Sunday, October 30, 2022

White Men Only

Don't know why now exactly but I've been wading through a lot of crap and nasty stuff this year whenever I looked up things for this blog. It happens. Also wears you out. So I decided to do something fun for Locktober. Everybody is obsessed this month with not having sex. How silly. Why not turn it around and book a session that involves ruined orgasms or post orgasm torture? How's that for being a rebel slave? 

Friday, October 28, 2022

Take Me Higher

Yes Boss

Thank you [for the music] Boss Ross.

A couple of very smart guys lifting Diana Ross higher. Chris von Wangenheim shot this famous image in 1978.

Last time on Face the Music: Diana Ross - the Boss. As I was searching for a copy of the sleeve, I ran into a much more appropriate image. A group of hunks hoists La Ross in the air like the queen she is. Which pretty much sums up the rest of her life.  

[Verse 1]
♫ Fancy me
Thought I had my degree
In life and how love
Ought to be a run
I had a one step plan to prove it
Guide in my pocket for fools
Folly and fun
Love had to show me one thing... ♫

Tuesday, October 25, 2022

Becoming a Personal Trainer For Dummies

Provide safe and adaptive training programs!

Grow your business and keep your clients motivated!

She's training the dummy right now.

Lovely gif that I ran into. She's just standing there in her swim suit and all, full female power at the tips of her fingers. And she knows. He thinks he knows, feeling all cozy and warm to be so privileged. It's gonna be a rude wake up to the true meaning of her female power. Any moment now he's about to find out. History is full of women consensually hurting men for fun. This is even better. What makes it so awesome is her looking like the boss she is. Effortless, evil, natural - mostly him bowing to her super powers. What a wonderful image.

What a boss lady. Love that expression on her face. Image might be from Clubdom.

Face the music

The song that immediately comes to mind is Diana Ross' The Boss. Not because of the song but because it's La Ross. Personally I prefer the version by the Braxtons (Toni Braxton's younger sisters) but for today that would make little sense.

1978 Japanese sleeve for Diana Ross - The Boss [Today I choose the Dimitri from Paris remix. Click to listen]


Nigeria: where are our girls?
Ukraine: where are our children?

The New York Times is one of several outlets that reports [€] on how Russia turns Ukrainian children into the spoils of war by abducting them and putting them up for adoption [I wrote auction, which I think says it all.]

"In the Siberian city of Salekhard along the Arctic Circle, Olga Druzhinina said she adopted four children, aged 6 to 17, from around the Ukrainian city of Donetsk more than 1,600 miles away.

“Our family is like a small Russia,” Ms. Druzhinina said in an interview. “Russia took in four territories, and the Druzhinin family took in four children.”

She said she was awaiting a fifth child and considered the children fully Russian. “We are not taking what is not ours,” she said."

Sunday, October 23, 2022

Red Wall of Bondage

Shibari in Tokyo

Who needs a red room of pain anyway?

This week it's Amsterdam Dance Event. No matter how much I love music, I'd rather be in Japan. That says something. Even if I were to hop on a plane tonight, I'd be too late to see this wonderful exhibition.

By chance I stumbled upon an article from Tokyo Kinky. Hajime Kinoko is a famous Japanese shibari artist. This May he tied models to the outside of a building for a shibari rope bondage installation and I just love it.

Not everybody was happy though. The installation took place during early evening with a number of families with young children in the area. Then again how hard can it be? Ever noticed the universal appeal Spider-Man has to the little ones? Just tell your children those are Spider-Woman's kids, practicing. Anyway it's a wonderful exhibition.

Face the music

Wonderwall is about an imaginary friend who's gonna save you from yourself. Don't believe that. Neill Gallagher wrote it for his girlfriend and future wife. Only when they divorced, he said it was not about her. He clearly was right when he wrote it. Only question that remains is who's gonna save him from his own silliness now. 

Oasis - Wonderwall [click to listen]


Somewhere in April Ukrainian forces switched to NATO caliber ammunition. Big surprise. Talk about crossing the Rubicon. An excellent article in the New Yorker explains how underdog Ukraine managed to turn the tide because of their planning. From what I read, their decision that Kyiv should not fall, no matter what was key. The other one was trust no-one, including the United States until they've proved their loyalty, which took some time. The article gave me a whole new appreciation of Ukraine.

Friday, October 21, 2022

How I Met Your Mother

Booked a session

Mistress Kaz B [image Kaz B]

You know how your Mum or Dad say, lend him or her a hand a you just do it. Of course it's never five minutes, usually one or two days. And it's not just me, my friends tell me exactly the same thing. Nobody even gives it second thought. That makes what comes next a little intimidating - in the most vanilla sense of the word.

Wednesday, October 19, 2022

Warrior Women of the Ukraine

Fighting females, warrior women, words mean nothing.

Worst Locktober joke ever:

"A woman yelling at a heavily armed Russian soldier atop his tank in Konotop, “Don’t you know where you are? You’re in Konotop. Every other woman here is a witch. You’ll never get an erection, starting tomorrow.”

Nope, they're not witches, these are wonderful women.

Lyudmila Pavlichenko was born in 1916 in Balaya Tserkov, then a Soviet town, now a Ukrainian one just outside of Kiev. She killed 308 Nazis in 1941, most at the Siege of Odessa, with a sniper rifle. Her nick name was Lady Death. "The higher the number of Pavlichenko’s confirmed kills rose, the more dangerous her mission assignments became. This included counter sniping, or engaging in duels with enemy snipers. Pavlichenko won every duel she fought, including one duel that lasted three days. In the end, Pavlichenko stated the enemy made “one move too many,” and became one of the 36 enemy snipers she took down."

Saturday, October 15, 2022

Size Doesn't Matter

Pure Powerhouse

But is it porn?

Mistress Pai Ling, Bangkok

You don't wanna know for how long I've been waiting to use that phrase. Even worse than chastity. Finally found a image that does it justice. It's beautiful. Just look at her, standing there, oozing raw personal gravity. And how she lifts her finger, pointing at him while her other hand rests on her hip. Those piercing eyes with which she examines her slave. Just gorgeous.

Some will object to this image because of it's pornographic nature. It's not porn. And don't say because of the slave's censored carrot. That's because of Locktober. What I see is a woman embracing a man femdom-style, filling his heart with pure bliss. Her strength is his oxygen and he knows. Femdom at it's most gorgeous and intense. If beauty is porn, then yes, this is absolute filth. And I'm loving it.

PS, I would love to credit the domme in the picture. If you know who she is, please leave a comment.

Face the music

Alicia Keys - This girl is on fire. Mostly because it's such a gorgeous song but if you wanna pick the lyrics apart, fine. "She's just a girl and she's on fire. Hotter than a fantasy." Told you so. ""Girl on Fire" was inspired by Keys' giving birth to her son Egypt and marriage to husband Swizz Beatz."

Alicia Keys - This girl is on fire. [click to listen]


Size doesn't matter is a scientific fact in daily life as wel. Take Ukraine and Russia. Ukraine has 43 million people, Russia 146 million [and very little friends of recent] and still they are loosing the war they started themselves. Let's hope it's over soon. For everyone.

Friday, October 14, 2022

Selling Chastity

PhD pitfall meets porn alchemist

Remember how waterboarding was suddenly hot in 'our community'? Bucket challenge anyone? Sadly Locktober is here to stay. Blame the English language. Plus a lot of femdom minions [f/m].

There is this Netflix show where nasty real estate brokers try to outdo each other in selling the California sunset. Imagine you don't have sex for a whole month after which you have to rate the female brokers on a scale from one to ten. Eleven you say? Of course you do. Now turn it around and after an exhaustive month of the best sex of your life with anyone you can dream of - except Ross from Friends of course - how do you rate these women? Five out of ten? Three? Couldn't care less?

Thursday, October 13, 2022

Summer's Over

Happy autumn everyone

Now that's what I call a lazy summer.

Think of your Love and mistress. If the imagine in your mind is not full colour, radiant, shiny and sunny, there's something wrong.

Guess the warm days are over. Believe it or not but Dutch owns a bike. Yes an actual one, one with two wheels. Yes two, not 11. And I'm not afraid to use my bicycle. Sunday I went shopping on my bike for winter clothes. Guess what? The internet has reduced old-school brick-and-mortar shops to convenience stores. You only go there when you forgot something and need it now. For everything else there's the internet. Who doesn't buy their cool power tools online these days? [1]

Anyway, I went to buy gloves, after all winter is coming. Later that day I did some gardening. Looking at the last flowers, I was thinking of how the summer of 2022 started. Don't get me wrong, I love how the seasons change but summer remains my favourite. Especially the ones without Covid-19 lock downs. Some of you may find that odd given my love of bondage. How to explain? Safe, sane and consensual perhaps?

Sunday, October 09, 2022

Rote Learning

Tough nut to crack?

It's day nine of the ultimate femdom Oktober Fest. The original one takes place in Germany and deals with drinking lots of beer. Suddenly I'm thinking of my Japan trip and getting lost in a Tokyo Beergarten where Japanese women decked out as German dirndls serving customers beer. Thinking back that gets funnier every single time.

Saturday, October 08, 2022

The End of [Real World] Female Supremacy

What have you done for your minions today?

A zealot is a zealot, no matter the texts they worship, whether it is economics or religion. They're all evil.

 Like many I'm horrified by what's happening in the UK. Absolutely love the country and it hurts me to see Great Britain committing economic suicide in slow motion. Or perhaps it's homicide on the poor and powerless. All I know is that the British deserve better.

Saturday, October 01, 2022

Femdom Carnival

The streets of San Francisco are dangerous

Part of the joys of femdom is sometimes the intense experience. The images below are probably taken in some San Francisco street parade. Public play is not for me. What I love about them is how joyful these random women are whey add to the misery of the random guy tied to the lamp post.

There is no hesitation, just delight when they hit the jackpot. They laugh, they smile, so much joy when they inflict pain upon cowboy Bebob. No hesitation, so authentic. How gorgeous is that? One lovely lady grabs the guy by the shoulders before kicking him in the balls. As the guy screams out in pain, she looks at him, appreciating her work. It all comes naturally. Others have more of a 'why not?' approach. And why not, it's fun. After all, this dude let himself being tied up. Don't blame the lamp post for his misery.

From The Archives

  • Harry Is A Hero Never mistake the slave for the man. "Tossed aside because it would distract the press from writing about the…
  • Balance: The Special Ingredient To Avalon's 'Secret Garden'? Harmony: yes. Parity: no. [Forever out of reach] Lady Sas talks to Lady Mercedes Continued …
  • Mistress Dometria of the Brighton Dungeon Passes Away Over the years certain dommes, even if you have never met them, become kinkster household names. Brighton-based…