Thursday, January 16, 2020

Mistress Rosanna: Trust, But Verify

Intense and beautiful (image: mistress Rosanna on Twitter.)

Ronald Reagan was an actor first and president second. A compilation of POTUS40's favourite Russian proverbs shows just how much. Actually, it's just one. President Reagan was fond of the expression "trust, but verify" while negotiating nuclear disarmament with the former Soviet Union. [And yes millennials, those were dark times too, but we - and humanity - survived.]

Nuclear weapons are safe because they "guarantee" good behaviour . It's true, trust me. We're still here, ain't we?

Closer to home, London, to be exact I saw an incredible example of a mistress who trusts but verifies. More likely, mistress Rosanna has absolute control over her slave. Nothing guarantees good behaviour more than complete control. One finger placed over the lips of her slave while her other arm is whipping him. It's such a beautiful, mesmerizing image.

Mistress Rosanna describes herself on Twitter as London's Elite Filipino Goddess. It also says: "I am slim,sexy and lots of fun I love to laugh at your pain." No doubt about that. Mistress Rosanna caught my attention the usual way, being a radiant and sadistic woman with a beautiful smile that gets even bigger when makes her slaves suffer.

Of course mistress is out of my league. For one, just look at how much pain she inflicts on her slaves. "Pain time, pet", explains it pretty well. As you all know, I'm not very good when it comes to handling pain. Perhaps I should sign up for slave improvement class [sic]. Even then mistress Rosanna is still out of my league and no, I'm not gonna verify, trust me, but what a gorgeous image. That's how beautiful femdom can be.


Mistress Rosanna's website can be visited here and you'll find her Twitter account under this link.

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