Thursday, June 16, 2016

Nzinga Mbandi - 17th Century Angolan Warrior Queen Who Forced the Portuguese to Their Knees

One of many impressive people that history has ignored - but not Marquis de Sade - is Angolan queen Nzinga Mbandi: ruthless, cruel and with more than a hint of femdom.

Seventeenth century image of queen Nzinga Mbandi negotiating with the Portugese governor, sitting on a servant.

There is a long list of women I want to write about. The bucket list includes several kick-ass women, such as female Japanese ninja Mochizuki Chiyome and Qiu Jin - "Woman Knight of Mirror Lake" a Chinese revolutionary during the last years of the Qing dynasty. Then there is the story of “Bandit Queen” Phoolan Devi, who became a modern day Indian Robin Hood.

They’ll have to wait a little longer. Today I read a story about Nzinga Mbandi, a 16th century Angolan warrior queen who held of the Portugese invaders for several decades. Nzinga Mbandi was not only a brilliant military strategist, but her life story has a strong femdom overtone. These are just some of the reasons I couldn’t resist letting her jump the queue.

Monday, June 13, 2016

Love is Insanely Superior
Serve With All Of Your Heart

Why is a lover so much more careful in choosing his words than a slave? Is it because love is a heavier - and happier - burden than servitude?

So many ways when it comes to being mistress and slave.
Only one when it is about love.

A while ago I found this clipping about a woman who explains her deceased husband never bought her roses. He showed his love with a clean wind shield when it was snowing. She only later realized they were her roses.

I am a staunch believer in love over lust. There is one test nobody ever hopes to take. What if one day mistress falls ill? Perhaps she has some kind of brain seizure from which she miraculously recovers, being herself except for one tiny little thing: she lost all appetite for kink. Would you stay, or would you move on after enough time has passed? My guess: most people will move on in the end. By itself nothing wrong with that. As we live our lives, we change and grow as human beings. Only the truly blessed grow in the same direction.[I]  But what if her love for you is unchanged - based on something much more profoundly than a mutual fix - and yours is not?

Sunday, June 12, 2016

Invasion of the Body Snatchers
Why Some Toys Are Better Than Others

Embrace your inner gearhead. Toys such as gags and plugs can greatly enhance that overwhelming feeling of loss of control on a much deeper level.

Beautiful, isn't it?

Part of why I’m interested in bondage is that it requires me to surrender unconditionally, deeply and completely – for real. Writing how I enjoy giving up control was perhaps a bit overzealous. Yet it is part of me, not that I always appreciate it. Bondage means accepting someone else is in charge. If you change your mind: too bad. Some crave giving up control. For me it is hard. Once the storm inside my mind slows down - mainly because I have to adjust to the new reality - I cave in. After that I find myself in a different place. Weird but somehow OK. Balanced but not necessarily pleasant, still it is somewhere I have to go every once in a while. Together when I’m lucky. The sensations range from zen-like calm like to complete sensory overload. Fun, happiness, peace of mind and acceptance are just four words that come to mind. Never all of them at the same time of course.

Friday, June 10, 2016

The 1913 Sex Slave in the Attic

If you are into kink, by now you know that reality is stranger than fiction. Remember last summer when an escaped murderer hid in a dungeon. This one is even better and happened almost a hundred years before. A woman hides her lover in the attic for decades, even when the need for that has long gone.

Dolly Oesterreich at the time of her arrest (Source: Murderpedia)

The story starts out simple enough, sexually unsatisfied wife takes lover, because the husband prefers the bottle. One day a young repairman comes knocking and instead of fixing her sowingmachine, Dolly and Sanhuber begin an affair that spans more than one decade. When the neighbours grow suspicious of the frequent visits of the repairguy - it is America 1913 - Dolly suggests her lover quits his job and moves into the attic.

Thursday, June 09, 2016

Confessions of a Mask - Yukio Mishima

A few days ago I read Yukio Mishima's 'Confessions of a Mask'. The story is about a young male who grows up in Japan on the eve of the second worldwar. It is beautifully written, but definitely not for me and not because it is very strange.

 Confessions of a Mask, Yukio Mishima, sonoko, kochan, Kamen no Kokuhaku (假面の告白?), book cover
First edition (Japanese) (Source: Wikipedia)

For some reason it ended up on my femdom reading list. I'm not exactly sure why. Most likely it was this interview with Miss Chloé Savage.

Kochan, the main character, struggles with fantasies of men, beauty and violence. Women are of no interest to him, the closest he comes is platonic love - of sorts. It all is highly puzzling to him. Still it awakens some form of submission in him:

"The trousers of my uniform trembled at the honor of serving as her pillow."
"not a sexual feeling, but somehow simply an extremely luxurious pleasure"

Tuesday, June 07, 2016

Highly Tributed Lifestyle Domme Part IV  
What Was My Personal Legend Again?

Part four of my series on the "highly tributed lifestyle domme." Getting medieval on your ass is not my thing, I'll leave that to others. Thinking is much harder and more painful for some. Despite that it doesn't leave a lasting impression. No, still not a sadist, just not a nice guy when I don't feel like it. A self-inflicted luxury, I agree. Even the worst slave in the world deserves to treat himself once in a while.

Guess who has been a naughty boy?

Personal Legend
Being the world's crappiest slave doesn't make me inefficient. That’s why, after cleaning all the dungeons in the world with nothing but eleven strands of hair, I often find myself having some free time on my hands. One time I stumbled upon the website of Miss Martine Phoenix, a New York based pro-domme who wonders why people always ask what she is going to be when she grows up. She does what she loves, past present and future and would make the same choice all over again.

In "The Alchemist" author Paulo Coelho explains we all have a Personal Legend.

"Your Personal Legend is what you have always wanted to accomplish. Everyone, when they are young, knows what their Personal Legend is."

Pretty cool, don't you agree? No wonder the Alchemist is one of the best-selling books of all time. Of course being the complicated guy I am, I have eleven Personal Legends. But what happens if you cannot remember what your Personal Legend is all about?

Saturday, June 04, 2016

Muhammad Ali: “There are more pleasant things to do than beat up people”

Last month Prince and now Muhammed Ali. 'The Greatest', dies aged 74. Not exactly femdom but he is so much more than just a boxing legend, an icon. He's just awesome. Here are eleven of his quotes:

Muhammad Ali standing over Sonny Liston in 1965. (Source The New York Times)

“The Service you do for others is the rent you pay for your room here on Earth.”
― Muhammad Ali

“I'm a fighter. I believe in the eye-for-an-eye business. I'm no cheek turner. I got no respect for a man who won't hit back. You kill my dog, you better hide your cat.”
― Muhammad Ali

Thursday, June 02, 2016

Modern Day Slaves in the Netherlands

Yesterday I read an article from (never mind their English) on the shockingly large number of modern day slaves in the Netherlands.

The outlook is bleak (Image: 2016 Global Slavery Index)


Slavery has a long tradition in the low countries, but always out of sight. The worlds first multinational was the VOC, the Dutch East India company. Two main sources of income were the colonies and the slave trade, intricably linked. A few years ago a former prime minister boasted of the proud tradition of the Verenigde Oostindische Compagnie and conveniently forgot all the human suffering that helped pay for it.

From The Archives

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  • One Woman Standing Up Against InjusticeAnother shooting, another protest. Who keeps track? The truth is no longer relevant. In recent events, one woman stood…
  • All Hail Spring Tomorrow. Only one more night. Don't get excited yet. April 2020 starts when you wake up. Cherry trees in full…