Wednesday, March 02, 2022


Or what might happen when you watch too much femdom porn

Agreed, I have posted sexier images.

Easy to argue porn does no harm. I still believe it doesn't. Don't agree? You probably have a woman in mind right now who might be a good fit for you in real life. Done? OK, now let's turn to your screen. Give it some time until the two of you run into each other again and basta. World's apart. It's that simple.

I'm confident porn is harmless but cracks are starting to appear. Yes I know I once wrote about fire trucks. That was to explain how at the tender age of seven all boys know two things for sure. Fire trucks are cool. All girls are stupid. Silly, isn't it? To this day, no woman I've ever dated has confessed her love of fire trucks - let alone crushing them - to me. That's very re-assuring.

The guy to the left is something of an exception I guess. A gentleman who confuses the green truck in front of him with the Leather Goddesses of Phobos. [4] Your guess is as good as mine. Or he spent his childhood watching Transformers. Transformers are giant robots that are alive. Because they are part of a cartoon show. During peace time they're the size of a small compact car but when duty calls they rise to the occasion, which is about the size of one or two Eiffel towers or something.

And yes, this guy is really bowing to a lifeless truck. Doesn't look cool on Insta which probably makes him the exception to the rule that femdom porn is harmless. I always thought Clips4Sale meant that literally. Confusion all around.


[1] This is not an introduction to 'Rise of the Idiot Influencer.'

[2] It's neither a teaser for my upcoming series on 'Conceptual Kink.'

[3] Just a funny image, because femdom is fun for two.

[4] Quick shout out, haven't mentioned the Leather Goddess of Phobos for weeks now.

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