Monday, February 26, 2024

Femdom Is Not a Guilty Pleasure

Honest weirdo's of the world, unite!

You want it to be real? Dishonesty is always a recipe for disaster.

Sharing something new and tender?

We all make bad choices - mistakes if you like. Read a story on Redditt about a guy who fantasizes about femdom and meets a girl. She's clearly into. He forgets to mention it's his 'guilty pleasure' too. Go figure.

"Me and me girlfriend had a "normal/vanilla" relationship for about 6 months until she started introducing "new things" to our relation. I always loved femdom and role reversal shenanigans but i never had hope to actually happen to me IRL. I feel bad lying to her. Lying about not knowing anything about it."

We all know any second stupid action cancels out that initial stupid thing you do. It's a bit like multiplying minus one by itself. The fact that minus one turns to plus one is because we agreed on it. There is no such thing in real life. But hey, let's first marry her, then come clean. After all femdom is all about desire not trust or being in a relationship with an actual woman. [5] Fail-safe plan.

"Its a gulty pleasure of mine. I love how she tries to "teach me" new things, trying to be as slow and gentile as possible. I love how her eyes just light up when i accept doing new things. I love how she sees me as just "her innocent boyfriend" she is slowing "corrupting". God, i just love her so damn much.

Maybe in the future i can come clean about my lies. After i put a ring on her finger, i might come clean."

My guess is that there is no joint future and there probably never was. Like a commenter says lying breaks a relationship beyond repair. We all do stupid things, even if you are in a longterm relationship but lying is another level.

Here's another comment that's spot on.

"After I trap her in marriage, I might come clean about being a completely different person than she thought and I've been lying to her the whole time"

A ring is more akin to the end - like when your love is set in stone - rather than the beginning of a joint adventure.

Another commenter tells how one of their clients made up a book club to get close to the man she loved. She also forced her friends to join. And yes, it's a happily ever after but let's be real. It's quite some distance to cover from discussing 50 Shades and not telling you're future fiance that's what you dream about at night.

We all know it's hard to confess being that kind of weirdo. But she loves being a weirdo and is more honest about than you. To me an essential quality of sincere love is the safe space it offers to be yourself. Of course there's a time and place for everything and your beloved one might be shocked to discover you're a different kind of weirdo but love is pretty much sacred. It's an unwritten rule most people live by, some call it pillow talk. Trust, honesty, security, certain confessions never leave the building, no matter what. Even if the two of you move on. Now that's what I call love. Femdom is not a guilty pleasure, love even less.

Face the Music

Donna Summer - Could It Be Magic

At least three songs come to mind. On the radio is another sad best of the 1980's top 800. Guess who's on? Talking Heads' Road to Nowhere. Excellent choice, just like Kim Wilde's Love is Holy [Don't you forget that]. Only, I just watched a documentary on Casablanca Records, a music label from the 1970's and 80's. Glamrock band Kiss was one of the first to be signed. I Was Made For Loving You feels very wrong. Neil Bogart also signed Donna Summer and disco took off. Donna Summer departed in 2012. Absolutely love her music. Remember the guy who originally sang McArthur Park only to turn up in the Harry Potter movie series? Donna Summer did it better, much better. Most of us would consider the confluence of love and femdom to be magic. Be a man, confess today and accept her decision.

Donna Summer - Could it be magic [click to listen]


“Ronald Reagan, who helped millions of us to win back our freedom and independence, must be turning in his grave today. Shame on you.”

Such are the words of Donald Tusk, President of Poland after the US Senate blocks bipartisan $118bn bill on US-Mexico border and Ukraine. And he is right. Recently the USA retaliated en masse after three US troops were killed in drone attack on Jordan base. In war you can neither delay nor choose your enemy. Somehow the US still thinks it has that luxury. Because of it, or better perhaps because of self-srving, opportunistic politicians who don't care about anyone else - not even their fellow country men - more US troops will die as the ever intensifying Russian assault on Ukraine inevitably will show. /p>

First Partition of Poland. 1772 division of Polish-Lithuanian territory between Austria, Imperial Russia, and Prussia.


[1] Wrote it before, themes generally choose me [single me out] rather than I choose them. Guess the topic of marriage will follow me for some time to come.

[2] Another comment that stands out:"Yeah… lying to your partner about something so intimate is nasty, seems manipulative too. Why would you do that in the first place? Not a good sign.

Edit: the most concerning part is that you hope to reveal this after you’ve reached a level of commitment that’s much harder to get out of. Extremely sick and manipulative."

[3] "So much of femdom is allowing vulnerability and building trust between each other. Lying about this is really gonna set that back. You need to come clean ASAP." [4]

[4] It's probably too late already. But still you should tell her. For her sake.

[5] She is an actual woman with feelings of her own.

[6] And no incels still don't exist. They're a creation of the clickbait press. Use soap, lots of it and speak with two words. Try saying "hello Ma'am" for a change. Miracles do happen. 

[7] Talking about marriage, be careful guys. February 29th is coming up and we all know what that means...

Sunday, February 25, 2024

Second Anniversary of the Russian Invasion of Ukraine

Slava Ukraini!

Women soldiers in Ukraine. Often treated as second class despite the fact they are essential to win the war. Incomprehensible. [Image: Balkan Insight]

On Februari 24, 2022 Russia invaded Ukraine, believing it would be a short war. Last December Reuters reported  that "a declassified U.S. intelligence report assessed that the Ukraine war has cost Russia 315,000 dead and injured troops, or nearly 90% of the personnel it had when the conflict began". It started the war with an estimated 360.000 troops.

Ukraine considers it's casualty numbers a state secret. A "New York Times report in August cited U.S. officials as putting the Ukrainian death toll at close to 70,000". A Ukranian civic group estimates some 30.000 Ukrainians have died. Meanwhile both sides are running low on ammunition and weapons. Nato issued a statement it continues to support future Nato membership for Ukraine. In the meantime a number of countries have signed bilateral security agreements with Ukraine, including Canada and Italy.

Thursday, February 08, 2024

I Can Do This

Ass 'Worshipping' for Beginners

Today Dutch is afraid he might be a mere fetishist

beautiful girl's ass waiting to be kissed femdom style
"This femdom thing isn't too hard, I'm actually kind of like it what she wants me to do. Who would've guessed?

One of my co-workers is a lovely woman with a preference for tight leather and latex pants. In my opinion that makes her even more of a lovely woman. She also has curves to die for. Dutch loves all women but when I enter a bar, I always strike up a conversation first with a woman who has clear curves so to speak.

Anyway, my co-worker is not only a lovely woman who wears tight leather pants, she's also lots of fun and a happily married mom. I'm not a nice guy but there's a clear line between right and wrong and she is it. Doesn't mean I'm not smiling from the inside when she comes to work wearing a pair of leather pants. It's just so lovely. It also made me worried whether or not I have a fetish for leather pants. And yes fetishes are bad, what man wants to be aroused by an object rather than a woman of flesh and blood? Luckily that's not the case as I discovered, seeing this image.

Not the world's best slave, I have to admit. On the other hand you have to start 'worshipping' somewhere. This pretty much looks like the right moment. I know I can do this.

Face the Music

Money Love - I Can Do This;

Simone Johnson "is a pioneer female emcee, a two-time Grammy Award nominee, the first British female hip hop artist to hold that distinction." As far as I know I Can Do This was Money Love's first single  back in 1988. If you're really old and still sounds familiair its because of the sample . That's from the Whisperers - And the Beat Goes On.

Money Love - I Can Do This [click to listen]


Wish Ukraine could say "I Can Do This" without hesitation, but no. Ukraine needs our support now more than ever. Sure one they those F-16 jet fighters will glide through the sky but we're talking here and now. People are getting 'bored' with the war. So wrong. Make no mistake, it's our war as well. If Putin wins, next up are the Baltics or an exploratory excursion into Poland. Even the most selfish European by now should understand Ukraine needs our support. Perhaps because there is this little thing called NATO. Remember the Three Musketiers and All for One, One for All. That's what NATO stands for, including your kids being sent of to the far East to defend Europe's borders if we don't support Ukraine and stop Russia.

From The Archives

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