Tuesday, April 23, 2024

Mistress Michelle Lacy's Setup

No escape

Meep meep anyone?

Why wait for tonight?

Haven't you heard? Wily E. Coyote is sueing ACME corp. Because their products don't work. Of course you have not. Big Business deleting the [funny] movie because that's more profitable than showing it in theaters. Not a joke. Makes no sense, does it? A bit like a sadist not hurting a masochist because he loves it. What about her needs? Guess some relationships are doomed from the start.

Back in 2020 Michelle Lacy tweeted how those isolation rooms weren't gonna finish themselves. What I forgot to mention at the time is that if you tie up your carpenter in a leather body bag, the outcome is highly predictable. He's going nowhere.  And yes, of course those rooms ain't gonna get finished, unless you do it yourself. Or you could untie your carpenter slave, which seems unlikely given that genuine smile of hers. Four years on and the tables have turned. Or so it seems. Carpenter slave finally managed to escape - meep meep anyone? - and Michelle Lacy is eagerly awaiting his return, not that it makes sense. Zero points for either of them.

She is gonna catch him in her web, tie him up. It's the same story all over again. He is going nowhere, nor is the progress on her dungeon. Boring, let's make some adjustments. No, not to the leather straps, let's swap one of the players. What would happen is Michelle Lacy manages to ty up Wily E. Coyote in that bondage bed of hers? Despite the fact coyotes generally speaking are pretty smart, nothing. Absolutely nothing. Not even with Wily planning his escape way in advance. You know how. Blowing up stuff here and there with supplies he purchased from Acme corp. When did that ever work? Indeed. And that is why W. E. C is suing Acme Inc. Or is he? Just wait for tonight and you'll find him all tied up [by mistress Michelle Lacy]. No more meep meep for Mr. Coyote, he is not going anywhere. Which, pretty much, makes him the luckiest canine alive.

Don't think something like this happens by chance. Come a little closer and take a good look. If this ain't the outline of a heavy bondage enthusiast, what is? He knows what he signed up for.

Face the Music

Jennifer Lopez - Waiting for Tonight (Never Gonna Give You Up '87 Remix)

If you think today's story is wacky, hold your breath. The song that's been on repeat in my mind from the moment I saw Michelle Lacy's tweet is Waiting for Tonight. Most likely featured Jennifer Lopez before already but hold your breath. What if you cross Jennifer Lopez with Rick Astley? This is what you get. Yes, Rick Astley is highly underrated and today's mash-up is one big technical mess, so much it pains my ears, but why not? Add to that actress Alissa Milano, who had a somewhat successful music career in Japan as a teen idol singer while she was playing Tony Danza’s daughter in Who’s The Boss [random weird fact] and there you go.

Jennifer Lopez - Waiting for Tonight (Never Gonna Give You Up '87 Remix) [click to listen]


[1] Last time I wrote about Michelle Lacy I taught my readers a little Dutch. "Joepie" is an old-fashioned word to express joy. Let's try another one. "Gaaf" means cool. The word is often used to express approval and excitement at the same time.

[2] You know what's funny? First time I saw this image I had to think of Mr. and Mrs. Smith. I'll leave it up to you who goes where.

[3] On top of all the reasons why I love my kink, I love it because it's weird and wonderful, just like life. Have you met any exes recently who got married on your birthday. Neither have I.

[4] To tie the knot or to tie a knot, what's the difference?

[5] Don't tell anyone but secretly I'm compiling a list of 1111 dommes I want to interview. Just added Michelle Lacy to the list.

[6] Lopez worked as a backup dancer for Janet Jackson, and appeared in the music video for "That's the Way Love Goes"

Monday, April 15, 2024

First Anniversary of Lady Daria's Warsaw Prison 2.0

More screams, more fun, more terror?

That's why people are coming back for more?

lady daria warsaw prison 20, poland, first anniversary
Someone is clearly having a good time [Image:Wawaw Prison archive]

Not exactly sure how todays numbers add up but last week was the first anniversary of Warsaw Prison 2.0. Welcome to this blog, my name is 11Dutch and I'm definitely not a numbers wizard. Except for one number, the number one. Would you care to repeat? [11]

Been following Warsaw Prison and more specifically lady Daria for some time now. Glad to see that WP2.0 enjoys it first anniversary, one of many more to come, no doubt.

Before there was Warsaw Prison 2.0, there was the original. From what I've read [haven't visited myself] WP 1.0 was for the most part a one woman, very labour intensive - passion project, run by lady Daria herself. [1] Personally I have very little with dungeons. Or dragons for that matter. Then again dungeon is where the mistress is. A post by French blogger, BDSAIME [4], introduced me to lady Daria and her prison cells. Clearly the gentleman had the time of his life. And he is not the only one I discovered. Why am I not suprised?

Later I read a raving review about a couple visiting lady Daria's Warsaw Prison circa 2019. It ended something like this: he [the slave] was released from prison, smiling left to right. Really, isn't that what all prisoners do? The twist is in the details, he did have the time of his life. With lots of screaming and even more desperation no doubt. And all that it got him was a couple of kinky nightmares to last him a lifetime. He must have been blessed by Gaia, lucky guy.

What ticked all the boxes for me was when the mistress-slave couple arrived. Mistress said she wanted to join in. Lady Daria agreed but said she was in charge after which the slave was taken away by another guard for undressing and intake. Lady Daria's drive right there and then is something rather special, call it greed, drive, destiny or whatever else you like but its the flame that makes lady Daria tick, is what allows us of a glimpse of her secret garden somewhere in Warsaw. Let's hope she keeps the flame alive for as long as she wants. Many happy returns.

Face the Music

Kate Bush - Hounds of Love

"We should all start to live before we get too old. Fear is stupid. So are regrets."
- Marilyn Monroe

Selecting a track like Eighth Wonder's - I'm Not Scared is too obvious. Besides it's not true. But there is a lovely Kate Bush song, called Hounds of Love and it has one line in it that's just fabulous. "I've always been a coward, and never know what's good for me". Not a coward - I do lots of stupid things in everyday life - but a scaredy cat when it comes to femdom, perhaps yes.

Kate Bush - Hounds of Love [click to listen]


The Netherlands entered the Second World War on May 1940. Five days later Germany bombed Rotterdam, the second largest city in the country. Unless the Netherlands surrendered other cities would be next. Hitler and the German High Command chose this tactic because they feared heavy fighting and massive casualties if the army had to conquer the city. 

Rotterdam after the bombardment of May 1940.

Even before Nazi Germany invaded Poland on September first, 1939, the destruction of Warsaw was planned. The Pabst Plan was an urban plan to reconstruct the city of Warsaw as a Nazi model city. The Polish capital of 1.5 million inhabitants would be completely destroyed and rebuilt as a small German town of not more than 130,000 inhabitants.

During those initial years of the war the Nazi's continued to develop plans for the destruction of Warsaw. D-Day made it clear that Germany would loose the war. In August and September of 1944, the Polish Underground Resistance began an operation to liberate Warsaw which coincided with the retreat of German forces ahead of the Soviet advance. The 1944 Warsaw Uprising failed and the Germans decided to destroy the city in its entirety. 

Warsaw after the destruction of the city. The Nazi's did more damage to the Polish capital than the atomic bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki.

Why did the Warsaw Uprising fail? Because Stalin ordered his troops to halt, giving the Germans time to regroup and defeat the Polish resistance and destroy the city in retaliation. It's arguable the start of the Cold War. Because of it Poland’s desire for a Western style democracy and freedom was put on hold for another 50 years.

Last week's news Russia is bombing whenever, wherever to retaliate. For what? Self defence? Instead of helping Ukraine with all we can, it's the West that halts. The Ukrainians don't want to live any more under Russian occupation that the Polish did some 80 years ago. Let's make sure history is not going to reverse itself. Let's get finally serious about support for Ukraine.


[1] Just remember guys, the passionate dommes are the ones to look out for. Confused? Blame my English. Just remember: passion is life. Period.

[2] "Ich habe Daria vorab angeschrieben, ob es möglich ist zu zweit zu kommen und ich dann quasi als zweite Wärterin fungiere. Ca 4-5 Tage später kam eine Mail zurück, ja gerne aber sie bestimmt den Tagesablauf." [source: Dominaforum [German]] [Google is your friend.]

[3] "Ankunft im Warsaw Prison

Wärterin Daria erwartet den Häftling mit dem frostigsten Blick, eine zweite Wärterin legt ihn schnell in Ketten, er wird in den Keller abgeführt." [source: Dominaforum [German]] [Really, Google is your friend, trust me on that one.]

[4] It looks like BDSAIME's blog is gone.

[5] Maybe I'll visit one day, maybe not. Perhaps because I get married. To a vanilla girl.

[11] Some numbers I found on the Warsaw Prison 2.0 website about their first year. They're quite impressive.

"We had the pleasure of incarcerating 90 individuals.The average stay was 52 hours."

"One prisoner simply couldn't get enough of our special treatment and spent 168 hours behind bars (rest assured, he lived to tell the tale)."

"18% of prisoners came back for round two (...and three, and four)."

"The youngest prisoner was 21, while the oldest was 83 – proving it's never too early or too late for a total attitude adjustment."

"We processed nearly 300 individual studio bookings for Dommes from all around the world, as well as private clients - with the longest continuous session being 96 hours."

Saturday, April 13, 2024

Barefoot Princess Melanie Passes Away

Princess Melanie, AKA Barefoot Princess is widely known for her femdom clips that center around teasing, denial and post-orgasm torture. Hard to judge from the outside, but for a slave to be punished after receiving a good boy 'reward' can be horribly intense. Clearly both Melanie and her slave deeply loved it, they've been filming powerful scenes like this for almost three decades. And yet both seemed happy and eager for more.

In November 2023 Wichita Falls Channel Six News reported that the local WFPD was investigating a murder suicide. "Wichita Falls Police found 52-year-old Melanie Berry shot dead in her home on L-B Drive. They are calling this a murder-suicide."

"“He actually killed her and then drove back to the house and took his own life. One of the witnesses said that they never had seen them argue or heard any arguments or anything like that,” said Eipper."

"Court documents show Berry filed for divorce from Barnwell one year ago. The two divorced show the pair married in July 2022 and divorced in November 2022. But a neighbor said they were together for 30 years."

When she loves you no more, you accept. It's devastating but you deal with the consequences on your own. Murder - and especially femicide - has nothing to do with love or femdom. It's the opposite.

Her surviving relatives have taken Mrs. Berry Clips4Sale account offline. The family most likely didn't know about Melanie's personal preferences and how it made the world a better place. I wish them strength in these difficult times. Dear beautiful, quirky stranger who brought happiness not only to yourself but to so many others, rest in peace.


[1] A comment from one of the boards: "Scrolling through the photos on their Facebook page made me feel uneasy. Here you have two people who at least on the surface seem to be enjoying their life with each other and their friends. We are also privy to their other life of kinky intimacy. She was exceptionally good at it and seemed to be exclusive with him. Many of us (with that sort of proclivity) would understandably be jealous  of that life. They were in their 50s. You'd think at that age people would be wiser and less impulsive. Then you read the news. He ended her, then himself. It's tragic on multiple levels."

Friday, April 12, 2024

You Can Never Have Enough Clamps

Yes we can

Don't tell anyone but I've been watching a lot of porn recently. Like always for research purposes only. Time and again I come across this one comment: you can never have enough clamps. I disagree. Clamps are the devil's invention, so why do some guys keep on saying that? Do they even know what they are talking about. Especially when it comes to the bigger, the better. That cannot come from personal experience. So why?

Took me a while to realize they were talking woodworking clamps. Clearly all that tool porn is rotting my brain. And yes when it comes to tools, bigger is always better, especially clamps. Let's not tell mistress, she might misunderstand. That would cause a lot of unnecessary suffering for me. Put a clamp on it, please.

You Can Never Have Enough Clamps?
Yes we can.

Face the Music

Durand Bernarr - Rollin'

Can't quite place this 2023 track and what it reminds me of but I love it.

Durand Bernarr - Rollin' [click to listen]


So you invade an neighbouring country and they defend themselves. Makes sense. Then you retaliate [Putin's words] by destroying a power plant. Retaliation for what? Standing up for your freedom from a foreign agressor? We need to stand up and finally start supporting Ukraine with all we have.


[1] No source for today's image but it's a personal favorite. Such a lovely and intense image. No doubt it's from a commercial shoot, Divine Bitches perhaps, but lovely nonetheless. Absolutely love their carefree yet intense attitude.

Tuesday, April 09, 2024

Goddess Lena: Miss Fury Reborn

Such joie de vivre

Whippings are for fun

Today an exceptional image. You are looking at Goddess Lena. Clearly she is not born in 1940 but a nick name like Miss Fury does suit her. Before the world got to know Catwoman, there was Miss Fury, a reluctant superheroine from the Golden Age of Comics. "The character's real identity is wealthy socialite Marla Drake. She has no innate superpowers, but gains increased strength and speed when she dons a special skintight catsuit when fighting crime."

Miss Fury is original superheroine. She first appeared as The Black Fury on April 6, 1941, beating Wonder Woman by some six months. And yes, that other feline in a catsuit came later. Wonder Woman may have lost her whip in the process - she is currently yielding a sword - but not Goddess Lena.

Before I continue, let me tell you how glad I am it's not me who is in this image. More than a bit jealous of her slave yes, but this is way too much for me. Which is sad because it's so beautiful. The expression on the face of Goddess Lena is to die for so to speak. OK, maybe not exactly die for but it's so intense. And the way she radiates she's having a good time. I really wish it could be me. But let me tell you one thing, this, this is why men accept pain, suffering and humilation. Painful poetry by a fury unleashed. 

You can find out more about Goddess Lena on her website.

Face the Music

Gabrielle - Out of Reach

After 2007, singer Gabrielle took an 11-year hiatus to spend more time with her kids. And no, today's Face the Music is not because of the number 11. She's an amazing singer. And a bit of a scaredy cat, like me. Only difference is that she turned down performing with Prince. And that 'Out of Reach' seems like an apt title for today but mostly because of the lovely article The Guardian wrote about her a few weeks back.

Gabrielle - Out of Reach [click to listen]


Russia has become so disfunctional it dismissed warnings of an eminent terror threat from many countries. Last month religious terrorists killed at least 130 people at a concert venue in Moscow. Afterwards it tried to pin the blame on Ukraine.

Yesterday the first combat ready German troops arrived in Lithuania, a historic step. And remember Chernobyl, the nuclear power plant that went poof in 1986? Yesterday somebody attacked the Zaporizhzhia nuclear plant with drones. It'll only get worse.

"Wider war in Europe ‘no longer a fantasy’, warns EU’s top diplomat". The Russian invasion of Ukraine was our problem from day one but we choose to ignore it. Let's appease Putin. No, evil has no limits. Just remember: it's never too late to start supporting Ukraine for real.

From The Archives

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