Sunday, September 27, 2020

Ruth Bader Ginsburg, Educator of Equality Dies at 87

Sexy comes in many ways. Kindness and decency are the best. Being [street] smart is runner up. All the rest is [much] less.

Justice Ginsburg even has her own colouring book.


Hailed as a feminist icon, Justice Ginsburg, who passed away on September 18, advanced women's rights by arguing equal rights cases for men. People call her a feminist icon, but the soft-spoken, reserved Justice probably wouldn't agree.

"An adoring female visitor to chambers once remarked to Justice Ginsburg that her ‘feminist’ girlfriends just loved the justice for what she had done for American women. The justice replied to the effect that she hoped the visitor’s male friends loved her as well."

Saturday, September 26, 2020

Inviting Smile

Good things come in threes: smiles, gloved hands and the colour red.

When mistress smiles, every day feels like Christmas.

Smiles are not a fetish, but they are definitely one of the most important characteristics that attract me to some women but not others. Of course n
obody is happy 24/7 or smiles all day. What matters is being born with positive attitude towards life.

Smiles can also be very deceptive. The image of this lovely lady in red popped up on my screen several times this month. Clearly the femdom police wants me to write about it, so I do.

The smile on her face looks like someone who got her loved one the best Christmas present ever and can't wait to wake him up at six AM just to give it to the man she loves.

The cane in her hand is a sure hint, we're not talking presents here. Anticipating what comes next, makes her very happy.  She cannot stop smiling and is dressed for the occassion, including matching gloves in red. Did I mention, I love the colour red and gloves too? [1] Combined with her body language and smile make this such a lovely image. Men have dropped to their knees for [much] less.


[1] Remember my confession about how I enjoy women's hands? Gloved hands are nice too.

Thursday, September 24, 2020

Tight Is The Word

If you're old enough to remember the movie Grease, you know what I'm talking about.

Back in 1976 tight was synonymous with Grease.

Nature or nurture, that's the big question explaining who we [think we] are. Whatever. For as long as he can remember, Dutch has a thing for women in leather pants, cat suits and latex ensembles. It takes time to understand where you're coming from. In my case I cannot help but wondering if Grease is the answer.

In 1976, the movie Grease was the best performer at the box office, starring a young John Travolta opposite Olivia Newton John. If you're about 15 years older than Dutch [circa man on the moon], High School Musical is the word. Same story, different cat. The big if, separating two movies that define two consecutive generations, are Sandy's pants.

Monday, September 21, 2020

Social Distancing Femdom Style With Mistress Devina

mistress devina, dominant indian female; femdom; bdsm; slave
Mistress Devina, dominant Indian female. (image: mistress Devina on Twitter.)

Blogging is hard work, especially research. Thanks to Covid-19 and social distancing I finally have some time to look for inspiration. It's hard work but someone's gotta do it. Finally all that time spent online pays off. The other day I stumbled upon the Twitter account of mistress Devina, dominant indian female.

To be honest, what got my attention is the picture above, so intense it almost makes you drop to your knees long distance. In real life I would instantly.

Courtesy of Covid-19, I gave myself time of from research and browsed mistress Devina's Twitter account. When I saw her holding a gun at the 2018 Femdom Retreats, it made me smile. Two years later the world has changed and options to meet like minded kinksters in person are limited. Not my kind of game but outdoor slave hunting is one of the few remaining possibilities. Lead the way please, mistress Devina.

Only thing I don't know is whether that gun is for hunting down slaves or fighting Covid-19. Who cares?

mistress devina; dominant indian female; slave hunt; outdoors; femdom; bdsm
Mistress Devina is on the hunt. (image: mistress Devina on Twitter.)

Wednesday, September 09, 2020

"Yes Mistress Robot"

Ready to serve the machines?

Where is Sarah Connor when you need her? [1]

Linda Hamilton in Terminator: Dark Fate (2019) as Sarah Connor,  the movie character devoting her life to killing our evil robot overlords.

The original Westworld movie is a 1973 film in which a robot goes haywire and causes mass carnage. More recently, TV show Humans refers to robots as synths. Apart from doing household chores - which makes us slaves obsolete - synths are fully equiped with hidden, but oh so sexy, adult Playstation settings, perhaps for when the wife is away on a business trip or something. Inevitable when it comes this kind of thing the robot is always female. And finally an inventor in China married his robot not to long ago.

Wednesday, September 02, 2020

When Fear Was Still Fun

The fun of fear is forever in my past. All it took was a single image.
sadistic, dominant woman smiling while whipping a male slave's bottom hard.

There's no point in breaking down why you're into femdom. But if I have to, I'd say the fun of fear play a major part. Femdom fear is different from, let's say, a horror movie. In the latter case, before and after are pretty much the same. At most it takes some time to fall asleep. Femdom fear, however, is a different beast altogether.

Unlike watching that scary movie - or not - femdom fear is not a choice. You are who you are, denying it is just as impossible as stop breathing just because you're afraid.

From The Archives

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