Wednesday, December 23, 2020

Pornhub Doesn't Care

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Sunday, December 13, 2020

Of Circles And Squares

Everybody knows circles are by definition perfect

Explaining the true nature of beauty or happiness is impossible. Don't read on.

men are squares, women are circles. Slaves are squares, mistresses are circles
Pretty much self-explanatory. I'll leave it at that.

Circles and squares represent the arch-type of what it means to be human, once you get rid of life's bloatware. Two geometrical figures sum up the essence of female and male. Lean in, look closer and observe. Circles and squares are highly similar, yet oh so different. When in doubt, emphasize what connects them. Not convinced? Grab a random stranger and ask. As soon as Mr. Square catches his breath, he can't stop talking about the overwhelming similarities between both forms. No surprise there, a man's life revolves around certain Wonderful Girls, Magical Creatures and their beautiful, rounded corners. [1] Just not because of that.

Saturday, December 12, 2020

Berlin's Studio Avalon Is Closing Down

No More Happy Surrender In Berlin's Paradisal Underworld Realm

Herrin Mercedes [L] and Lady Marlon [R] (image: Avalon website)

After reading about it, Dutch banged his head against the table for a long time. Amsterdam to Berlin is only 650km (400 miles) by car or about six hours' drive. One day, or so I told myself. Too late. At the end of October the famous Berlin dungeon closed down for good. The Avalon website reads: 

"suddenly you realize it's time to start something new and to let go of what was." [1]

Wednesday, December 02, 2020

China's Uighur Minority Locked Up In Concentration Camps

Identity is not about what meets the eye

If you don't look like us or act like us, you can never be like us. Just in case you didn't get why I don't like the current OWK's management. More on that later.

(Image: The New York Times)

Missed my deadline. Blame Covid -19. Running late for this year's post on International Day for the Abolation of Slavery - Modern Day Slavery for short. That was on December 02. Yes, my blogging calendar is full, but don't worry, I'll never miss this one entry. It's the single, most important day for all that have crossed over to the Dark Side. BDSM, femdom, it's up to us to accept or renounce. We're free to say yes or no. And no, our preferences are not generally accepted, but in the greater scheme of things, who dares complaining?

From The Archives

  • I'm Feeling Knotty Doctor Who? Me? Yes I love bondage, so what? Ikki No Ko…
  • Kinky Lego: Fifty Shades Of BricksAs a child, I played with Lego. These days I spend a lot of time on silly stuff, but these folks redefine the meaning…
  •  Upside Down House For Sale About that 11th item to always tell your real estate agent about  Remember Stranger Things? Clearly the…