Wednesday, May 26, 2021

Talk First, Play Later

Princess Natasha Strange on Common Misconceptions and Pro-Dommes

Talk first, play later? Or is it: think first, play later? Who cares?

Princess Natasha Strange (Image: website Natasha Strange)

Paltego almost daily writes an article for his Femdom Resource blog. He also closely monitors the best femdom writing all around. Unfair, what's left for Dutch to write about?

Actually, a lot. For some reason I enjoy talking to people. Of course I've never visited a professional dominatrix but afterwards I actually managed to have a conversation with some of them. Lessons learned? Talk first, play later. Even I didn't see that one coming. Also sorry. Busy day. I mean my best friend's pervy play time. Whatever.

Princessa Natasha Strange is a professional dominatrix and dungeon owner in Portland, Oregon, USA. This April she wrote a post on some of the most common misconceptions professional dominatrices are facing. 


Sunday, May 23, 2021

What a Woman

AKA the great divide between what inspires you and how the alphabet crushes any hope of explaining.

Context, not content, is king and I have absolutely no clue. Let's be honest, why do I even need it? Dutch has written about chairs before. Not my best work so I'm not gonna link to it. Don't know where I found this image but it's beyond stunning.

What an impressive woman. It's been years since anybody impressed me this much the first time I was allowed to look back. Once again, absolutely no idea who this wonderful woman is or what the image is all about but if your devotion towards women is dwindling, one look at her is enough to rekindle your devotion. Composed, confident, oozing strength and incredibly powerful. Can't remember even a single image that taught me the true beauty of female strength and power more beautifully. Japanese mistress Naomi Asano once said: you can being by worshipping my photo.' It's finally dawning on me why.

Guess that - against the odds - Gaia must be a man. What can I - or any man - offer a woman of her stature, a lady who single-handedly redefines the rules of personal gravity without lifting a finger? Apologies are of no use. Gratitude is all that is left. Thank you Ma'am.

Sunday, May 09, 2021

The Natural Order of Sassiness

A life of crime and capture never looked better. But only if she promises to catch me immediately. 

Now you get the beauty of femdom?

The beauty of random images on the internet is that you have no clue what they are about. Which means: body language rules. It always does, not that most people remember what rules their world.

The masked guy could be a burglar, remember the 2015 story about two would-be muggers trying to rob a martial arts fighter? Wrong bet. Mrs. Bastos knocks them of their motor bike and worked one of them to the ground, holding him there for over 20 minutes until the police arrived.

Don't know what just happened, but what a lovely image. Clearly crime pays. So relaxed and comfortable, this lady oozes confidence. The highlight is her natural, sassy attitude. Her body language speaks volumes. Too bad for the guy under her feet there's no mirror. Then again, he behaved badly - why else is he in this position? And we all can agree bad boys don't deserve a reward. But what an image.

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