Wednesday, July 03, 2024

A Deeper Love

"What is love?"
"You know when you see her."

mistress slave femdom together intimacy relationship

I tend to overthink but the passing of Barefoot Princess Melanie keeps on lurking in my mind. No answers though. Read back my previous posts. The question always remains the same. What is love? Is it contingent on kink compatibility? Can it survive when on of the partners looses all interest in BDSM? Nobody can tell you, but but there's one thing I know. Love is not about desire or getting your fix. Love means compatibility in areas you never even heard of. Love means this is right, this is us.

Yes, love can be cruel and love can be kind, but love is not something that is yes or no because it clicks in the bedroom or dungeon. It's rather the opposite, love works because of desire, a different desire. And if it doesn't work the way you want, you fight for it, together.

The reason I place so much emphasis on honesty and trust is because of the vanilla world. Encountered too many dishonest people. The irony is that they generally speaking are even more dishonest to themselves than to others. No matter how much you love someone, if you cannot create that sacred space where just the two of you exist, at some point you have to pack up and go.Translated into the realm of femdom, mistress has to earn your trust as much as you have to earn hers.

Trust is an essential part of any relationship, including being mistress and slave. Things go wrong, mistakes happen. Whatever it is, be honest about it. Then you deal will it together. Whether together means mistress and slave or boyfriend and girlfriend. It doesn't matter. Together.

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