Sunday, August 28, 2022

Spanktown School

Sounds delicious 

Look what I learned today in history class.

Glad I don't have to go back to school anymore, not even the Spanktown school.

It's late August and as I wrote last time it's back to school for the kids in Holland. According to Wikipedia - which, unlike mistress, is not always right - schools in the United States usually reopen Wednesday after Labor Day, which means early September.

Southeast of New York is the town of Rahwah, New Jersey. "Known in the last century as Spanktown, the name having been given because an early settler publicly took his spouse across his knee and chastised her." No doubt US Supreme Court Justice Amy Coney Barrett approves. I don't. All spankings should be consensual and bring people joy. Not in the heat of the moment of course but you know what I mean.

Of course Spanktown had a school, how else do you learn? It didn't survive because these days it's a cemetary which is a bit odd.

Not sure how they motivated their pupils but one can dream. Something like this perhaps?

Two teachers 'educating' a student. Some only learn the hard way.

Thursday, August 25, 2022

Back to School

What if?

More nostalgia, sort of.

A little one on one adult education.

Bye bye Summer. It's late August and it's back to school for the young ones in Holland. After Covid-19 it would be nice for them to have an uninterrupted year, not just studying but also hanging out with friends after school, in the afternoon, playing sports and other stuff, whether it is the school newspaper, drama club or chess club. What matters is that kids are no longer confined to their rooms as part of the fight against Covid-19. If it happens again, surely there must be better solutions.

Thursday, August 18, 2022

Chillax Baby Slave

Slave Baby anyone?

In the end, what man can continue to serve a woman he doesn't love?

Life is full of nostalgia. Oops wrong image.

A couple of British pounds and an old Oyster card [OV chipkaart] are lingering in my desk drawer for years now. So I give 'm to a friend, planning a trip to London to watch football in a couple of weeks. Makes sense, doesn't it? Also brings back memories. It happens. Whatever, there is a time and place for everything, including emotions and nostalgia. Shelve 'm. Definitely not now. I'm so cool.

Monday, August 15, 2022

Das Zuchthaus - An Introduction

Look what I found online mommy

Prison with extra's [as in additional punishment]

Das Zuchthaus in Germany for a special BDSM, femdom & prison play experience with mistress Frau Aufseherin, Frau Kaltenbach, Frau Faust, Frau Herz, Frau Manie and others.
Das Zuchthaus has lovely artwork, must be a lovely place to stay.

For some reason [language may have something to do with it] the almighty multi-coloured search engine that sees no evil has decided that Britain and Germany are top destinations for men who are into femdom [whatever that means].

On top of it both countries also have an abundant supply of castles. Just mentioning it in case you're into Harry Potter femdom cosplay. And don't tell me such a thing doesn't exist. For a long time now I've been wondering about something less cruel than Azkaban - a place where wizards lock up their fellow magicans. 

Saturday, August 06, 2022

'Whip It'

Devolution vs devotion

Mistress taught you to read between the lines so why don't you?

Goddess Joanna from Latin Beauties makes her slave kiss her whip.

BDSM music is boring. Endless listicles where the only variation is the track order [with a few exceptions here and there]. Obviously topping the charts is Enigma. Why? Beats me. Another inescapable 'classic' if you will is Devo's Whip It. Perhaps because it has the word whip in the title.

The Financial Times hosts an irregular column about the 'Life of a song'. Personal favourite. Last November they discussed Whip It (€). Ten years before the track was released - in 1970 - the Ohio National Guard opened fire on students protesting against the Vietnam war in what is called Kent State massacre.

From The Archives

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  • I Logged Into FetlifeAgain [OK, last time was long ago] "I bought 1.100 euro stuff on Temu/Ali/Fet, [1] let's see how good it…
  • Dutch Police Discovers Underworld Torture Chamberthe difference between reality and "for us this is real" No limits? As in non-consensual non-consensual?…