Wednesday, February 22, 2023

Google & Me: La Fin d'Amour

"Is dit de laatste ronde?'

'Sans' prior warning Google forces readers of adult blogs to submit proof of age before granting access. Not because Google cares, it just wants to make more money.

Last Valentine's Eve - yes that's an actual phrase now that I've invented it - we discussed Squid Game -  femdom style. Big plans for the next Valentine despite being so busy I haven't lived dangerously at all this year so far.

Thursday, February 09, 2023

'Born To Make you Crawl' - Mistress Roberta

From the 'what a woman'-department

What if crawling comes naturally - AKA the easy part?

Hand in glove? The wonderful mistress Roberta on a visit to The English Mansion.

The other day I read an article about a woman, newly available and looking for love. In her forties, which is good, she rattled of the usual list. Tall, educated [whatever that means], stable, mature, good job and  - hold your horses -  a full head of hair. Women and sexism, whenever the two of them meet, its love child is ugly, no exceptions.

Wednesday, February 01, 2023

Mistress Snow

Don't exaggerate

Mistress Frostbite might be a more appropriate name.[Image: Sorenutz007]

General von Moltke famously said how no plan survives first contact with the enemy. Especially not sloppy planning. Just ask Putin. In 1871, when the German commander, wrote his essay on military strategy, blogging didn't exist. But to a certain extent you can also apply it to writing posts. Dutch started the year, high on a happy vibe, proclaiming this would be the year of 'let's get dangerous', but it has been an extraordinary busy first month of 2023 and vanilla life got in the way.

From The Archives

  • Our Anniversary After this I plan to put my time machine in permanent storage What is love?You know when you see her. …
  • A woman's heart is priceless. Her whip is a mere prop. Alright, Valentine's Day. Short post, not because I have a…
  • Well, that ain't gonna happen overnight. Being my wife, I mean. Every woman I meet these days has a full latex…