Wednesday, April 27, 2022

Warrior Woman: the Agoji of Benin [Western Africa]

Forgot to mention. It's with Lupita Nyong'o 

Lupita Nyong'o hosting the documentary Warrior Women

Dutch loves beautiful woman. Lupita Nyong'o is stunning. For some reason Dutch cannot say Mrs. Nyong'o is superb. Not sure why, some say it's not done. Doesn't alter the fact. Crazy world we live in where facts are no longer facts. Fact is, these days the OWK is a proper kingdom. Can't say that either? Huh? [2]

Lupita Nyong'o was born in Mexico City from Kenyan parents. She was raised in Kenya from the age of one. At age 16 her parents sent her to Mexico to learn Spanish. [Mrs. Nyong'o has dual citizenship.] After receiving her bachelor Mrs. Nyong'o enrolled in a master's degree program in acting at the Yale School of Drama. "Immediately after graduating from Yale, Nyong'o landed her breakthrough role when she was cast in the 2013 movie 12 Years a Slave." For which she won the Academy Award for Best Supporting Actress.

Tuesday, April 19, 2022

'Make Up Your Mind'

Shibari meets art meets freedom

Don't make me choose.

Nope, still haven't seen Sunday's Doctor Who special but given the fact it involves pirates, there's probably a ship as well. Can it at least fly? Remember how Kylie's Titanic flew in space? And no, I'm still not curious about the penultimate appearance of Jody Whittaker as the Doctor. That bad? Yes.

Sunday, April 17, 2022

I'm Feeling Knotty Doctor

Who? Me? Yes I love bondage, so what?

Ikki No Ko Exhibition "Red", Tokyo 2015

Over three series current Doctor Who showrunner Chris Chibnal tied himself (and his successors) up in knots. Add to that Jody Whitaker's lacklustre performance, almost as if she doesn't want to be there and you have a 50-year old show on the verge of cancelling.

Nothing is what is seems to be anymore, something not even Hugh Grant, yes there are persistent rumours, can fix. Doctor Ruth on the other hand...

The only ones who consistently seem to believe in Chris & Jody - and no that's not a 90's boy-girl band - are the folks at The Guardian newspaper. By accident I discovered this morning tonight is the penultimate episode featuring doctor Jody. "Man the cannons and buckle up for an Easter special at sea with the Time Lord (we have the wonderful Jodie Whittaker for one more special later in the year)." Clearly someone hasn't been paying attention over the past few years. Or is it that the Guardian's regular reviewer has access to episodes one or two days before they are shown on television and that writing an honest expose means risking early access?

Chibnall has been exploiting minorities throughout his tenure to distract the viewers from just how awful his writing is. The Doctor is no longer just the last of their kind. No, now she's some kind of intergalactic superstar, courtesy of the Timeless Child. Chibnall also brought back the character of Jack Harkness for about ten minutes, referred to the Osgood twins trying to whip up some hype plus more nonsense.

Being white myself, I found the episode with Rosa Parks bordering on the white savior complex at least. What I missed most afterwards was commentators being critical. No, everybody was happy. Doctor was doing the right thing, whatever that is. Probably making white folks like me feel a little less guilty. Saying the episode was subpar almost feels like heresy. But if Mr. Chibnall really cared about the trending topics he touches upon he should have done three things. Look for an actress whose personal gravity matches that of a Timelord. He should have also left the writing to those who are more skilled at it. If he had done that, there would have no need to loot the treasure trove of political correctness for personal gain, which is the third thing he should not have done.

Tonight there's this encounter between Doctor Jody and madame Ching, a real-life Chinese pirate queen. Once again an odd choice. Chibnall probably chose Zheng Yi Sao because she's a woman. But what if he swapped Jody Whittaker early on for Jo Martin, who plays Doctor Ruth? And instead of a Chinese lady pirate opted for Stede Bonnet, a rich Briton who gave it all up to become a pirate? True story.

Some people celebrated the first Timelord of Colour but to me Doctor Ruth was nothing but a cheap ploy in order to prop up the ratings. And yes there's a parallel with the Rosa Parks story. As a Timelord Jo Martin outdid Jody Whittaker many times, so why didn't they choose her as the first female Timelord? The latest James Bond 'No Time To Die' is a horrible movie but what they got spot on was the replacement for Daniel Craig. Lashana Lynch as 007 blows you away. If you want to send a message to the world, this is how you do it.

Meanwhile a group of renegade Timelords now live outside our known universe. They are locusts that destroy one universe only to move on to the next. Only thing I'm wondering is whether they take the Weeping Angels with them when they hop from one galaxy to the next. Reduced to being the Timelord's errand boys, they instantly stopped being scary. I almost felt sorry for them, like I do for the Ood.

Anyway I wanted to write a quick note to accompany today's image. Failed again. It's tangled web reminds me of the mess Chris Chibnall leaves behind, including the disfigured Weeping Angels.

Let's just hope Hugh Grant is not going to be the next Doctor, not that I think so. I'd love to see Doctor Ruth take over. Thinking of the red string of fate, Korean singer IU, who plays the owner of the hotel Del Luna would be an excellent choice too. And if they have to be a native English speaker my vote goes to Kylie. All I hope for is this Voyage of the Damned to end.;


Comedian Bill Bailey reimagines the Doctor Who theme as Jacques Brel-esque Belgian jazz.

Friday, April 01, 2022

OWK Announces Hostile Takeover of Hogwarts Castle

Events so improbable somebody forgot their cake and left it out in the rain... 

Yesterday on the OWK: Das Omen -Eleven Schools of Magic 

PRESS RELEASE: Per April 01, 11:11 qPMT Other World Kingdom s.r.o. - the recognized leader in fantasy worlds where [selected] [3] women rule over men - will take over the micro-nation of Hogwarts Castle.

"This acquisition is a remarkable milestone in the history of our company", says Aleš Sadil from The Other World Kingdom in Zlín "Rather than hostile take-over the new - and impoverished - management prefers the term synergistic dualism when it comes to combining the best that both worlds have to offer."

Miss Jackson who currently serves as Hogwarts' head mistress managed to retreat to the safety of Diagon Alley only just in time. From there Janet Jackson sent us this communique:

From The Archives

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