Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Femdom Fitness: Sweaty N Slavery

Ever once in a while the phenomenon of dominas turning into fitness instructors makes the headlines. Whether they do it for fun, money or an alternative career, in most cases slaves are usually better of hiring a professional trainer.

Tuesday, December 02, 2014

Contemporary Slavery: Change Begins With Awareness

Nobody wants modern day slavery to exist. Yet we are hooked on cheap stuff. That means industrial slavery. Raising awareness about labour conditions that can only be described as slavery is a first step towards ending it.

Punch Nigeria, We’re treated like slaves but we’re afraid of losing our jobs – Nigerians in Chinese, Indian companies
The exploitation circus goes global: We’re treated like slaves but we’re afraid of losing our jobs.
Nigerians in Chinese, Indian companies. (Image: Punch Nigeria )

Today, December 02, is International Day for the Abolition of Modern Day Slavery. Anonymous people in far away countries assemble our phones and other gadgets for very little money. A few people jumped of the Foxcon building trying to make a statement about horrible working conditions but other than that it is business as usual. In the end we all want the Iphone 666 at bargain prices.

Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Britain's Extreme Porn Laws

A new British law, the Audiovisual Media Services Regulations 2014, will come into effect on December 01, 2014. Dubbed the "anti porn" or "extreme porn" law it does not allow for certain kinds of porn to be sold any more by British makers independent of the online location where they sell it from.

"We must not allow the internet to be an ungoverned space"
- David Cameron, British Prime Minister. (Nov 14, 2014)

Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Amazing Women. Write Their Names In Capitals

Just when you think you have seen all possible variations on capitalization you come across one that takes the concept of honorifics to a whole new level. Respect and achievements are the product of hard work. They cannot be earned any other way. As an antidote to all that silliness I made a small list of amazing women I admire.

"If you are feeling helpless, help someone"

Sunday, November 23, 2014

No (not always) means no

Those evil kinksters are always in the news and the press loves it. Recently a Belgian couple was convicted for having sadomasochistic sex in their own bedroom, in South Africa a stalker forced an actress to out herself as a domme and in Canada celebrity radio dj Jian Ghomeshi got fired over allegations of rape which he claims were consensual sadomasochistic acts. Where the Belgian couple was convicted of something they both testified to as consensual, Ghaneshi used the consensual non-consent argument "it was just play", to defend himself.

Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Have S&M in your own bedroom and go to jail

Several Belgian newspapers report how a couple has been handed suspended prison sentences for enjoying S&M in their own bedroom.

bdsm furniture, bondage bed with pillory and o-rings
Not suitable for children under 3 years old.

In a controversial case in 1997 Belgian judge Koen Aurousseau was convicted on similar charges in what since has become the case of the SM Judge. In both cases everything was consensual and both couples filmed and photographed their activities, which was later used in evidence against them. (Note: links are in Dutch).

Monday, November 17, 2014

Findom: the world's priciest fetish

Findom is ill-understood and controversial. People think of women exploiting men's weird sexual fetishes. The notion of "easy money" is generally disliked. It is perhaps the only fetish where the female "dominants" outnumber their male slaves.

The other day I read an ultra short post on mistress Arella's findom blog which triggered this post:
"For my birthday wishlist click here. My birthday is in April. Stuff can be posted into my PO Box or choose cash (Paypal) or e-voucher."

Thursday, November 13, 2014

So you think you are dominant?

Ever read one of those contact adds where some sub explains he is only submissive to “The One” while maintaining his position as Alpha Male in real life?

gorilla bokito, alpha male, who escaped from a dutch zoo in 2007
A true alpha male, Dutch gorilla Bokito, who escaped in 2007

Thursday, November 06, 2014

She rules a palace of pleasure... for women!

"She is the most sadistic, diabolical... woman who ever lived..."

"She rules a palace of pleasure... for women! Where men are used in a diabolical plot to destroy civilization!"

Wednesday, November 05, 2014

Jian Ghomeshi Will Harm Us All

When Quartz, a well respected business newsletter, argued sexual preferences are a human right while linking to Jian Ghomeshi's Facebook statement after being fired from his job, I assumed it was an open and shut case. Clearly it was not.

cbc, canadian radio host jian ghaomeshi in the studio

Friday, October 24, 2014

Privacy is "Elementary"

TV shows continue to present kink lovers as freaks. TV show elementary nicely sums up everything that is wrong with modern day morals. Or the immorality of a moral clause in a CEO's contract. Never normal once again.

"Sometimes I discuss ancient torture techniques with Sherlock."

Elementary is an American television show loosely based on the character of Sherlock Holmes. In the episode Poison Pen a dominatrix finds her client dead in his house. The victim is the CEO of a large company who is about to retire. His contract has a “morality clause”. As it turns out his successor staged the whole scene when he found out his boss was dead so the company does not have to pay a 125 million dollar bonus upon retirement.

Friday, October 17, 2014

Big Butt Plugs: Everything is Art

The French were shocked to find out their Christmas tree resembled a giant butt plug. They should have learned from the Dutch.

American artist Paul McCarthy has created an inflatable Christmas tree for the Fiac festival. The "Tree" is erected (...) in Paris and looks like a giant green butt plug. Les French are outraged. If they had done their homework they would have found out a similar thing happened in Netherlands more than ten years earlier. At least the Tree in Paris is green and the French were quick to deflate the problem. It took just two days until someone assaulted and deflated it.

Thursday, October 16, 2014

Interview with a domina
The Blog of Lady Sas

Some simply enjoy their kink. Others are curious about the underlying dynamics. One reason I read interviews with dominant women is my fascination with the contradiction that is kink.

There are a lot of interviews out there. Most come in one of three flavours: a submissive male interviewing a female dominant, mostly with terrible results. Infomercials are an even bigger waste of time as is the serious press, always on the lookout for the bizarre to shock their audience and sell a few more magazines. So it makes for an interesting change if a dominant woman interviews another dominant woman.

Tuesday, October 14, 2014

The Big Bang Theory's Hidden Agenda to Promote Femdom

There has always been something odd about the Big Bang Theory but I never exactly knew what it was. Hindsight is 20/20 and the show's producers have been dropping hints from an early stage. All couples in the Big Bang Theory are in a D/s relationship with the women firmly in charge. Raj being the odd one out, maybe one day he'll figure out his sexual orientation.
big bang theory, penny ties up the guys

Friday, October 10, 2014

We all worship someone, or something...

"The best things in life are free. The second best are very expensive." - Coco Chanel

Not exactly femdom but the lady on her knees worshipping Chanel makes for a powerful image. Especially with the man standing behind her holding the umbrella. He worships her in turn. What else can it be?

woman on her knees worships chanel. man holds an umbrella over her.

Monday, September 15, 2014

Female Vikings: The Amazons Have Competition

A recent archaeological discovery learns that half of Viking warriors were female. Perhaps inequality is a more novel invention.

Scandinavian Warrior Goddess.
A time before the yellow and blue flatpack was the best the Nordic countries offered us.

Sunday, September 14, 2014

Abuse and Exploitation: Fetish Video Producer Convicted

Money makes the world go round and that is not always a good thing. In April 2014 the producer of the Shefights website has been jailed along with a female kickboxer for beating up a mentally disabled men in a boxing ring in 2011.

Saturday, August 30, 2014

Kink is all around

Travel the world and you are bound to meet kinky people, especially when you least expect it.

It's a big, big [and sometimes kinky] world.

Holland is such a small country that you simply have to travel the world not to get claustrophobic. This year I travelled to one of those terrible uncomfortable places nobody in their right mind goes to and still managed to have lots of fun. I did not choose the destination for its discomfort, it came with the country. Guess that is the price one has to pay for travelling to such an interesting country.

By sheer coincidence there was this gay couple travelling with our group who were d&s. It took me a while to figure it out. The sub answered everything with either "As you please" or "That would be my pleasure." I started putting the pieces together when I accidentally overheard the sub addressing the dom as sir. After that it all started making sense. When there were not enough chairs, the sub sat on the floor. The locals' hobby was cramming as many people as possible into a single taxi. The sub always sat in the trunk. Once I figured it out I joined him in the trunk whenever necessary. I had to be careful not to burst into roaring laughter every time I jumped in. So funny.

Unfortunately the dom was not a very pleasant person, limited control over his emotions, little personal strength, snapping his fingers at the local staff and so on. I really don't like that so I had to cut him down to size several times - in public. That I liked! Ain't I a stinker. :)

Nothing funnier than real life.

Saturday, August 23, 2014

Toys for (controlling) boys

Like all boys I like toys, both kinky and vanilla. The other day I saw two ingenious, evil electrical toys.

Public Enemy cb6000 electric chastity cage. tens, electro play

The first item was the Public Enemy (what's in a name) cb6000 electric chastity cage. It has been done before an electrified chastity cage but the design of the Public Enemy is beautiful. Electrical play can range anywhere from pleasurable to painful to even unbearable. Wearing a device like that really means giving up control.  Pleasure also, which makes it for a very interesting control toy. It is an excellent little toy to play mind games. Punishment is only milliseconds away. The only moment when you are probably safe is when you are serving wine.

sackslings oxballs, tens, cbt, electro play, electro torture

To complement the electrical chastity cage there are the sacksling electro oxballs, they are probably even more scary. They have two electrical contacts, so you can use them as a standalone toy but combined with the chastity cage it makes for an exciting and scary combination.

Saturday, June 28, 2014

Little She Hulk in Red

The image below is from a post on FemdomResource, a really good femdom blog with a nose for excellent imagery written from a male perspective. I just love the image so I reblog it here with a paragraph from the original text:

"It’s by the Chinese artist Li Wei. Amazingly, as this article describes, it’s not done purely with Photoshop. There is post-processing of the images to remove ropes and harnesses, but the locations and the bodies are real. This particular image is titled ‘Love at the high place 1′."

Friday, June 27, 2014

R100 - Japanese Mainstream Femdom Movie

Last year, as the London Fetish Scene rallied to raise money for the restoration of “Preaching to the Perverted” in an attempt to preserve the movie for the “fifty shades generation” (yes, really), a more interesting film with a BDSM theme began showing in Japan: R100.

Thursday, June 05, 2014

Saharah Eve: Dommes Dishing Dommes.

We All Gotta Make a Living

Every time Saharah Eve shows up in my search results I wonder who buys her clips. Her face is blurred, full screen copyright notice and all materials have a footer with a contact e-mail to report copyright infringements. Saharah Eve is free to do with her pics and clips as she likes but it feels like the emphasis is squarely on making money. Does she even enjoy herself? Who knows, her face is blurred.

Saharah Eve, dominatrix, prodomme, madame in a world of fantasy

Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Maya Angelou Dies At 86

I'm not really into poetry, guess it lacks mathematical equations but I greatly enjoy Maya Angelou. When I first read "Phenomenal Woman", I was struck by lightning. She is one of the greats, together with my personal favourites Khalil Ghibran, Robert Frost and Oscar Wilde.

Today she passed away, aged 86. Her life and struggle represents the lives of (too) many, still with her poetry she left behind a beautiful legacy. Obviously for me it is hard to relate to "I know why the caged bird sings" but "Phenomenal Woman" and "Touched by an Angel" hit so close to home, I'm still trembling. I reprinted "Phenomenal Woman" earlier, below a copy of "Touched by an Angel", which I read for the first time after I reprinted "Phenomenal Woman". Let me highlight two of its most beautiful lines:

Yet if we are bold,
love strikes away the chains of fear
from our souls.
Yet it is only love
which sets us free.

Below the full version:

We, unaccustomed to courage
exiles from delight
live coiled in shells of loneliness
until love leaves its high holy temple
and comes into our sight
to liberate us into life.

Love arrives
and in its train come ecstasies
old memories of pleasure
ancient histories of pain.
Yet if we are bold,
love strikes away the chains of fear
from our souls.

We are weaned from our timidity
In the flush of love's light
we dare be brave
And suddenly we see
that love costs all we are
and will ever be.
Yet it is only love
which sets us free.
Touched By An Angel - Maya Angelou

Friday, April 25, 2014

Maya Angelou: Phenomenal Woman - Poem For A Wonderful Goddess

No man can read "Phenomenal Woman" without thinking of "her". She is the woman you should pursuit relentlessly, because she is the one - and you both know. Fight, struggle, whatever you need to do to make it work, If that is not possible, make sure she knows you will be there for her whenever she needs you to.

Thursday, April 24, 2014

The tchurch of twue BDSM strikes again

Tumblr is an inexhaustible source of twue BDSM wisdom. Yesterday a real beauty showed up in my stream – a true gem. It was called: "The BDSM Pyramid." The author got everything right, down to the spelling of Femdom and fem sub.

The BDSM hierachy

Thursday, April 17, 2014

No Privacy: Google Is Greedier Than Ever

Around early 2000 Google coined the informal 'Don't Be Evil' motto to show the company was different from its competitors who were kind of exploiting users to some extend. The slogan is no longer true but thanks to great PR it is the image most people have of Google even today.

Recently Google changed the default checkbox setting for your Google account to "Stay signed in." supposedly for your convenience but Google's safety recommendations make that hard to believe.

Thursday, April 03, 2014

It is for your own good: Less Privacy, More Vulnerability

The government spies on us for our own good. After 9/11 they ramped up their efforts to make sure it would never happen again. Edward Snowden revealed just how much information the government collects. When I woke up I tried to find a silver lining.

Wednesday, April 02, 2014

The Internet Killed Kink

50 Times over

People were into BDSM long before the internet was invented. A post about Ava Taurel reminded me of the feelings I associated with BDSM before I knew what it was all about. My mind painted me a picture of BDSM a delicious, dark, forbidden and mysterious world. It made it all the more desirable.

Mistress Ava Taurel

Friday, March 28, 2014

Robin & Ivy

Catwoman always has my undivided attention. It is her demeanor that attractes me. Her catsuit is a nice bonus though. Femdom Resource has a nice comic of Robin and Poison Ivy, one of the other female super villains from the Batman universe. A potion turns Robin into Poison Ivy's willing pet. If you are reading this you are probably wondering why anyone needs a potions. I wondered.

Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Cruelty to Stuffed Animals

Every time I see this image, it makes me laugh  It is brilliant. Sesame Street will never be the same again. Poor cookie monster. This is cruelty to (stuffed) animals ad absurdem. And yes my childhood dreams are ruined now.

Sunday, March 23, 2014

The Capitalization Debate

A recent message made me wonder about capitalization in English. The answer was unexpected and funny. If you capitalize mistress, you should also capitalize slave. Why anyone wants to refers to themselves as "My" remains a mystery, especially when writing to a stranger on a vanilla topic.

That's not how you spell igo.

Saturday, March 22, 2014

Fluffy Bunny domination comics

The Buddha taught us life is too important to be taken seriously. Some people take kink more serious than life itself. They should read the Fluffy Bunny Domination Comics every now and then.

Source: Fluffy Bunny Domination

Saturday, February 22, 2014

Quotes and me

Powerful expressions composed of a few well chosen words: quotes They can hold universal truths, mirror our feelings, comfort or confront us or make us really understand but they always give us a fresh pair of eyes. What is not to love about quotes?

"There are moments when. whatever the position of the body. the soul is on its knees."
 — Victor Hugo

Wednesday, January 29, 2014

The weird world of ‘male chastity’

Since the whole Fifty Shades thing started the vanilla world has become much more curious about kink. I just ran into an article in The Kernel on male chastity: the weird world of male chastity.

From a vanilla point of view it is a good article. What I did not know is that the inability to enjoy sex normally again once men have gone down the chastity route is a common problem. Personally that would be a shame. Guess I am so kinky I even like vanilla stuff (but not all the time please).

Full metal, locking male chastity device
Full Metal Jacket, down under.

From The Archives

  • Herrin Mercedes: Portrait of a Lady A true unicorn in the world of femdom I expected to discuss more interviews this December, then again even …
  • 'Book your first session and start living' Let your colours burst 'Life is what happens while you’re busy making other plans.' Don't be like …
  • Never Normal Has Finally Reached the Ghost WorldDifferent kind of Dark Side Ghostbusters have a sex dungeon? …