Sunday, June 25, 2017

Don't Kill Bill

WARNING: This article contains spoilers from Doctor Who series 10 episode 11: World Enough and Time.

Missy Doctor Who Femdom dominatrix Doctor Who series 10 episode 11: World Enough and Time.
Full Frontal Missy (Image: BBC/Doctor Who)

Missy: “Hello, I’m Doctor Who, and these are my plucky assistants, Thing One and … the other one. We picked up your distress call, and here we are to help, like awesome heroes.”

Saturday, June 24, 2017

Humiliatrix Ceara Lynch: “Weird is normal to me”

By chance I stumbled upon an interview with Ceara Lynch in the Daily Dot. It dates back to mid-April and even for someone who isn't into her speciality it makes a good read.

findomme humiliatrix ceara lynch
Ceara Lynch (image: The Daily Dot)

A humiliatrix is like a dominatrix, but instead of using whips and chains, I use my words,” Lynch explains. “I abuse men verbally, not physically. The internet is my dungeon.”

Saturday, June 10, 2017

You've Got Mail

As a male sub I'm slightly amused by the rambling messages other subs send me, begging for the opportunity to serve. When you are a domme it must be very annoying. Some examples from my inbox.

Watch and learn...

Monday, June 05, 2017

That Alpha Thing

A few days ago I read a post by a well-known American pro-domme. It was your usual alpha rant - with a twist. Whenever I see the word "alpha" I get upset before I've even read the article. This time was no different.

The dominatrix expected her potential clients to devote their lives to something bigger than themselves: HER. Just the sheer fact you consider yourself an alpha personality is enough to get me cross. For one, I truly believed that any alpha worth the name will never refer to herself as such. Imagine how silly that would be. A "true" alpha surveys the landscape and divides it in those they are going have to fight for supremacy and those that will surrender without hesitation.

From The Archives

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  • German Femdom Prison TransportDas Zuchthaus branches out Frau Kaltenbach preparing a prisoner for transport to a black site. Remember…
  • Why I Never Collected My Nobel Prize Today a bit of fun fiction. Made a lot of progress on several important projects. Spring is just around the corner.…