Tuesday, October 22, 2024

Safeword Expired

Yes mistress Robot?

Too much of femdom is all about getting your fix where the other one is a means to an end, no more, a prop at best. Where's the point in that? Same thing with AI. You can dream up the most awesome dominatrix but she will never exist, never be real. It's all a waste of time. Real femdom is about real people, but clearly I'm in the minority here.

The other day I ran into this cartoon, it's in German. It reminded me just how pointless AI is. The slave is using his safeword Erdbeertorte [strawberry cake]. The iDomina-3000 robot tells him that his safeword has expired an he has to contact his administrator. I just think it's funny [1]


[1] What's also funny, most likely unintended, is that i-Domina starts with a lower case letter. The robot adresses the slave as you. In German there is something called the polite form of personal pronouns. There is an informal version of ‘you’ (du) and a formal one (Sie). Sie is written in capitals. Guess which form the robot uses.

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