Sunday, May 10, 2020

OWK VI - Letter to queen Patricia

What were you thinking?

Just like my secret sign is Mr. Mega Monkey, any Mom’s gotta be Loving Lioness.

mock-up of queen patricia and her daugher at the other world kingdom on mother's day
Like mother like daughter? How about letting her make her own choices?

Continued from: OWK V - DNA Mismatch: Glorious but Doomed (Wronged, part III)


SUBJECT: Re: your daughter

My first ever mistress was open about her preferences. She had a step-daughter, curious about kink. Rather than to explore the dark side on her own, the girl tried to hide under mistress' wings. Instead mistress told her to go out on her own and discover for herself. It's one of several reasons she impressed me.

The gentle guiding hand of love – past, present and future – is the best way to prepare the cub that’s the love of your life for what comes next. Throw in the optional chance for her to make a couple of mistakes without risking it all and Mum is the best. [Mum’s always the best. And of course the apple of your eye will never know, but did you really try hard enough?]

And yes, if you are reading this, I wrote queen, rather than Queen, to get your attention. Clearly it works.

Even though nobody knows who you really are, you are one of the most admired women in all of femdom. Not exactly sure why. Yet, in the end, what matters most to you, is not you basking in the sun, feeling all Übersomething, glorious and dominant, but your daughter.

Your love for her, so intense and so deep, it’s taken control your brain that it stops you thinking straight. It even makes you do stupid things. You think it’s for the best, but it’s not. She is not you. Dear queen Patricia, no matter how you got  interested in femdom, what if your girl hates it?  If you cannot imagine that, you’ve become a prisoner of your own illusions. Now you’re a slave twice over. The first time happened long ago, around the time she was born. Always wanting the best for her, fighting the fiercest fights, she couldn’t or shouldn’t, now it’s time to step back. Trust yourself, her pedigree is the best guarantee for whatever future lies ahead for your little girl. That and the fact that she is loved unconditionally. Even better, when she thinks of you, the first thing she remembers, is that you will always be there for her. Always. Only later she realizes – usually – just how much you love her. Always, forever and never wavering. Everybody knows. One and one makes two. Or eleven, depending on the time of day.

That’s an awful lot of love to deal with and the weight of it is guaranteed to crush anyone. Stepping back is hard, after all, you’re a lioness, fighting for your cub. Take of the blindfold, she’s no longer a cub, but a fullgrown lioness with a mighty roar of her own, courtesy of her impressive Mum. Her choices won’t be your choices. Understanding them is impossible. The best you can do is keep quit and listen. Just listen. Her happiness depends on the choices she makes, not yours! One day she’ll be where you are now. What do you want her kids to remember most? Grandma was an idiot? [1]

Continue to give her the very best that you have to offer: freedom to choose. What matters is that she is released into the wild, cherishing her precious freedom. She is part of you. Give yourself a moment to think back. Done? Now think about her future. You’ve prepared her for this. Taught her about self-respect and dignity. Hold your head high, there’ll always be haters. You’ve worked hard to give her an education, perhaps let her travel the world a bit. Think back to yourself at her age. Remember where, when, why what and how did you learn? Like it or not, mistakes are part of the plan. Experience is a harsh teacher, but oh my you learn. Experience also knocks on every single door, even the ones without Mum’s roof over their heads. Feel blessed you can guide her, sort of.

As a mother’s daughter, now a Mum yourself, you finally understand that as time progresses, choices unfold themselves, no matter what. It’s why you nudge her towards unleashing her wild side in private at first. You give her time to mature a little more – never enough time, everybody knows - to make the choices she wants to make, her choices. By then the choices she makes are forward-looking ones, a dazzling array of opportunities, rather than continue to build on your past – which was either by choice or necessity. She is not you, her future should reflect that. Why does she have to follow your lead? It’s not what you want for her and even less what she deserves.

Dear queen Patricia, snap out of it. Don’t push her into kink because it’s treated you well – and perhaps even love it. Her life, her choices, rings a bell?. What if, by pushing her towards a life of ruling over naked men in chains, you deny her other options. What if she is a gifted scientist, an athlete perhaps, or one day starts her own company? Maybe she yearns to be a homemaker, without having a care in the world about her past when she rears her children [your future grandkids]. Give her the freedom to chase any dream she chooses. She knows what she wants. In the mean time, allow her time to prepare for multiple outcomes. At age 20 anything is possible, but of course the things that will make you truly happy are just out of eye sight.

Most likely she is horrified of kink. Don’t let the [supposedly] quick cash seduce her. Economics 101 says that  unless you’re poor, poor, poor, money doesn’t equal happiness. Stuff even less.

Her life means her choices. In the unfortunate event things go wrong, she’ll come to you. Of course she does, you are her lioness. More than anything else, what she remembers is that you are there for her. Always, forever, but most of all whatever.

What about the What-if?

Finally, maybe one day, she will say kink is for her, just like her mother. Or not. Until that day, let her roam free. Don’t push it, don’t force it.


Today is Mother’s Day in the Netherlands. In her video about the OWK, goddess Amazon tells how queen Patricia wanted her daughter to take over the family business. The girl was horrified. It’s such an absurd idea I decided to write Mom this letter in retrospect.

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