Thursday, March 10, 2022

Femdom Key To Solving Women's Issues

Leather works too

Smug Scientists Collective says Fifty Shades equals horror show. Femdom best way to keep women warm.

Naked men, women dressed (leather optional): everybody's comfy. You see my point? (Image: miss Red Stripe and lady Dalia of Cape Town's Surrender Studio)

Yesterday was International Women's Day. Most serious male femdom bloggers have done a curtsy followed by the proper sucking up. Not Dutch, I was busy doing international stuff. Regret is best viewed through the rear view mirror, so here we go.

First of all thanks to those who spent their valuable time yesterday enlightening me about the cruel, male-dominated world we live in. Which we do. Crash test dummies are inevitably male and born at least 20 years before the 1970s. If you're a female driver involved in an accident, you're definitely out of luck. Somehow that feels odd.

Friday, March 04, 2022

Twisting by the Pool

Funny punni, as in predicament punishment, not pony

Just remember: Dutch is serious about kissing ass. And good at it.

People take femdom far to serious, if only they chased happiness or shared orgasms with the same vigour. I love femdom because I love femdom. And why do I love femdom? Because I love women. Women without femdom, yes. Femdom without women? Stop talking nonsense.

Wednesday, March 02, 2022


Or what might happen when you watch too much femdom porn

Agreed, I have posted sexier images.

Easy to argue porn does no harm. I still believe it doesn't. Don't agree? You probably have a woman in mind right now who might be a good fit for you in real life. Done? OK, now let's turn to your screen. Give it some time until the two of you run into each other again and basta. World's apart. It's that simple.

I'm confident porn is harmless but cracks are starting to appear. Yes I know I once wrote about fire trucks. That was to explain how at the tender age of seven all boys know two things for sure. Fire trucks are cool. All girls are stupid. Silly, isn't it? To this day, no woman I've ever dated has confessed her love of fire trucks - let alone crushing them - to me. That's very re-assuring.

The guy to the left is something of an exception I guess. A gentleman who confuses the green truck in front of him with the Leather Goddesses of Phobos. [4] Your guess is as good as mine. Or he spent his childhood watching Transformers. Transformers are giant robots that are alive. Because they are part of a cartoon show. During peace time they're the size of a small compact car but when duty calls they rise to the occasion, which is about the size of one or two Eiffel towers or something.

And yes, this guy is really bowing to a lifeless truck. Doesn't look cool on Insta which probably makes him the exception to the rule that femdom porn is harmless. I always thought Clips4Sale meant that literally. Confusion all around.


[1] This is not an introduction to 'Rise of the Idiot Influencer.'

[2] It's neither a teaser for my upcoming series on 'Conceptual Kink.'

[3] Just a funny image, because femdom is fun for two.

[4] Quick shout out, haven't mentioned the Leather Goddess of Phobos for weeks now.

Tuesday, March 01, 2022


Imagine what real solidarity with Ukraine - not just bla bla words - could've done 

Ella Kross in a clip called 'Russian cane'. I know just the Russian to test it on.

Mistress Ella Kross's unique style, elegance and passion for the femdom craft is what caught my attention when I first heard of her. That's how you stand out for [being] real in an ocean of blinking, scripted dommes I told myself. An original, refreshing and a lot of personality, plus all the things I can't see from a distance. Another thing I noticed is how the dark arts of ruined orgasms seemed to bring her a lot of joy. So much pleasure in fact, it's kinda scary. Probably a personal favourite of hers.

Saturday, February 26, 2022

In The Air Tonight

What is? Mistress' personal gravity of course

Even whispering 'yes ma'am' seems too much. Beyond beautiful.

Let's play a little game. Anticipation is:

a) foreplay;
b) part of the game;
c) essential;
d) a difficult English word Dutch has trouble with spelling. [1]

We all know what happiness means. Happiness is essential for living a life well-lived. It doesn't matter what brings you joy, not even if it's collecting sand. And yes some people do. I don't, but don't get me started.

Part of the beauty of femdom is seeing mistress smiling before it's show time. If my near future wouldn't look so horrible, I'd almost compare it to a welcome sign. Almost, let's not get carried away.

Imagine one night you walk into a room and see mistress and her friend smiling, waiting in anticipation. That's both great and also a little scary. Perhaps more than a little if the two of you have met before. Who needs women in leather when she smiles at you like that? Knee pads are probably the smarter choice. My guess, it's what you think of when you drop to your knees instantly feeling the warmth of mistress' smile. Anticipation or fear? Most likely you're fearing what else is in the air tonight. Soon baby, soon. 

LVD feat. Martin Stark - In The Air Tonight (Far Out Mix). Click to listen.


[1] The fact I'm no native English spelling bee doesn't mean I'm automatically looking for free punishments. That would be disrespectful. Even a lowly slave like me knows [there are] better [ways] to have my English corrected.

[2] The 1980 classic song In The Air Tonight is originally by Phil Collins. Little bit of gossip. It took the Grammy winner some time but he finally managed to kick out his ex-wife Orianne Cevey and her new husband, Thomas Bates, from his Miami mansion, which he subsequently sold for $40 million. Cuckolding is clearly different for the rich.

Friday, February 25, 2022

Femdom Meets Olympic Skiing

We men simply cannot loose and age has nothing to do with it 

This post has been approved for all audiences, especially for those around the age of 18.

No, today's image is not about Olympic skiing, scroll to the end to discover why he looks so uncomfortable.

Don't care much about the Olympics. Biathlon, a combination of skiing and target shooting, is my favourite. Try and slow down your heartbeat in an instant after racing downhill at breakneck speed in order to hit a target. Eileen Gu is a freestyle Olympic skier who competes for China. Mostly raised by her Chinese mother and grandmother, she has an American father. A recent background article in the New York Times explores some of the effects of Mrs. Gu competing for China, not the United States. Of course she is both Chinese and American. Conservative pundits in the US call her a traitor and accuse her of being ungrateful. But why should she be forced to choose? Identity is not a binary option. It's like forcing kids to choose which parent they'll never see again. The way Mrs. Gu looks at it, is “when I’m in the U.S., I’m American, but when I’m in China, I’m Chinese.”

Tuesday, February 15, 2022

Tinder Swindler Shimon Hayut

"All Bound for Mu Mu Land"

Lessons in love would have been a better title for this documentary that is gonna rock you. Meanwhile I need answers you fools!

Mistress Eleise De Lacey is a model and passionate about femdom. Read somewhere she had her fair share of swindlers to deal with, loosing ownership of her video label.

Had a good Valentine's Day? Ready for a little bonus? Love is about trust, right? Not all love lasts a lifetime, nor do all lovers get their wish granted to spend the rest of their lives together. When you're the one who has fallen out of love, be gentle, grateful and even more gentle. Yes breaking up is hard to do, left with a broken heart is infinitely worse, still dance like nobody's watching and love like there's no tomorrow. The only thing you should never do, is break the sacred trust between lovers. Never, not before, during or [long] after.

Monday, February 14, 2022

Red String of Fate Revisited

Have faith

Love is real. Which makes the Red String real too. No, Valentine's Day is just an invention.

Long before I knew there was such a thing as femdom, little Dutch watched the A-team. B.A. is the cool guy but Hannibal has the best tag line. I love it too when a plan comes together [1]. Today is Valentine's Day 2022, the most important one in recent history. So many break-ups due to Covid-19. What the world needs now is love and I have the plan.

I honestly have no idea about the position of women in Korean society. And by that I do mean South Korea, the North being an indiscriminate unisex gulag. Most Korean shows on Netflix are about government corruption. What previous governments did get right was to promote local movies and TV shows, sometimes with spectacular results.  

Sunday, February 13, 2022

Femdom Squid Game

Blair Witch Project Redux?

Realistic femdom image, except for that silly [unlit] cigarette. Missed opportunity but lovely nonetheless. [image:]

Tomorrow is Valentine's Day. Let's be honest what the world needs now is love. Covid is a cruel taskmaster, so many broken dreams. If you're among those who broke up because of the virus, the pain will fade. Give it time and before you know  it's time to open up your heart again. We've all been there. It's part of life.

Tomorrow we take a loving look at Korean TV and cinema. As a teaser this image. It reminds me of Squid Game, the Netflix hit show about a deadly game for cash. Much is lost in translation. Yes, capitalism in South Korea can be cruel but life without food in North Korea is evil.

The day before Valentine's Day it's good to point out that it's important to be honest when you look for a relationship. Want it a little wilder, don't go for a girl whose idea of wild, wicked happiness is watching TV together. Night after night after night. 


Shouse - Love Tonight. Click to listen.

Wednesday, February 09, 2022

Surprise! UK Porn Check is Back

Whose online safety?

These days it's easier to smuggle booze into 10 Downing Street than it is watching porn unnoticed.

British Prime Minister Boris Johnson is in trouble. While most of Britain was in lockdown it was party all the time at 10 Downing Street. There even was a party the night before prince Philip was buried. On the day of his funeral the queen sat alone, while aides [probably] were recovering from their hangovers. Or sore muscles because the rule was to bring your own booze. All of that went undetected in the most secure location in Britain. One can only wonder what else they brought in without the police noticing.

Sunday, February 06, 2022

Serving Through Sex


Turns out Dutch is not such a bad slave after all. Who would've guessed?

Don't be afraid little one. Just enjoy the ride.

The story of giving through many, many nights of la petite mort. Dedicated to the cause. Proud to Serve. Privileged. Happy. Without realizing, still going strong after several decades. Unwittingly Dutch found true happiness in his teens, twenties, thirties and even today through random servitude. Now I understand. So grateful. More please unless you have better plans.

Man Serves Women Through One-Night Stands. I never thought this day would come. Remember how they said 2021 would be the Summer of Sex and how it'd never end? Didn't happen. No, not because of your locked-up carrot, it's evil Covid talking you silly. Now they're promising us an end to the pandemic [1]. Who knows what happens next? Something clearly needs to happen, that much is clear.

From The Archives