Sunday, November 26, 2023



Even at the other end of the whip she is there for you

mistress hugging her slave after whipping relationships intimacy aftercare love
I may break you but it never will break us.

He must be in a bad place right now. Just look at the way she is comforting him. How she pulls him close and the way she tries to alleviate some of his pain. The pain she inflicted upon him. That's not what the image shows but you and I know. She probably didn't hesitate when he screamed. No, most likely it made her smile and gave her a buzz. He is hers and she is his. Next time will probably be worse. But when all is over they're in each other's arms. No way in the world any outsider will ever understand just how pure and unique it is what the two of them share.

Face the Music

Tóc Tiên - Hoa Cúc Dại

Watched Furies (Thanh Sói - Cúc dại trong đêm), a Vietnamese martial arts movie a while back on Netflix. The soundtrack is really catchy. 

Tóc Tiên - Hoa Cúc Dại [click to listen]


This week the Netherlands went to the polls. The biggest winner turned out to be the far right Freedom Party, who incidentally also want to cut aid to Ukraine. That would be a huge mistake, even if you are just selfish. A free Ukraine is essential to the security in Western Europe. Not that it's the main reason to support Ukraine. Ukraine is an independent country and should be free. Sadly there is this new deadly disease called Ukraine fatique.


[1] Watched 'An Adventure in Time and Space' the other day, a dramatization about how it all began for Doctor Who. The program was specially created for the show's  50th anniversary back in 2013. Ten years later and my favourite Timelord is turning 60.

If you think of Doctor Who as an advent calendar, back in 2013, we were - suprise - at number 11 with Matt Smith portraying the Eleventh Doctor. We all know what comes before 11, but what comes after 13? Is it 10 or 14? A bit of both. Tonight the Doctor returns. [2] David Tennant once again becomes the Doctor, yes number 14 this time. It's complicated, it always is but who cares. It also shows just what a mess the Whitaker/Chibnall era has been for the BBC to do something so desperate. What I think is not fair is that originally Ncuti Gatwa was cast as the 14th Doctor but is now 15. Why not let the incoming Doctor star in the celebration of 60 years of Doctor Who. Easy to preach the gospel about how equality and inclusiveness but to act accordingly is something very different altogether. Shame on you BBC.

Ncuti Gatwa as the Fifteenth Doctor

Anyway, some two weeks ago showrunner Russell T Davies  spoke to the Guardian. He said among other things that "scenes in upcoming episodes of Doctor Who will be ‘violent and scary’". Doctor Who returns this month with three special episodes featuring David Tennant as the 14th Doctor, to coincide with its 60th anniversary. The first episode is family friendly, Pixaresque almost. "The second one, Wild Blue Yonder, is darker. Not scary – it’s genuinely weird,”"
"The third, The Giggle, features Neil Patrick Harris as a toymaker and is “nuts, completely mad, frightening”, Davies said. “That one will scare you.”"

Guess what, I'm looking forward to it. Also also excited to see Neil Patrick Harris come on to the show. We'll talk more Doctor Who later. Just one question, am I the only one wondering how Doctor Ruth [the Fugitive Doctor] is doing?

[2] Oops, programme already aired yesterday, have to catch up later.

From The Archives

  • OWK VI -  Letter to queen PatriciaWhat were you thinking? Just like my secret sign is Mr. Mega Monkey, any Mom’s gotta be Loving Lioness. Like mother…
  • Theresa Berkley Had A Horse And a whip, but no actual horses were hurt yielding it [rather ferociously]. …
  • Strangers in the Night Femdom at its most basic is all about girl meets boy Yet some never get to face the music …