Friday, April 12, 2024

You Can Never Have Enough Clamps

Yes we can

Don't tell anyone but I've been watching a lot of porn recently. Like always for research purposes only. Time and again I come across this one comment: you can never have enough clamps. I disagree. Clamps are the devil's invention, so why do some guys keep on saying that? Do they even know what they are talking about. Especially when it comes to the bigger, the better. That cannot come from personal experience. So why?

Took me a while to realize they were talking woodworking clamps. Clearly all that tool porn is rotting my brain. And yes when it comes to tools, bigger is always better, especially clamps. Let's not tell mistress, she might misunderstand. That would cause a lot of unnecessary suffering for me. Put a clamp on it, please.

You Can Never Have Enough Clamps?
Yes we can.

Face the Music

Durand Bernarr - Rollin'

Can't quite place this 2023 track and what it reminds me of but I love it.

Durand Bernarr - Rollin' [click to listen]


So you invade an neighbouring country and they defend themselves. Makes sense. Then you retaliate [Putin's words] by destroying a power plant. Retaliation for what? Standing up for your freedom from a foreign agressor? We need to stand up and finally start supporting Ukraine with all we have.


[1] No source for today's image but it's a personal favorite. Such a lovely and intense image. No doubt it's from a commercial shoot, Divine Bitches perhaps, but lovely nonetheless. Absolutely love their carefree yet intense attitude.

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