Tuesday, December 26, 2023

Learning the Language of Rope

Today is not about tying the knot

Just don't trip over the rope and guard your privacy. Not everybody understands happiness has many faces

The awe inspiring Claire Adams from Men in Pain in a classic case of learning the ropes.

Dutch had a busy Christmas, so I watched this years Doctor Who Christmas episode only now. The sound was terrible, too much background noise but I do think I heard 15 say that he was learning the language of rope. And yes, in a Goblin airship that would not have been out of place at Six Flags but who cares. Just like you, my instant gut reaction was: finally. Sadly things are not always what they seem [1] and the whole thing quickly unravelled. But what a lovely title for my last post of 2023.

Monday, December 25, 2023

Life, Love, the Real World and Femdom

Because it's Christmas

Just a gorgeous woman armed with a smile and a cane. Now that's what I call a Christmas treat.

It's been a busy year and Dutch is knackered. So lucky I don't have to clean the dungeon with a toothbrush. Not much of femdom blogging lately. Google adult verification policy is a major let down. I write because I want people to read it. It's not about the sheer number of visitors, open access for the lucky few is more my thing. Add to that a hard disk crash where my drafts were stored - most recent back-up is from two years ago  - and you get the picture. But above all, family is the reason for curtailing my blogging activities temporarily.

From The Archives

  • Serena Williams: Embodiment of Femininity, Strength and Power Sports Illustrated choose tennis player Serena Williams as Sportsperson of the year, a recognition of her talent,…
  • Cunk on Femdom Part Five: The Internet & Femdom Reenactment of what femdom must have looked like in the 1950.…
  • 11 Things Dominant Women Always Get WrongControlling their impulses reading certain headlines isn't one of them. That applies to all women. Unable to…