Thursday, January 26, 2017

San Francisco Armory: From Kink HQ to Musical Venue

end of an era

The Armory is a BDSM movie studio - a haven perhaps - that stands out for its educational qualities. The 200.000 sq foot building will soon be converted into a musical theatre. Yet the tune of femdom movies will continue to go on in Las Vegas.

San Francisco Armory - head quarter, home of femdom video labels divine bitches and men in pain. owner mr. peter acworth.
The San Franciso Armory - Most likely successor to the OWK

After watching the final episode of Sherlock, series four, I began to fantasize where to relocate the Other World Kingdom (OWK) to. The idea came to me after seeing a top secret prison facility on the show - don't ask.

Thursday, January 19, 2017

Remote Controlled Electrical Implant

Perhaps "no limits" isn't such a good idea after all...

mistress eve minax remote controlled electrical implant electro play slave girl
Mistress Minax with her hooded slave girl.

One of the things I like most when it comes to kink is the weird stuff. By its very definition kink is weird. But what I mean is the things that most kinksters consider unusual.

Some time ago I ran into an Alice in Bondageland video on one of the tubes. They are among my favourite because mistress Alice "wants to put the fun back into femdom." I couldn't agree more.

Monday, January 09, 2017

Highly Tributed Lifestyle Domme Part V  
11 Reasons to Visit a Pro-Domme

In this fifth and final episode of the "Highly Tributed Lifestyle Domme", I'm not only happy to have escaped her clutches, I also give you 11 reasons why you should consider visiting a pro-domme.

Irene Adler, Sherlock, Pro-domme, dominatrix, TV & movies
Nobody questions her motives.

The "highly tributed lifestyle domme" series was inspired by a single comment to Miss Pearl's article on why she never will go pro. I disagree with Miss Pearl on many issues - good thing there is no right or wrong when it comes to kink - but her overall writing stands out.

Tuesday, January 03, 2017

Preaching to the [Non-Consensual] Perverted

For the nth time I ran into a "kink' video where a grown woman molests a doll. Everybody knows that doll is a substitute for a child. Legally nothing wrong with it. But it is not OK.

Chopped of the lady's head for her own good.

For many new readers of this blog, my writing often comes across as a roller-coaster at first. Spend a little time and you will agree that femdom - in all its wonderful varieties - is what I write about. Part of that deals with things that need fixing - or sometimes are dead wrong - in the femdom community.

Monday, January 02, 2017

Everyday Sadism

Sadism is not limited to kink. Chances are you already met one or more sadists in the office.

Kink is not all fun and games. We all know a number of dominant players who are untrustworthy, dishonest or just plain danger. That is before you start to think of those bad, dangerous people who seek refuge in the kink community. Quite a few of those scary monsters don't care about wrong or right. It is just as irrelevant to them as the difference between consensual and non-consensual.

Sunday, January 01, 2017

Bring Back Our Girls. Now & Alive

New Year's Day 2017. It's been 993 days since 217 girls were abducted in Nigeria. They are still not home. Happy New Year!

femdom bring back our girls, hope endures, 2 years on
Hope Endures

To be honest, I never believed they were "our" girls in the first place. Then again, nobody ever did, albeit for different reasons. A classic tale about climbing the Mount Everest has it that the first people to conquer it, ran into Coca Cola paraphernalia at various hights on their way to the top. After a successful return to base, they were puzzled, conveniently ignoring the fact the being the first high profile Westerner to climb the mountain is not the same as the first person - i.e. local - to conquer it.

From The Archives

  • Chastity IslandLocktober for Vanilla's Better be careful mistress, if you lock up your slave for the entire month of…
  • Noor Inayat Khan: The Unbreakable Spy Princess For once Dutch bows his head to true female supremacy. Pay…
  • Douchebag Dom Wants New Sub to Kick Out Current OneCollar Me folded in 2014 to be replaced by Collar Chat. As usual I'm a bit slow, so today for the first time I…