Monday, December 23, 2024

Muse Naadia

No leather required

Muse Naadia, US pro-domme, femdom, bdsm

Blog for a while and you run the risk of getting confused by your own writing. A while back I came across this lovely image. And because femdom is often used trying to sell stuff, I wondered, is this a lingerie ad or a pro-domme with a style I enjoy very much.

Good news, turns out to be the latter. The image is by Muse Naadia, an American pro-domme. Her photos feel like a fresh breath of air. Looking for the 'about me' section on her website, I realized the texts need some upgrading to match the superb creative quality of her images. It all started in 2019 when Muse Nadeaa was listening to a findom-themed podcast and decided to try it. To her own surprise, she liked it. One year later she is a top featured star on " AVN, a top clip artist on iWC and just getting started with ManyVids and Clips4Sale."

Muse Naadia, US pro-domme, femdom, bdsm
Another image of Muse Naadia. Dutch can't resist women in white

Maybe not such a surpise because whenever creativity meets a strong personality, magic can happen. I've seen it before and yes I'm priviliged and beyond. With hindsight I feel ashamed. So much creativity, such elegance, way above the creative genius of even the world's best copy writer. But that Mrs. Naadia is many muses combined into one I have no doubt.

Face the Music

Sugar Hill Gang - Rapper's Delight

Sugar Hill Gang - Rapper's Delight [click to listen]


What is there left to say? President Biden is sending as much weapons as he can before Donald Trump is sworn in as the next president of the United States. Doesn't even cover too little too late. Meanwhile European politician are exhausting themselves to beat president-elect Trump to the finish line. Suddenly they all want to negotiate a peace settlement between Ukraine and Russia. A 'peace' settlement in which Ukraine gives up huges swathes of territory. And why? Because we didn't stand by Ukraine when we had the chance. Former East-bloc countries like Poland, which has suffered under Russian terror for centuries, itself but also the Baltic states tried to warn us. We didn't listen. Let's not antagonise Putin, he's not a nice person. Of course he ain't. Just don't forget, we're the bad guys here too. There is no easy way out when it comes to war and agression. The only way you can potentially win is to look at longterm consequences. Remember secondary school where that bully beat up everybody for lunch money. When did it end? Never? And why is that, you think. Ah, because nobody stood up to him? Exactly. Putin's Russia won't stop, nor will other hostile nations. Russia is already dipping it's toe into NATO territory, looking for fight or flight. Will the rest of Europe and NATO really stand by our friends in Poland [cause that's what they are!] and other countries when Putin starts to bully them or do we coward and do nothing, hoping it will all go away. We didn't design this world but we all have to live in it, so act accordingly. Late is not the same as too late. To surrender on paper doesn't mean you cannot carry on the fight by other means. The future of Europe is not won in Paris or Berlin but in Warschau, Kiev, Tallinn, Riga, Vilnius and all those other former East-bloc countries. They have experienced what it is to live under Russian rule, don't know the details but one thing I can tell you, it's bad. And most likely Putin won't try to go all the way but image  just how many young people of whatever European country have to die to stop him. All because we didn't stand by Ukraine when we could and should. And yes, no whitelines. Now you know how it feels to be trapped.

Slava Ukraini

Friday, November 22, 2024

Lady MacLaine: 30 Years Behind the Whip

A German pro-domme retires

Lady MacLaine [left] and Katja Inga Baldowski as Lady MacLaine

Back in the mid 1990 a friend of mine moved into the same building as mistress Madieanne and was offered a tour of her premises. If it were me I would have jumped on the opportunity, but I think she declined. In Berlin, 30 years ago something similar happened.  "Many years ago, Tina moved into a Berlin apartment building and created a dominatrix studio on the ground floor, where she became known as Lady MacLaine. Unlike many of her colleagues and despite personal crises and gambling addiction, she worked in the industry for over three long decades."

When movie director Rosa von Praunheim moved into the same apartment building as dominatrix Lady MacLaine in the 1990s, they became friends and now that Lady MacLaine has retired [and moved to the country side] a film about her life and work as a professional dominatrix has been made, called 30 Years Behind the Whip [30 Jahre hinter der Peitsche]. It recently premiered at the Internationale Hofer Filmtage.  The life of Lady MacLaine is presented as a docu drama, not exactly sure what that means but some dungeon scenes are re-enacted with actress Katja Inga Baldowski as Lady MacLaine. The movie is accompanied by a book of the same title, or is it the other way around? Doesn't matter. Seems to be a continuation of 20 Jahre hinter der Peitsche. Despite the fact that it is subsidized by both the European Union and German Public Broadcasting, it's almost impossible to watch it. Dutch lives in neighbouring Holland and so far has had little luck.

Reviews are overwhelming positive but there is a catch. Local broadcaster Bayerische Rundfund [BR] is one of those positive reviews. It, however, cannot hide it's surprise that a woman can work her whole adult life as a pro-domme and retire like anyone else.

"Despite personal crises and her gambling addiction, Tina held on to her career as Lady MacLaine for over three decades and managed to retire unscathed. Her intelligence and middle-class background helped her - in contrast to many of her colleagues who met tragic ends." [1]

Never understood the disrepect pro-dommes get both from the vanilla world and the haters within 'our' community. Nobody forces you to visit a pro-domme but if you're curious about BDSM there's probably no safer way to learn more about it than booking that first session with an experienced domme. It's probably one of the best life choices you'll ever make and Lady Maclaine is one of many dommes making that possible. I'm glad she decided to publish her life story. Now all I have to do is look for a chance to watch it.

Face the Music

Jaden Bojsen & David Guetta - Let's Go

Jaden Bojsen & David Guetta - Let's Go [click to listen]


US President Joe Biden has given Ukraine permission to launch longer range missiles into Russia, two months before the end of his term. Russia not only has some 10.000 North Korean troops added to its military strength but also is making sizeable gains against Ukraine. Incoming US President Donald Trump has vowed to end the war within 24 hours, which seems impossible. Most likely he will halt aid to Ukraine, forcing the country to negotiate a peace settlement where they give up terrain. It explains the fierce battle that is going on in what might be the last months of the war. Both sides are trying to grab as much land as possible the gain a better bargaining position. And yes that effectively means that Russia is rewarded for starting a war against Ukraine and we, the West, failed both Ukraine and ourselves. Only question is what will Putin do after his 'victory'. This is far from over and the Russian president is not done yet.


[1] "Trotz persönlicher Krisen und ihrer Spielsucht hielt Tina als Lady MacLaine über drei Jahrzehnte hinweg in ihrem Beruf durch und schaffte es, unbeschadet in den Ruhestand zu gehen. Ihre Intelligenz und bürgerliche Herkunft halfen ihr dabei - im Gegensatz zu vielen ihrer Kolleginnen, die tragisch endeten."

Thursday, November 07, 2024

The Stanford Prison Experiment

When being a prisoner femdom style feels safer than participating in a scientific experiment

Last month Philip Zimbardo passed away. Most likely that name doesn't ring a bell but perhaps the Stanford Prison Experiment does. In 1971 a group of 24 volunteers was divided into 12 guards and 12 inmates. The 1971 psychological experiment was designed to study participants' reactions and behaviors in a prison environment over the course of 14 days. However from the very start guards became increasingly brutal in their tactics to stop the prisoners from escaping. Christina Maslach visited the experiment on day six and was troubled by what she saw. The psychologist confronted Zimbardo, who played the role of superintendant and as such was in charge of the guards. He ended the experiment that same day.

Today many consider the Stanford Prison Experiment to be unethical. One element that directly casts doubt on it's scientific merit is the fact that those who responded to the ad, mostly did so for monetary gain, making the pool of participants all but random. Volunteers were paid $15 per day, roughly equal to $113 in 2023, meaning that for the whole fortnight, participants were paid $1862 for the full duration of the experiment. Zimbardo also "instructed guards to find ways to dominate the prisoners, not with physical violence, but with other tactics, verging on torture, such as sleep deprivation and punishment with solitary confinement", thereby directly intervening in the outcome of his very own research project.

The project went of the rails so bad that when one participant staged a hunger strike, the other prisoners, rather than considering this inmate a hero "and following along in his strike, they chanted together that he was a bad prisoner and a troublemaker."

Looking back half a century later, a consensus that seems to be forming is not so much that William Golding was right in 1954 when he wrote Lord of the Flies [2]  [he was not] but that the guards were led towards extreme behaviour by Zimbardo himself. Not only did Dr. Zimbardo not stop his guards, he even instructed them in the way they should behave. Nature or nurture, the answer will forever be blowing in the wind.

For quite some time now I've been wondering about the recent increase in the popularity of prison play -  or so it seems. Then again perhaps it's not so much that whole prison scene but the warden in chief and her crew behind it. The question that remains is what happens to a man, how does his attitude change, when he signs up voluntarily for femdom prison? One day, one day I'll tell you.

Face the Music

Interesting article in the Financial Times about the Doctor Who theme song.

Delia Derbyshire, who helped create the Doctor Who theme in 1965.


Support Ukraine!


[1] Keep in mind that the standards in the 1970s for scientific experiments were different from today.

[2] In the novel Lord of the Flies boys turn into beasts after their plane crashes on a deserted island.

[3] In the real Lord of the Flies, six boys are shipwrecked for 15 months. Rather than fight for power, they cooperate. “One day, in 1977, six boys set out from Tonga on a fishing trip ... Caught in a huge storm, the boys were shipwrecked on a deserted island. What do they do, this little tribe? They made a pact never to quarrel.”

Tuesday, October 22, 2024

Safeword Expired

Yes mistress Robot?

Too much of femdom is all about getting your fix where the other one is a means to an end, no more, a prop at best. Where's the point in that? Same thing with AI. You can dream up the most awesome dominatrix but she will never exist, never be real. It's all a waste of time. Real femdom is about real people, but clearly I'm in the minority here.

The other day I ran into this cartoon, it's in German. It reminded me just how pointless AI is. The slave is using his safeword Erdbeertorte [strawberry cake]. The iDomina-3000 robot tells him that his safeword has expired an he has to contact his administrator. I just think it's funny [1]


[1] What's also funny, most likely unintended, is that i-Domina starts with a lower case letter. The robot adresses the slave as you. In German there is something called the polite form of personal pronouns. There is an informal version of ‘you’ (du) and a formal one (Sie). Sie is written in capitals. Guess which form the robot uses.

Tuesday, October 15, 2024

That [non-AI] Vibe

Body language is the best.

Yes, today's title is courtesy of Paltego. The author of the Femdom Resource blog writes how he is disappointed with the progress of femdom AI. Mostly copycat output rather than expanding the realm. There's a reason for that. AI cannot feel, it just calculates, copies and extrapolates. Paltego says as much himself in his September 24 post where he confesses his need for close physical contact, illustrated by a lovely image of domina M and a slave. [1]

It's the Matrix all over again. Red pill or blue pill? Rough reality or hot dreams in which desires come true. For me - and from what I read also Paltego - femdom is about girl meets boy and ties him up. He feels her heat on his skin and then nothing. Or perhaps some burning hot sensation, often followed by a wicked smile. Then some more. What's not to love? [Afterwards.] Femdom is an intimate game for two, sometime more. The desire for flesh on flesh, even if it's fully clothed shows as much. Some say football [soccer] is the beautiful game but to me femdom is. When you truly connect, even if only for a moment, it breaks down each and every barrier in its way, whether it is gags, blindfolds or mere basic bondage. Just make sure such a precious vibe can bounce back and forth. Eat that AI.

Face the Music

Minnie Riperton - Loving You

Lyrics are really not that important when it comes to how a song makes you feel. Had to think for a moment for today's track but I think I found a true gem. Minnie Riperton wrote Loving You together with her husband. It reached number one on the US charts in 1975. The next year she was diagnosed with breast cancer. Minnie Ripperton was one of the first celebrities to go public with a breast cancer diagnosis. "In 1977, she became a spokesperson for the American Cancer Society. In 1978, she received the American Cancer Society's Courage Award, which was presented to her at the White House by President Jimmy Carter." She passed away at the age of 31 in 1979. Her daughter Maya Rudolp, the SNL actress was seven years old at the time.

In the 1990s someone rehashed this classic into a house track, which is how I came to know of it. Shortly before, in the late 1980s, the vocoder, a device that can make anyone sing like an angel, was introduced. Most people remember 'Believe', the 1989 song by Cher with over the top processing. Because today's topic is femdom, human connection vs. AI I found it important to pick a song from an era where you actually needed talent to sing.

"Lovin' You" was the last release from her 1974 gold album titled Perfect Angel. As a matter of fact I also know an angel, a perfect angel, and that's all I'm gonna share.

Minnie Riperton - Loving You [click to listen]


The fourth series of the TV series Blackadder is set during the Great War. Its final episode holds one of the most impressive scenes I've ever seen. American shows usually have a happy ending, Blackadder Goes Forth, however, is British. If it doesn't make you cry, it will make you  sad.

Me being 11, AKA 1+1, there are two reasons why I bring this up. In the series authority figures contendedly send their subordinates to face the enemy, while unwilling to do so themselves. "Glorious war etc., bla bla bla." I was reminded of Russian President Vladimir Putin, doing something similar. Everybody remembers the long table he hid behind during Covid, although some say the table was just long enough not to get hit by bullets from a printed 3D gun. Also to Putin, the army is nothing but a meat grinder, similar to the ones during World War I.

Russia invaded Ukraine on 24 februari 2022, when winter was almost over. Last year was the first full year of trench warfare, not seen since World War I and this winter will be the second. All of that pain and suffering would have been unnecessary if we stood by Ukraine from the very beginning. Sadly I feel there is a strong resemblance between the generals and marshals of Blackadder and us, we talk big words from a safe distance, hoping someone else will chase the bogeyman away. When did that ever work?

Fields of Flanders.


[1] Don't worry, both Paltego and I are on the same page when it comes to femdom. Intimacy and forging a connection are big parts of the game for me too. [2]

[2] Although vibe not necessarily equals personal gravity they are in the same realm. [3]

[3] More simply said, femdom is about a woman and a man, not a computer and some guy. Let's be honest, where's the point in that?

Sunday, September 29, 2024

'Book your first session and start living'

Let your colours burst

'Life is what happens while you’re busy making other plans.' Don't be like that.

View from the top

That second quote is attributed to John Lennon but in fact much older. The first one I found on femdom Twitter. One that immediately struck a chord. It's late September with autumn approaching rapidly. If there's any time apart from New Year to make major changes in your life, it's September, right after your summer holiday.

Perhaps ironically that a guy who was late to the party is the one telling you to get going and book that first session. On several occassions before I wrote how Dutch was late, not because he was shy, but because he indulged in everything life has to offer. Do I regret being late? No.  But I would if I never gave in into part of something that makes me whole. That I would definitely regret if I looked back on my life when the time comes.

If you are one of those guys who dreams in Technicolour about kneeling in front of her, what's holding you back? For some its the relationship they're in. Others can't find a suitable partner and for those who are pondering visiting a pro-domme it's often money. All valid reasons, the only thing that shouldn't stop you is being coy about the things you really want out of life.

The Economist newspaper once ran a simple ad. Management trainee, age 42. And yes, that could be you dear wannabe slave. The road to nowhere has never been explained more clearly. Let's say you're indeed 42 [or 32, 22, 52 or whatever]. What's holding you back? Why are you afraid? If you think about something for so long you're most likely into it but you are definitely interested. Go for it.

Life has no fixed rules but highly recommended on my list for looking back on a life well lived is the no regrets principle. And there's no bigger regret than 'what if?' Don't be like that. Give it a go and see what happens. Especially if it's not for you, that's great. Now you can devote the rest of your life to some other passion. Beats dreaming about stuff you hate but have no clue what it actually is. And if you're hungry for more, you're welcome. Just don't look back on your life, desperately wondering 'what if?' That's for loosers. Just remember slaves are not loosers, bruisers perhaps yes, but above all men who freely choose to serve. The guts to follow your dreams makes you stronger than many of us. Stop dreaming and start prepping. No regrets, no missed chances. Life's short enough as it is.

Face the Music

Katy Perry - Firework

Do you ever feel
Like a plastic bag
Drifting through the wind
Wanting to start again
Do you ever feel
Feel so paper-thin
Like a house of cards
One blow from caving in
Do you ever feel
Already buried deep
Six feet under
Screams but no one seems to hear a thing
Do you know that there’s
Still a chance for you
‘Cause there’s a spark in you

You just gotta
Ignite the light
And let it shine
Just own the night
Like the Fourth of July

‘Cause baby, you’re a firework
Come on show them what you’re worth
Make them go, “Oh, oh, oh”
As you shoot across the sky
Baby, you’re a firework
Come on let your colors burst
Make them go, “Oh, oh, oh”
You’re gonna leave before they know

You don’t have to feel
Like a waste of space
You’re original
Cannot be replaced
If you only knew
What the future holds
After a hurricane
Comes a rainbow
Maybe the reason why
All the doors are closed
So you could open one
That leads you to the perfect …
Like a lightning bolt
Your heart will glow
And when it’s time you know

You just gotta
Ignite the light
And let it shine
Just own the night
Like the Fourth of July
‘Cause baby, you’re a firework
Come on show them what you’re worth
Make them go, “Oh, oh, oh”
As you shoot across the sky
Baby, you’re a firework
Come on let your colors burst
Make them go, “Oh, oh, oh”
You’re gonna leave before they know
Boom, boom, boom
Even brighter than the moon, moon, moon
It’s always been inside of you, you, you
And now it’s time to let it through
‘Cause baby, you’re a firework
Come on show them what you’re worth
Make them go, “Oh, oh, oh”
As you shoot across the sky
Baby, you’re a firework
Come on let your colors burst
Make them go, “Oh, oh, oh”
You’re gonna leave before they know
Boom, boom, boom
Even brighter than the moon, moon, moon
Boom, boom, boom
Even brighter than the moon, moon, moon
Katy Perry - Firework [click to listen]


If you live in Ukraine, happiness is not an option right now. More than anyone you have to fight for it. And even if your happiness doesn't matter much, there are always the ones you love, like your children. Even if you don't like their [future] choices, you want them to have the freedom to choose whatever they want. It's why the women and men from Ukraine continue to fight for freedom, not necessarily for them but for the ones they love and protect. And what do we do? Don't answer that. Slava Ukraini forever.

Sunday, September 15, 2024

A World of Strange Tastes

#NeverNormal on a postcard

Copywriters love to browse through the weirdo catalogue whenever they lack the inspiration to sell us something. The stranger the better is their rule of thumb and what is more odd that BDSM? You've seen it in countless ads. One that immediately comes to mind is that of a doting housewife who moonlights as a dominatrix during the day when her husband is out to work. Her slaves clean, cook and anything else mistress desires. And just like a reverse Cinderella fairytale, they disappear right before the husband comes home. It leaves mistress just enough time to change her clothes into something 'more comfortable'. We all know love is equal parts trust and honesty so he must be in on the joke and loving it. What I am really curious about is whether or not such an ad is a sales boost.

Recently I came across an ad for Bass Ale in which a Humprey Bogart look alike is on the floor, licking a woman's blue boots. The text says "in a world of strange tastes, there is always Bass Ale." What does it even mean? According to Nat Whitten, who is probably in the advertising business, maybe he even came up with the add, this:

"A striking departure in tone, but not message, for this venerable British ale. The print, outdoor, and viral effort was designed to refresh the memories of lapsed users who’d been swayed by the latest microbrews, while encouraging trail among beer enthusiasts just entering the premium category."

Obviously. People who are into BDSM will never be considered normal by the rest of the world and no matter which way you show your customers just how freaky we are, it's never gonna make you any money so why not let us be. You can focus on creating adds that actually add value and we forgo all that valuable 'free publicity' and go back to the shadows. Everybody wins.

Face the Music

Mick Jagger -Strange Game

Currently watching Slow Horse, an Apple TV show about a group of outcast spies. The title track Strange Game is by Mick Jagger and it's rather catchy. Feels like an appropriate choice for today.

Mick Jagger - Strange Game [click to listen]


The West continues to stick its head in the sand, still debating whether or not Ukraine can use missiles to hit targets in Russia. Which country those Russian missiles are aiming for? Putin has once again cried 'red line'. If you let Ukraine fire your missiles directly into Russia, we're at war with Nato. Don't worry, Putin has drawn so many red lines in the sand and they all have been crossed. His first red line was actually when he invaded Ukraine.

"Russia has drawn red lines before. And seen them crossed before.

On 24 February 2022, when he announced the start of his "special military operation" – the full-scale invasion of Ukraine – President Putin issued a warning to “those who may be tempted to interfere from the outside”.

“No matter who tries to stand in our way or create threats for our country and our people, they must know that Russia will respond immediately,” the Kremlin leader had declared.

“And the consequences will be such as you have never seen in your entire history.”"


There is no worse outcome for the West than to see Ukraine loose because what comes after that is infinitely worse than anything Putin can do if another one of his red lines is crossed.

Thursday, September 05, 2024

All Kinksters Have a Target On Their Back: Never Normal Strikes Again

Tonight on TV? Bashing kinksters for profit [or personal gain].

Even a well-made series like The Umbrella Academy cannot resist a stab at kink. "Nothing wrong with a good spanking" says Mr. Creepy Guy at the beginning of season four. Is it really that important us kinksters are being considered normal? What's normal anyway?

Personally I believe being normal has a lot to do with going after what you really want in life, even if other people don't understand. There is only one person responsible for your happiness and it's you, so you better get up and get greedy.

Dutch likes DIY, blogging and kink just to name a few. Nobody ever asks me why I spend hours in my workshop rather than on social media. Is it even relevant what other people think? The only thing that matters is that your personal preferences don't become a hindrance in life, which usually means worship privacy with vigor. Wouldn't it be great if I could say I love to worship my Love and mistress and people would just nod and agree, good for you, as if you were telling them you decided on Thai food instead tonight? Never gonna happen. Pointing out the differences between people and proclaiming their way of life is superior will always benefit someone or some corporation. [1] [3]

Anyway, after my shocking discovery there's a sex dungeon in the basement of the Ghostbusters building or something like that, let's get the truth out. #NeverNormal is everywhere, just look at your TV. Below a list of TV shows and movies I've seen recently that one way or another manage to sneak in a little kink. Hardly ever neutral, sometimes for entertainment purposes only but mostly to placate the audience, making them feeling secure as in 'I'm normal, they are freaks. Just look at them'. Kinksters - yes you too - are cannon fodder at best. Sorry. 

1. The Boys
In an alternative superheroes have gone rogue. The Boys is one of my favourite series. Currently at season four and for no reason the female CEO of evil corp Vought walks in to her office and asks who wants to have their balls crushed. Young, bound, naked male on the floor squaks 'me please'. So lame. Whatever. 

One of the most fun shows to watch recently. The main character is a young girl, a killer trained by the government of East Germany. She becomes the sacrificial scapegoat when things go wrong and wastes her youth in prison untill the Berlin Wall falls in 1989. No longer an enemy of a state that has vanished, Kleo is released and goes full rampage.

According to Kleo-lore the blonde gentleman on the left is the inventor of the Berlin love parade.
In the hands of a sadistic killer, that gag is not for fun.

3. You
A twisted and bizarre homicidal maniac with a love of books, who carries his clear glass dungeon with him all over the United States. At least two references to BDSM, both are equally weird in case you're wondering. 

look at the titles on hte book shelf.
Look at that! [Again]

4. Ballerina
A movie that is somewhat different. The main character has a day job as a highly trained dancer, seeks vengeance on those who killed her friend. A group of men obduct women to torture them on camera and sell the footage. Nasty. Honestly I think there are easier ways for criminals to make money. What motivated the script writer to pick this angle?

5. Zombie 100
In a post I wrote some 11 years ago - give or take - I wrote about a dreaming of a trip around the world in 80 dommes. Maybe I should update that post. Ever since the Living Dead, zombies have turned into cuddly toys. But what if the end is inevitable and you still have your bucket list with 100 things to cross of before you die? First order of business is to save your friend who is holed up in a Japanese love hotel. Less fortunate is that his slave girl has turned into a zombie. Of the disobedient kind. Luckily for him, she is tied up or else. Once again, why choose BDSM as a topic? 

6. Dix Pourcent
In English the show is named Call My Agent. The French series ran for four seasons and is an absolute gem. In some episode one of the management assistents [who sleeps with her boss of course] wears a neck corset. Rather surprisingly it is some kind of turn on for the male, gay assistent. Didn't see that coming.

7. The Violence Action
More daft than funny is this Japanese movie. Makes little sense but OK. In The Violence Action a bunch of female students moonlight as assassins. Somewhere at the start of the movie one of them is sent out to rescue a young woman from a bunch of bad, non-consensual, sadistic men. After a succesful mission, she returns to base with Japanese Elvis, her sidekick. His reward for helping out? Being trampled by another woman. Whatever. 

8. Obliterated
This series makes even less sense than The Violence Action. To say its pulp is to overrate it. Yet surprisingly it's also one of few programs in this list where kink has a purpose. In order not to be exposed as a spy, an attractive young woman puts on a gag and then locks herself to a pole. So vulnerable [and almost naked] the pretty girl has to be innocent, right?

9. Dogs of Berlin
"Two cops investigate the murder of a famous Turkish-German soccer player." When a corrupt football official flees to Chile, a lawyer is sent after him. She is also a hardcore fixer who has no qualms torturing men to get answers. Her methods though are overly complicated. He is tied to the floor and she is putting on her stiletto heels to trample him. A silly conversation ensues:

"Give it to me. Other have to pay for it, I get I for free."
"Others have to pay for it, yes. But they have a safe word."

That's why we kinksters never gonna be normal. Guard your privacy with vigilance.

10. Blue Eye Samurai
This anime series is perhaps the best show I've seen of late, its story telling is beyond breathtaking. During Japan's Edo period (17th century), Mizu is on a quest for vengeance against four white men. In one episode Mizu enters a brothel where everything is possible. The episode also includes BDSM scenes, only this time in a more neutral way.

11. The Killer
And finally number 11. My film loving friends were eagerly awaiting David Fincher's latest 'gem' to arrive on Netflix. It did. So I watched it. Don't believe the hype. The opening scene shows our killer eying a man visiting a professional dominatrix. The hitman explains how patience is of the essence. After much talk he slowly pulls the trigger. And hits the dominatrix instead. The cinematography is beautiful but once again, why this setting?

The above is just a selection of the theme of BDSM popping up in series and movies. Other than shock value - look at them freaks - there is hardly any justification for it, so remember we may be living the life we want but that doesn't mean the world will ever accept us. Public or private? It's your choice. Choose wisely.

Face the Music

Jackie Wilson - Reet Petite

Currently watching Kaos on Netflix. Yet another alternate universe, one where Jeff Goldblum rules as the Greek god Zeus. The series soundtrack is expensive, diverse, wide and impressive but above all excellent. In one episode, perfectly timed but completely out of tune, Jacky Wilson's Reet Petite starts playing. It just made me laugh so hard. Makes absolutely no sense or does it? Brilliant.

Jackie Wilson - Reet Petite [click to listen]


Russian missiles target Kyiv on first day of school year according to the BBC.

"Russia has fired a barrage of missiles at Ukraine's capital, Kyiv, hours before thousands of children returned to school for the first day of the academic year." 


[1] Just my opinion but remember opinions are not facts. [2]

[2] A fact for sure.

[3] Also one of the reasons racism is so very hard to fight. Wanna know why, just look at who profits.

[4] Season four of The Boys came out recently [summer of 2024]. Stop reading if you haven't seen it yet.

Honestly I feel season four is one big mess, shock value was maxed up. The whole series was one big gore fest. One episode for the most part plays in a sex dungeon. It's just bizarre and not in a good way. Of course it had a gimp, Pulp Fiction style. It also features a buttler, equipped with a hose and dressed like somebody who works in a slaughterhouse. And of course there is the compulsary rich weirdo, just like the freaky executive. And in case you didn't get the message, hardcore non-non-consensual is the new consent. Because [in an alternative universe] those with money can get away with murder. The whole episode is truly horrible.

From The Archives

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