Monday, September 15, 2014

Female Vikings: The Amazons Have Competition

A recent archaeological discovery learns that half of Viking warriors were female. Perhaps inequality is a more novel invention.

Scandinavian Warrior Goddess.
A time before the yellow and blue flatpack was the best the Nordic countries offered us.

Sunday, September 14, 2014

Abuse and Exploitation: Fetish Video Producer Convicted

Money makes the world go round and that is not always a good thing. In April 2014 the producer of the Shefights website has been jailed along with a female kickboxer for beating up a mentally disabled men in a boxing ring in 2011.

From The Archives

  • The Sadness of Femdom Femdom is all about femmes and boys. That's just the way it is. Not that I would want it any other way,…
  • Kinky Lego: Fifty Shades Of BricksAs a child, I played with Lego. These days I spend a lot of time on silly stuff, but these folks redefine the meaning…
  • Trigger Warning Today's episode of powerful images comes extra strength A single, grainy image proves the hypnotic beauty…