Sunday, May 17, 2020

Rietveld Chair Revisited

Whatever you do, don't put this chair in your dungeon. Don't.

Much more interesting is what a dungeon designed by Gerrit Rietveld would look like.

In 2019 Michael Shnayerson published his book "Boom: Mad Money, Mega Dealers, and the Rise of Contemporary Art", a look into the world of modern art and its random sky-high valuations. It concludes that art has become big business.

As an economist I'm rather fond of Keynes' greater fool theory. It states that it doesn't matter how much a share is actually worth, all you need is someone who buys it for more than you paid for it. And of course get out when the house is on fire. Easier said than done, selling your portfolio at a profit in a global pandemic.

Tuesday, May 12, 2020

Moomin Love

There are more fetishes [un]known to mankind than grains of sand.

femdom love, Moonin style.

There are no posts I regret, except perhaps the one about rule number 34. "If it exists, there is porn of it." Some believe rule 34 is an indictment of the internet. After all, what makes the internet so great is that it's the place you find the stuff you dream of but never talk about.

Reading a serious newspaper the other day, I ran into a love story about a woman whose husband passed away. She misses him - and their Moomin sex - terribly. One night her husband introduces her to the Moomins. She falls in love with them right there and then.

Sunday, May 10, 2020

OWK VI - Letter to queen Patricia

What were you thinking?

Just like my secret sign is Mr. Mega Monkey, any Mom’s gotta be Loving Lioness.

mock-up of queen patricia and her daugher at the other world kingdom on mother's day
Like mother like daughter? How about letting her make her own choices?

Continued from: OWK V - DNA Mismatch: Glorious but Doomed (Wronged, part III)


SUBJECT: Re: your daughter

My first ever mistress was open about her preferences. She had a step-daughter, curious about kink. Rather than to explore the dark side on her own, the girl tried to hide under mistress' wings. Instead mistress told her to go out on her own and discover for herself. It's one of several reasons she impressed me.

The gentle guiding hand of love – past, present and future – is the best way to prepare the cub that’s the love of your life for what comes next. Throw in the optional chance for her to make a couple of mistakes without risking it all and Mum is the best. [Mum’s always the best. And of course the apple of your eye will never know, but did you really try hard enough?]

And yes, if you are reading this, I wrote queen, rather than Queen, to get your attention. Clearly it works.

From The Archives

  • Kink vs Love - Two TribesServitude is all about you. Love is about her. In the spirit of Christmas Future - aka tomorrow - I am wondering about…
  • That's Gross! (Unless You're Up For It?) There's nothing gross about consensual happiness. “Three ThingsThree things cannot be retrieved:The arrow…
  • Fight Against Slavery Group Advertises for Unpaid Internship Basically such a headline tells you everything that is wrong with the modern world. I'm  wondering if…