Saturday, November 26, 2022

lf a Woman Needs It, Should She Be Spanked?

Only if she deserves it

Suddenly Dutch has developed a healthy respect for hairbrushes.

Women can learn a lot from men. Yes, that's right. Mostly by paying attention to what is left out, a pesky little thing called consent. Who needs that anyway in our consensual non-consensual community?

Found this news paper clipping in some hidden folder on my computer. No doubt, I saved it to write about at some later time. Don't know when it was published, probably back in the 'good old days' when men were men and women knew their place'.

Monday, November 21, 2022

What Wouldn't You Do With 44 Billion Dutch?

Thanks for nothing Mr. Musk

Dutch' birthday bash in full swing. Hardcore. If only. (image: Divine Bitches)

Hardcore hangover. What else can I say? My birthday bash was beautiful. Until my alarm went of the next morning. Without 44 billion in the bank. At least this time I didn't wake up with a pillow in my arms instead of her. So not complaining if it was her instead. Empty arms hurt much more than an empty bank account. Some guys have all the luck.

Friday, November 11, 2022

Blue Birthday

11+11+'22 = 44!

Today is the day!

Bust of Her Royal Highness Noor Inayat Khan near the British Museum in Central London (image: Noor Inayat Khan Memorial Trust)

Twitter is sort of an LBO, leveraged buy-out, meaning Elon Musk pays much less than 44 billion. The majority is a loan force-fed onto Twitter. Yes, that's right. Elon Musk buys the company with Twitter's own money. The little blue bird is now looking at an interest bill of about one billion annually, which it cannot sustain for long. There are going to be savings, cuts and raids - finraids. If Twitter has a pension fund and Musk smart lawyers, they're gonna bleed it dry. And that's just one example. Welcome to vampire capitalism 101.

Thursday, November 10, 2022

Gwyneth Paltrow Goes Hardcore Vanilla With 30K Bondage Chair

Just when you think Halloween is over

Somebody please fire master [furniture designer] Mark [Brazier]

Elise Graves and Sasha don't need a 30K boudoir chaise to enjoy themselves. [3] [4] [Image: Bondageliberation]

"Blurring the line between ridiculous and awesome since 2015." This one is squarely on the ridiculous side. Badass Gemma [Beddington] said it first and best in Saturday's The Guardian: 'Goops gift guide just keeps on giving.' Including free inspiration. I'm gonna be a billionaire soon, but for poor folks like you 28.500 must be a lot of money. So why should you spend it on a Kiki de Montparnasse tufted boudoir chaise? Not even [rich] Dutch can come up with a single, comprehensive argument. And boy, it's ugly. You really wanna tie your slave to that? Better buy a workmate instead.

From The Archives

  • Femdom Is Dangerous Bliss instead, anyone? 'She smiled and I knew I was in trouble' …
  • The Hidden Meaning Behind My Naughty Boy Avatar Yesterday I discovered somebody on Tumblr copied my avatar. No problem but it makes little sense. Despite its mundane…
  •  Porn Is Good[including femdom porn] Nobody can escape porn. Good thing we're all grown-ups, able to separate fact from…