Wednesday, August 05, 2020

That's Gross! (Unless You're Up For It?)

There's nothing gross about consensual happiness.

“Three Things
Three things cannot be retrieved:
The arrow once sped from the bow
The word spoken in haste
The missed opportunity."

(Ali the Lion, Caliph of Islam, son-in-law of Mohammed the Prophet)

― Idries Shah, Caravan of Dreams

Love and kink don't match easily. Cupid is a sadist, why else would an angel more often than not pair kinksters with non-deviants, often for life. Guess I'm kinda lucky. Our mismatch is limited to "how much."

To explore who you truly are without consequences is the hallmark of a privileged, blessed life. We all want to spice up our love life, but what exactly that spice is made of, one only finds out when you arrive at the nasty details.

Once you whisper in her ear pain 'n' power exchange can be fun, you can never take it back. No wonder most people don't gamble the relationship with their one true love and keep silent. But what if, after saying the customary "that's gross" you could plant a little voice in your lover's head that whispers "unless you're up for it..." In case they're not, it's erased from memory 11 seconds later. If only Gaia were that kind. Awesome t-shirt though.

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