Tuesday, February 09, 2021

Game Goddess & Gameboy

The difference between control and controllers? Basically none.

Words don't come easy. They only get in the way but if you want to know why the average slave is so disobedient, pay attention. Isn't she lovely? As for that Gameboy in the image: the only proper answer is "if it pleases you." Just don't ever tell her that you did it on purpose. That's our little secret.

Friday, February 05, 2021

How To Turn Your Dungeon Into a Money Maker During Covid-19

Introducing online shopping's most helpful review ever.

Mistress Renee Trevi at work in the dungeon before Covid locked-up humanity.

Blame whoever came up with the idea for letting me blog unsupervised for today's 'essential' consumer advice. Social distancing, femdom style - or any other - is clearly not the path to enlightenment for Dutch. And yes, that means it's time for yet another story involving dogs. Just remember this one's on you dear missing supervisor. Here we go.

From The Archives

  • Un-Dommely BehaviourAre there rules on how a domme oughta behave? Should there be? What does dominance mean anyway? One happy domme…
  • Sub Surplus: Why Domme Deficit or Sub Surplus: Men raining down from the heavens above is always a bad thing. Not because we are…
  •  Justin Bieber Takes A Walk On The Wild Side What took you so long mate? It takes two to tango. Hailey ripping of hubby's shirt on camera. (Image: Daily Mail)…