Saturday, May 11, 2019

Juicy Kink - As in Creative

In 2016, The New York Times wrote a beautiful profile about Mollena Williams-Haas and Friedrich Haas, a kinky couple open about their preferences.

Unknowingly the main image is non-conventional, at least according to the BDSM police.
(image: The New York Times)

All kinky, part of the time - and nobody will ever find out. Wouldn't it be great to live my life, kinky and all, out in the open? Bad idea for most of us. Too many lives have been destroyed once the "respectable ones" found out so I keep my mouth shut.

Left-leaning and liberal, or perhaps circulation numbers, is the reason the New York Times features stories at regular intervals about BDSM. One of my all-time favourites is the article about a female submissive and her male dom falling in love. And no, it's not because I'm a sucker for love. 

From The Archives

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