and so on 

Lviv in war-torn Ukraine is under Russian attack. 

Fanny Pistor (in furs, with whip) and Sacher-Masoch at her feet. Pistor was an aspiring writer who turned to Masoch for advice.

Lovely weather in Holland today. Makes me forget it's raining a thousand kilometers to the west for almost a month now. Bombs from hell that is, Russian missiles torturing Ukraine.

The word sado-masochism is derived from the names of two gentlemen. Sadism comes from the French marquis de Sade, a hardcore, seriously non-consensual sadist who went nuts and eventually died in prison. 

Saturday, March 19, 2022

OWK VIII - Sublime Ladies are the 'Product'

Who could've guessed?

Sometimes even the most 'natural uber-dominant' woman is doomed. Hard to swallow? Yes, letting go [of the dream] is always hard. Better ask yourself: whose dream was it anyway?

dominatrix dante posh pondering the past, back when mistress used to visit the Other World Kingdom OWK
Dante Posh pondering the past.

Continued from: OWK VII - On becoming a Womanian.

Gamification is a technique social media uses to keep you glued to your screen. Click here and you get a bigger avatar [than your friend]. Do that and you receive another awesome badge. Time to go to sleep? Before you do, just one more thing. Don't switch of your phone just yet.

Born in 1483, Martin Luther is a seminal figure in Christianity. The scholar and priest is best remembered for nailing the Ninety-five Theses to the door of the Schlosskirche (Castle Church) of Wittemberg in Germany. In reality his "Disputes on the Power and Efficacy of Indulgences" was printed in the year 1517, spreading across Europe in under two months. His thesis is what started the Protestant Revolution that has divided Christianity ever since.

Sunday, March 13, 2022

Videodrome Is For Real

And much scarier than 40 years ago 

Why should other people decide what's hot or not. [So non-consensual, it always has to consensual]

E.L. James and her red room of pain. It has been done at least 50 times before.
'The original shock of Videodrome in 1983 was the idea that people would actually watch someone being tortured. In 2004, the Saw franchise was born and torture-porn movies are now old hat.'
- 'How a creepy 1983 cult movie got everything right about the internet.' [the Journal]

Everything connects to everything. Thanks Paltego for beating me to it, that's writing about the movie Videodrome. It's been on my to-do list for years and all of a sudden - all it takes is one tiny article on 1980s rock singer Blondie for you to blog about it? Thanks for nothing. As a fellow blogger you could've given me the heads up. Plus a few more years to come up with the actual copy. [3]

Thursday, March 10, 2022

Femdom Key To Solving Women's Issues

Leather works too

Smug Scientists Collective says Fifty Shades equals horror show. Femdom best way to keep women warm.

Naked men, women dressed (leather optional): everybody's comfy. You see my point? (Image: miss Red Stripe and lady Dalia of Cape Town's Surrender Studio)

Yesterday was International Women's Day. Most serious male femdom bloggers have done a curtsy followed by the proper sucking up. Not Dutch, I was busy doing international stuff. Regret is best viewed through the rear view mirror, so here we go.

First of all thanks to those who spent their valuable time yesterday enlightening me about the cruel, male-dominated world we live in. Which we do. Crash test dummies are inevitably male and born at least 20 years before the 1970s. If you're a female driver involved in an accident, you're definitely out of luck. Somehow that feels odd.

Friday, March 04, 2022

Twisting by the Pool

Funny punni, as in predicament punishment, not pony

Just remember: Dutch is serious about kissing ass. And good at it.

People take femdom far to serious, if only they chased happiness or shared orgasms with the same vigour. I love femdom because I love femdom. And why do I love femdom? Because I love women. Women without femdom, yes. Femdom without women? Stop talking nonsense.

Wednesday, March 02, 2022


Or what might happen when you watch too much femdom porn

Agreed, I have posted sexier images.

Easy to argue porn does no harm. I still believe it doesn't. Don't agree? You probably have a woman in mind right now who might be a good fit for you in real life. Done? OK, now let's turn to your screen. Give it some time until the two of you run into each other again and basta. World's apart. It's that simple.

I'm confident porn is harmless but cracks are starting to appear. Yes I know I once wrote about fire trucks. That was to explain how at the tender age of seven all boys know two things for sure. Fire trucks are cool. All girls are stupid. Silly, isn't it? To this day, no woman I've ever dated has confessed her love of fire trucks - let alone crushing them - to me. That's very re-assuring.

The guy to the left is something of an exception I guess. A gentleman who confuses the green truck in front of him with the Leather Goddesses of Phobos. [4] Your guess is as good as mine. Or he spent his childhood watching Transformers. Transformers are giant robots that are alive. Because they are part of a cartoon show. During peace time they're the size of a small compact car but when duty calls they rise to the occasion, which is about the size of one or two Eiffel towers or something.

And yes, this guy is really bowing to a lifeless truck. Doesn't look cool on Insta which probably makes him the exception to the rule that femdom porn is harmless. I always thought Clips4Sale meant that literally. Confusion all around.


[1] This is not an introduction to 'Rise of the Idiot Influencer.'

[2] It's neither a teaser for my upcoming series on 'Conceptual Kink.'

[3] Just a funny image, because femdom is fun for two.

[4] Quick shout out, haven't mentioned the Leather Goddess of Phobos for weeks now.

Tuesday, March 01, 2022


Imagine what real solidarity with Ukraine - not just bla bla words - could've done 

Ella Kross in a clip called 'Russian cane'. I know just the Russian to test it on.

Mistress Ella Kross's unique style, elegance and passion for the femdom craft is what caught my attention when I first heard of her. That's how you stand out for [being] real in an ocean of blinking, scripted dommes I told myself. An original, refreshing and a lot of personality, plus all the things I can't see from a distance. Another thing I noticed is how the dark arts of ruined orgasms seemed to bring her a lot of joy. So much pleasure in fact, it's kinda scary. Probably a personal favourite of hers.

From The Archives

  • Will Die a Virgin The latest in femdom fashion?  Unlike simple stuff like soap voluntary involuntary just got complicated.  …
  • Musical Funishment (function(i,s,o,g,r,a,m){i['GoogleAnalyticsObject']=r;i[r]=i[r]||function(){ …
  • Rietveld Chair Revisited Whatever you do, don't put this chair in your dungeon. Don't. Much more interesting is what a dungeon…