Little Did I know...
At age seven all boys share the same opinion about fire trucks and girls. Fire trucks are aaawesome. Girls are boooooring. Fast forward ten years and fire trucks are still cool, you know like really cool. Girls meanwhile have been promoted to something so much more than interesting than fire trucks. No guy ever saw that coming when he was seven years old. I certainly didn't.
No 17 year old boy has ever combined these two in his mind (Image: Crushing Mania) |
Half a Boy, Half A Man
At age 17 boys are beginning to learn about sex. Girls have captured their imagination and the single best place to meet those amazing creatures that love the colour pink - a fact still very much unexplained, even after all those years - is secondary school. I know, kind of surprising, isn't it?
Apart from falling in love, discovering the magic that is girls, is perhaps the best thing in any man's life. It certainly is for me. Most of us had our first kiss a few years before. With hindsight, kissing, not sex, is the most intimate act between two people, but chronologically kissing comes before sex.