Sunday, January 24, 2021

Cellmate Chastity Device Owner Blackmailed By Hacker

Now that's what i call involuntary involuntary 

Alternative version of "Your hand in mine." Sing along everybody!

Remember the commotion about the Cellmate chastity device last year? The story only gets better - and no you cannot make this up. This particular development I found through the blog of Domina Lady Sas. The German version of Vice magazine reported earlier this week that a Cellmate owner became the victim of blackmail.

The Cellmate is a remote controlled chastity device. Sadly it also comes with several flaws. The first one is that communication between remote control and device is not secure. It's easy for hackers to break into - which happened.  Last year Gizomodo elegantly wrote that a security flaw could send your dick to jail forever.

Well, forever is a long time and the Chinese manufacturer swiftly uploaded a tutorial to Youtube on how to escape the device without a trip to the ER where they use a disinfected bolt cutter to permanently remove the device. According to the Chines manufacturer it is safer to remove the locked anti-cheating device with a pointy screwdriver. Just look at the image below - it's not a Cellmate - and imagine messing with a screwdriver to remove it. Don't think that's the reason she's smiling however.

Suddenly it feels silly to be afraid of needles.

This week a hacker wrote to his victim: your dick is mine. The ransom was 0,02 Bitcoin (about 590 euro, 750 dollar). So did the victim pay, use a screwdriver or go to the ER? None of the above, he wasn't wearing the device at the time. Lucky him because the hacker indeed managed to lock it remotely.

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