Wednesday, April 03, 2019

End Of The Line For A Series Of Bad Choices?

A fascinating dynamic, that's for sure.
A man begging for his wife's forgiveness inside Divorce Court. Chicago, 1948. femdom bdsm kink
What if the husband is the man standing and he hired the other man to grovel for him?
From the Simpsons season 19, episode 48:
Burns: Look what you've reduced me to.
(Snaps fingers).
Smithers: Please!
Curious is my middle name. The photo above featured frequently in my Tumblr feed. Most people into femdom said it was hot. Real life misery never is.

According to Reddit, the caption reads: "a man begging for his wife's forgiveness inside Divorce Court. Chicago, 1948." Nobody really knows what's going on, but given the year it probably was the conclusion to years of suffering.

Sunday, March 24, 2019

Fifty Shades of NIMBY

A feud between neighbours, with a twist. 

Remember the story of mistress Evilyne a couple of years ago and how she was forced to shut down her dungeon because the neighbours objected? The New York Times has a similar tale about Ms. Taillor and her 'kink collective'. Both stories feature neighbours scared of BDSM freaks running around the neighbourhood. Like I always say: "Fifty Shades of Acceptance? Never!

Hey, it's still the Grey Lady, image found on Ms. Taillor's website.

Ms. Miller, a longtime Brooklyn resident doesn't like having a "kink collective" next door. It's all about "trust and safety" and "questionable people" that made her Spidey senses tingle. How's that for kink-shaming? [1]

Cartoonish instincts are not enough to get those around her to act so she quotes anonymous neighbours after which she no doubt felt the obligation to act. "When she asked around, neighbors told her that Ms. Taillor [the dominatrix] was up to no good."

Sunday, March 10, 2019

“Unless you have a kid in a cage, I don’t care.”

A woman who works as a cable tech- and the editor highlighting a single anecdote, that of a guy in a cage.

cable guy, dungeon, man in cage
"Oh my, why did the Huffpost editor decide to pick this particular story for an illustration?"

Just a quick one today, one that proves my theory of "never normal" when it comes to vanilla people accepting kink. It ain't ever gonna happen.

Freaks sell, that wisdom is older than the invention of Gutenberg's printing press, ca 1439. Printing itself by then already existed for hundreds of years, just to remind you.

Friday, March 08, 2019

Lift Him Higher - What an Image

Mistress and Slave in Perfect Harmony - Free Minor Flaws Included.

A woman holding the head of her slave in the palm of her hands. One of the strongest femdom pictures I've seen in a long time.

mistress, slave, hand, mask, blindfold
People, not props are kink's secret super power. Q.E.D.

In another realm it could easily be a woman lifting high the head of the man she loves. Perhaps the image was taking, seconds after he tied her shoelaces. This picture, however, leaves no doubt. It's all about mistress and slave. And boy, are they happy. You can tell even without their faces. Found this image on Tumblr in it's dying days and my fascination for it is on full repeat.

It's one of the most powerful femdom images I've come across in quite a while. Despite that I cannot explain exactly why or what. The picture suggests some deep, intimate connection that allow mistress and slave to drift away from mainstream conventions. Then again, who cares? Connection between lovers is perhaps the biggest prizes in life, any which way.

Sunday, March 03, 2019

What Tumblr Taught Me


Now that Tumblr has officially assumed the title "Titanic of social media", Twitter vainly celebrates and I write a personal eulogy.

If there is a single lesson the be learned it is this: everybody - no exception - prefers pictures over text, most of them being of an erotic nature. Disclaimer: one person's erotic appeals can very well be another one's turn of. Still 'erotic' is a broad term.

Thursday, February 14, 2019

"Yes My Love and mistress"

A woman's heart is priceless. Her whip is a mere prop.

Alright, Valentine's Day. Short post, not because I have a date tonight, but because the message is clear and concise.

Life is simple, love rules. And, no, things don't get complicated when people confuse lust for love. In the past my writing has explored how to maintain a healthy balance between man loves woman and slave obeys mistress. It's hard.

Kinky stuff is nice, something I wouldn't want to live without. The woman I love, however, is someone whom I cannot live without, even though I'm currently single.

If I ever fall in love again, and she is as much into femdom as I am, I reserve the right to address her as "my Love and mistress" whenever it's appropriate to address her as mistress. Don't have to, but I can, whether it is just the two of us or with other people around. It's something that is non-negotiable and my love and mistress cannot force me to address her like that. Other than that I'm pretty flexible.

If you don't get it, just listen to Nina Simone explaining how "he needs me." Just make sure you listen all throughout the end. (click image to listen on Youtube).

Wednesday, January 09, 2019

Foot Fetishists Save the Day and Exhonorate Politician

These are the feet of Sydney Leather. It is also Sydney Leather's picture.

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is a newly elected US Congress woman. Last week a crudely edited video of her dancing in college surfaced, intended to shame her. It backfired. This morning, reading the papers, Quartz Daily News reported how a fake nude pic of her was debunked by foot fetishists. Users cross-referenced the image with other photos of the congresswoman’s feet.

From The Archives