Saturday, April 20, 2019

Why Dutch Slaves Know Best

Extra, extra, read all about it!

NOS journaal, Nederland, Televisie, Nieuws, Annechien Steenhuizenn, leren jurk, rood,burgundy
"Please, tell me more!"

My various posts discussing kink on TV may have tricked you into believing I'm exempted from cleaning HER dungeon with a toothbrush. Don't worry, it's more of a big picture thing, closely aligned with my rather unique #NeverNormal spider senses.

By now, you've figured out we do things differently over here in Flatland. From personal experience I know there is a small, select group of foreign dommes who prefer to look for exquisite premium slaves in Holland. In case you're wondering, don't. Eleven out of 11 dutch dommes agree: screw the tulips jaba jaba etjabara.

Wednesday, April 03, 2019

End Of The Line For A Series Of Bad Choices?

A fascinating dynamic, that's for sure.
A man begging for his wife's forgiveness inside Divorce Court. Chicago, 1948. femdom bdsm kink
What if the husband is the man standing and he hired the other man to grovel for him?
From the Simpsons season 19, episode 48:
Burns: Look what you've reduced me to.
(Snaps fingers).
Smithers: Please!
Curious is my middle name. The photo above featured frequently in my Tumblr feed. Most people into femdom said it was hot. Real life misery never is.

According to Reddit, the caption reads: "a man begging for his wife's forgiveness inside Divorce Court. Chicago, 1948." Nobody really knows what's going on, but given the year it probably was the conclusion to years of suffering.

From The Archives

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