Sunday, October 24, 2021


On Reddit somebody asked what do you like best about BDSM. Cool question if you ignore the fact that femdom is part of me, so let's park the answer for some other time. Despite the fact that I was born this way - and knew from an early age I was - Dutch didn't grow up to be the ultimate slave. Rather the opposite, the qualities that make me fun to be with in vanilla life, such as being a little rebellious and an assertive personality, are not things you brag about once you cross over to the Dark Side. Being impatient isn't the best quality a slave can have either.

Lucky for me then all those bad slave habits work very well for me during day time. Make no mistake, I love my kink, I need it. But sometimes it's hard. Kink works best when you play with someone compatible. For me that usually means a woman who approaches my inner rebel with the light touch. And yes the light touch only relates to my inner rebel.

Not being deeply submissive by nature can make it an overwhelming experience when it does happen. Imagine yourself sitting at your mistress feet experiencing a sudden rush of joy when you realise where you are: looking up to her, grateful to be loved by her and to be her slave. It doesn't happen often - or at least not nearly often enough - but when it does, it's beautiful. Gratitude is the most glorious gift your Love and mistress can give you.

There are other images to illustrate how I feel, but none more so than this. Femdom can be a thing of beauty.

Thursday, October 21, 2021

'Not Dressing Men'

Of course not. Why would you?

Objectify us instead! And if we ask nicely? Please, please?

Gorgeous woman, lucky object.

Suitsupply is a mid-end men's tailoring brand. They sell a lot of suits to students and young men entering the work force. Their success is based on a single strategy: objectification of women. Happens all the time, it's just that Suitsupply is doing it rather successfully. Four years ago the company decides to branch out into business suits for women. Blogger Ciara Hall has a very good explanation of how the average fashion campaign works.

Monday, October 18, 2021

Things Femdom Doesn't Teach You About Doctors

A real world tale about your favourite handyman-slave.

'Doctor, you have a dangerous smile I find hard to resist. But why that big needle?'

Everybody knows Dutch is the best handyman there is. Mostly when no-one else is around. Nobody was. The bloody trail from the guest room to the kitchen sink is living proof. Don't worry, I didn't die. Instead I called an old friend, who is a doctor and lives five, six, seven time zone's ahead of me. After waking her up, she says: "go see your GP and let me go back to sleep."

Friday, October 15, 2021

Theresa Berkley Had A Horse

And a whip, but no actual horses were hurt yielding it [rather ferociously].

Flagellation. An 18th Century engraving presented to the Royal Society in hopes they could explain the appeal. (image: Dirty Sexy History)

Writing about Downsizing the Femdom Show turns out to be my entrance to Alice in Wonderland. 'How about guests appreciating your bold choice of having two, not just one, Berkley horses in your dining room?' And down the rabbit hole we go.

It happened long before the arrival of mobile phones and the internet. Don't remember which book it was, but in one of them the wife finds her business card in his wallet. His narrow escape? It says she breeds horses. Perhaps it was the Happy Hooker, a well-know New York madam in the 1960's and 1970's who went on Dutch television some years ago accompanied by her slave girl of whom the interviewer - rather surprisingly - accepted that 'she' didn't speak. Horses, Berkley Horse, tongue in cheek? To me that sounds just like her.

From The Archives

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