Saturday, December 31, 2022

Herrin Mercedes: Portrait of a Lady

A true unicorn in the world of femdom

I expected to discuss more interviews this December, then again even two posts make for a series.

Herrin Mercedes in her dungeon [Image: lady Mercedes]

Don't know if Covid-19 is to blame for the uptick in slaves hoping to serve dommes with a medical background but one thing is sure, long before Covid-19 wreaked havoc I was spellbound by domina Mercedes. She one of two founders of the famous Avalon dungeon. Sadly the facility has now closed, not that it stops Herrin Mercedes to keep on radiating personal gravity like never before.

Thursday, December 29, 2022

Leather Coats 'n Stuff

Finally a worthy successor to Sophia Loren. Sort of.

A little more light reading these last few days of December 

Sophia Loren wearing a leather coat by Balmain in the 1960 movie 'The Millionairess'.

Nobody understands fashion better than Dutch. Millionaire women on the other hand? I'm well off and I know. Once or twice I dated a rich woman and the huge difference in wealth makes the outcome almost inevitable.

Tuesday, December 27, 2022

Let Me Be Your Bondage Turkey

From the "All I want for Christmas department"

In the run-up to the holidays Dutch forgot to press 'publish', so here we go on the third day of Christmas. Hope you had a good one. I certainly did.

Not all turkeys are created equally.

It's the festive season. While I'm dreaming that one day I'll finally end up as mistress personal leather turkey, I suddenly realize something. True love leads to true devotion, which is like a stairway to serious surrender. But now we're getting ahead of the story.

Because this is femdom, there are always two sides to the story. A while back I dreamt up a time machine for myself. Imagine waking up one morning in a leather bag, unable to move but with mistress sound asleep next to you, big smile on her face and one arm over the leather bag that comforts the man she loves. How I ended up inside one of them is a different story. Fun one, yes. Don't worry, won't bother you with that right now.

Wednesday, December 21, 2022

Cruel Christmas Crackers with the Hunteress

How to make a slave sing

All I want for Christmas? No blisters anyone?

Image from the Hunteress on Twitter.

It's December, the one and only month where those who are not pure vanilla can marvel at the beauty of darkness. Also, time for some more light-touch writing, which is why Dutch goes full fanboy, reading up on some of his favourite dommes. Any sucking up is intentionally. I mean is not. [What I meant to say is that English is a difficult language, almost as complex as American.]

Sunday, December 11, 2022

Hunteress' Trick Question

The universal language of the cane is instinctively understood

"To what number can you count in English?", the Hunteress asks.

Those eyes. That look. Run Forest, run.

Don't answer that! Whatever you do, don't. Silence is golden. Don't even say "I don't understand what you are saying mistress." Gotcha. As a German slave you should answer in German. Now you're busted. Won't surprise anyone that the clip ends in a bloody mess. Of the slave's own making. Just keep your mouth shut. Or ask for a gag. Yes, in German of course. D'oh.

Monday, December 05, 2022

How Not to Sell Expensive Handbags

Never Normal strikes again

Advertising and BDSM - a match made in hell

From our new, exciting! Sesame Street collection

If you just love Gwyneth Paltrow's 30K bondage chaise, there's more good news. Nope, still hasn't sold out, if that's what you mean. You can ridicule fimdoms all that you want for their bad taste - the most expensive one is the best - but nothing beats a luxury brand in distress.

Friday, December 02, 2022

Death in Slow Motion: Women and Girls Under Taliban Rule

Remember Girls Not Brides? Good luck. You're gonna need it.

Abandoned. Erased. Alone. Afghan women are on their own. Nobody will come to their aid. No matter what.

In the middle the image from the Amnesty International report on women and girls under Taliban rule. To the sides Degas' painting of Dante and Virgil who are about to enter hell.

December 02 is International Day for the Abolition of Slavery. The obvious topic this year is the world cup football in Qatar. In 2014 Deadspin, a sports magazine, wrote "Qatar's World Cup Expected To Take More Lives Than 9/11", which is about 3.000. Qatar is furious. As it turns out at least double that number didn't survive. According to the Guardian some 6,500 migrant workers died in Qatar, building a 200 billion dollar infrastructure for the world cup. And that's a very conservative estimate. There's more than enough coverage - but very little action - when it comes to a world cup built on modern slavery, let's focus on Afghanistan instead.

From The Archives

  • Secret Society of Sadistic Secretaries SOS Part V: The 400 to 1 Grand Finale The 400 to 1 Grand Finale. Part Five of the Secret Society of Sadistic Secretaries. Part Four: Here A fictional…
  • Leather Trocadero: Suzy Quatro The first rule of screenwriters guild since 1977 is "introduce a sexy woman in a hot outfit if ratings are…
  • Miss Piggy & Kermit: The End of a FL Love Affair Of course they had to do a reboot of the Muppet Show and get it wrong. If there is one thing I don't like about…